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Aircraft maint issues

To me something dose not add up with what the association is saying. They say there will be job losses after the contract but AA is hiring off the street for the first time in ages. Plus transfers galore. So either the ass is lying. Are they will sign with a early out . And AA will take advantage with 8 year progression with new mechanics
There has been a lot of things that just don't add up. I'm afraid there will more that come to light once the agreement comes out with all the info and then the membership will see what was left out their updates on purpose, T/A day will be interesting to say the least.

Be clear about it, the alleged elimination of jobs would be through attrition. The ASSociation makes it sound like thousands of layoff notices will be handed out upon date of signing.
If the asso. wanted it to be clear about it, it would be clear. Simple as that. They still are leaving the membership in the dark until T/A day. Why they are doing this will not be known until we all get the final info. in writing of all the changes. Just don't have any clue why ANY union would run nego's and the updates as this asso has. It's completely the wrong way in my opinion. But you guys are stuck with what you got...
Be clear about it, the alleged elimination of jobs would be through attrition. The ASSociation makes it sound like thousands of layoff notices will be handed out upon date of signing.
This is the same fear mongering that we get with every negotiation. It's the way the union reps protect themselves from anyone who doesn't like the contract after it's implemented. The old "it wasn't me" or " I told you so" answer.
Ask the former US ramp in a BUF, ROC and other stations that were protected and the company closed them to fleet and outsourced the work to a vendor.

You can trust them, I don’t. Same for GSE only stations at LUS, they were protected and the company closed it and outsourced the work.
So what you have said the IAM contract language is worthless, company does what they want, or the union allows them to. So you might as well have attrition language and get paid more. Instead of paid less for fake job protections. What a winner! 🙂
What’s with you WN guys?

Posting about crap you don’t know.

First of all the IAM didn’t allow it, the company did it and the IAM Grieved it and got those guys paid.

Instead of going off half-cocked and attacking and posting misinformation why don’t you ask what happened?

Gee did you all stop WN flying to Hawaii? Where’s the lawsuit AMFA threatened? Oh they didn’t file it, more empty threats and there are NO AMFA WN mechanics in Hawaii performing the ETOPS checks. You most certainly live in a glass house.


Southwest Mechanics Threaten To Throw Legal Wrench in Airline’s Proposed Hawaiian Operations
So they got the guys paid and still lost the jobs to contractors. When Hawaii is lucrative enough we will put maintenance in there, just liked we did Denver, in the process of building new Hangars in Denver, Houston, Phoenix, and Baltimore. So tell me I think the latest hangar American is building is Brazil, so will those mechanics be Association members?. We had better overtime rules when we were Teamsters, then AMFA kept it. You are the ones keeping your membership in the dark. You are the ones shitting on the TWU membership.
Seems like a nerve. You can’t defend AMFA’s inability so you lash out and attack.

One the IAM nor the Association is crapping on anyone. It’s not the IAM’s fault AA was the last to Bankruptcy. The US guys took three rounds of concessions in two different bankruptcies in less than two years. But you obviously don’t let reality stand in the way of your meaningless attacks. I’ve been reading your older posts. Gee you hate AMFA, love Amfa, hate AMFA, love Amfa. Can’t make up your mind? Will your raise in dues go fund Seeham’s Personal Caribbean mansion?

AA is allowed to outsource x amount of maintenance which is the lowest of all major airlines. RLA only covers US based employees. The Brazil hangar is a line hangar which is staffed by AA employees, not a vendor. AA also has unionized mechanics in various European airports doing ETOPS and line work.

Can you answer what’s asked of you, or since you can’t you lash out. Where is the Hawaii lawsuit? Where are the AMFA mechanics in Hawaii? Your union is full of hot air and did nothing, your union probably assisted and trained those Aloha mechanics, what AMFA mechanics flew on the proving runs? You live in a glass house.
I go with whatever lawyer or Union will get the job done. There is no glass house, believe me SWA paid more than they wanted to for Aloha ETOPS flights. It was a grey area in our language. The guy that didn't deliver the goods L.N. ex Northwest management will soon be going out the door. You are the one that has to live under a contract of broken promises. If your membership turns on you, they will eventually get one union, regardless who it is.
I’ve read your contract, its not gray, black and white, they have the right to outsource work not normally done in-house and can outsource work where you aren’t staffed. So does the ETOPS outsourcing bring that 80% up? My CBA is just fine we outsource 35% or so percent of work. 9,700 mechanics for 962 planes at the new AA, heavy maintenance bases in CLT, DFW, PIT, PHX and TUL and numerous line hangars at hubs and focus cities. You have 2,300 mechanics for 754 planes, once again those glass walls in your own house are shattering. And once again, where is the lawsuit? You keep throwing every other issue out, and never address what’s asked of you. Must be the AMFA WN culture not to answer when it portrays AMFA in a bad light.
The lawsuit was a tattic to get the company to move nothing more. I will enjoy my I won the lottery job. Nothing last forever, hopefully I will have 41 years when I leave, I have 25 now. Basically American Airlines saved your job, and your precious IAM contract. Hopefully Parker doesn't bankrupt it, probably not. But he will only pay so much, so how long will you go, the industry average is a little over 5 years.
I’m tellin ya all. The Boy flip flops like Pancakes at a Cub Scout Jamboree.

I didn't vote to dump the Teamsters, I was a Steward, and took **** for it, so who is laughing now. Rumor has the guys in Phoenix want to bring the Teamsters back, I would gladly sign a card to dump AMFA.

I would perfer an in house union, I don't know anything about AMP, I want nothing to do with the Seham law firm, I personally feel we have been lied to from this whole process. We have some die hards would have no problem going 8 years, without a contract , or a say to vote on one. I could see if you were looking at a bankruptcy contract. I think AMFA can be saved at SWA if we can **** can the negotiating committee, and the ALRs, if not then I would take our in house, or Teamsters, if things do not change. We will never get back 6 years of lost investments and lost profit sharing compounded earnings, never!-Buck I really hope you guys can pull this off, I do.

I was a wonderful idea, but ours has become some twilight zone saga, and needs major changes to fix control of a minority 10% group, that drags stuff out forever.
I’m tellin ya all. The Boy flip flops like Pancakes at a Cub Scout Jamboree.
Yeah and I was man enough to admit I was wrong, are you? Whatever you guys end up with, you have to live with it, I don't. Will you turn it down if it is crap, or vote it in, and say how great it is?
Yeah and I was man enough to admit I was wrong, are you? Whatever you guys end up with, you have to live with it, I don't. Will you turn it down if it is crap, or vote it in, and say how great it is?

You weren’t wrong. At the time you had your opinions and that’s all that they were. But now that it looks like the Company is giving you a boatload of “Money” you’re claiming your Union is Christ reborn. Rather funny to watch frankly. I kinda always suspected you’d flip flop like a whore at a brothel who just got paid the right price to screw the ugly John.

You were like the fat chick who hangs around the Bar till 4 in the morning every weekend hoping some sloshed out hammered guy will pick you up and get you moist. And finally you got picked up even though your breath smells like an ashtray.

Anyway as for me I’m just letting the process (our process BTW) play out over here. Inevitably, eventually we will have somethings to vote on and I’ll make my decision what I think about it when it’s ripe and ready.

BTW now that you’re a happy and content little Tramp with ya money maybe a come in, are ya finally gonna put that AMFA Bumper sticker on the fender of your car?
driver got “BIG MONEY” coming in and driver is Super Duper Duper HAPPY..... 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Ask the former US ramp in a BUF, ROC and other stations that were protected and the company closed them to fleet and outsourced the work to a vendor.

You can trust them, I don’t. Same for GSE only stations at LUS, they were protected and the company closed it and outsourced the work.
Unless the ASSociation has the fine print about headcount reductions, I can very well take the company's word that any reduction will be done by attrition.
Since the company has not shown us a proposal, guess what? NEITHER HAS THE UNION.
This is why we ALL NEED to see a proposal. I am getting sick & f@*^ING tired of he said she said.
Unless the ASSociation has the fine print about headcount reductions, I can very well take the company's word that any reduction will be done by attrition.
Since the company has not shown us a proposal, guess what? NEITHER HAS THE UNION.
This is why we ALL NEED to see a proposal. I am getting sick & f@*^ING tired of he said she said.

I don’t personally recall any update or Negotiator saying layoffs when it comes to what the Company has stated they want?

Everyone knows the Company “plans” for drawing down their numbers through attrition.

Of course the Company still could get rid of unwanted individuals using “Force Majeur” language but they also have to have a good reason to pull that trigger.

One thing that is for sure if the Company carries overages in any areas you can pretty much kiss Overtime goodbye until that number has shrunk.