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Aircraft maint issues

Driver, you weren’t honest, your own language shows the Three lines DONT come in-house on the sunset dates View attachment 14260
5 do not , 3 are subject to negotiate to come back. I was honest when I went to my local 4 meeting. It was explained 5 do not reset, and the other 3 are subject to negotiations if they continue or come back. Sorry if you didn't think I was honest.
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Never say never. And fleet does not have OH to worry about.

Excuse me Metal but we do also have work to worry about if you care at all to read what the Company says they want from us.

And in this atmosphere of yearly record profits I’ll stick with my comment because those Negotiators know if they rolled something like that out to us (Both Groups) it would not pass.

What? No bulletin boards? Vote NO!

I’m wondering if any American Airlines Professionally Educated Aircraft Maintenance Technicians here will go through that TA and break it down?

Or will they all run to the money pages?
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5 do not , 3 are subject to negotiate to come back. I was honest when I went to my local 4 meeting. It was explained 5 do not reset, and the other 3 are subject to negotiations if they continue or come back. Sorry if you didn't think I was honest.

driver you have used the term “sunset” when describing the 3 lines. Sunset means it ends. Those 3 lines do not Sunset and the writing that you “CAN” Negotiate to bring them back in is ridiculous.

Are you telling me that if they didn’t put that they could negotiate to try to gain them back in the future your group would just have to keep your mouths shut? You aren’t restricted to try and Negotiate anything you want when you sit at the table. So the language is nothing but blowing smoke up your ass.

You have ZERO language that guarantees any of that work will ever come back in house to YOUR group.


Edit: BTW that last line means that you have to “ratify” a new agreement for any changes to those 3 lines sent overseas to take place.

Well you also have to ratify a new contract for any new agreements to take place overall as well right?
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What? No bulletin boards? Vote NO!

Quality> Quantity.

^Like this^
As you all can see, AMFA did in fact nego for 5 groups, not just the mechanics like weez said so. Mechanics, MC, FM, Tech Support, and Instructors. And as a matter of fact, I believe that we are in fact more groups than the asso. is nego for at AA now with our newly added 4 groups becoming AMFA unionized and this is their very first contract.
Driver, you weren’t honest, your own language shows the Three lines DONT come in-house on the sunset dates View attachment 14260
3 lines do sunset, and will have to be renegotiated to continue them at an IO. 5 do not sunset and will continue.
I don't think driver was trying to mislead you at all. He meant they have to be renegotiated in order to continue using the IO for the 3 lines that sunset. He did not mean that they were coming back to in house maint. (if that is how I read your post to claim).

BTW: I forgot to provide the new T/A last night, so here it is right off the unions site.
I really hope our agreements helps you AA guys out in any way shape or form to a quicker contract too. I do know the agreements that came before us helped us out greatly from Delta first to UPS last and now us can be used for you all to compare as well as AA can as they stated they would, remember???

Joint Memo: Tentative Agreement Finalized
April 2, 2019 -- Following our announcement that we reached an Agreement in Principle on March 16, our Teams have been working to finalize the contractual language into an official Tentative Agreement (TA). We are happy to report that work is complete, and the TA is ready for your review.

Download: 20190402_Joint_Memo_re_TA_Finalized.pdf
Read More
5 do not , 3 are subject to negotiate to come back. I was honest when I went to my local 4 meeting. It was explained 5 do not reset, and the other 3 are subject to negotiations if they continue or come back. Sorry if you didn't think I was honest.
You weren't dishonest. It may have been the words you chose, but most of us knew what you meant as did most of the mechanics here. The two trying to bust your chops are just looking for any little iota to try and trash AMFA for to try and make them look bad.
They are so butt hurt that AMFA produced after they have been heckling them for years to do a sec 6. They get it done for 5 groups and they bich and moan about how long it took, and now they will pick it to death to try and make AMFA look bad.
It's killing them to watch AMFA save scope 2, bring back LOA's 1&2, more work, added International Downlines, saved C-checks, HGR Ron work, line work added maint to out over nighters and therefore will lead to added headcount for our overnight maint crews. Maintained the exact same % of outsourcing. All this including full retro plus some, a huge increase in snap up to make us "whole" at 4-1-19, gaining the wage increases each and every year of the agreement up to the amendable date (remember, last offer was skipping two years) plus increases in other areas economically bringing us to a gain of almost 40% overall. I know for a fact the teamsters were saying to other groups that we would NEVER get anything above 30% total in gains. Sorry to disappoint the teamsters but AMFA has breached that bar and hit between 38%-40% total compensation. Not to bad for keeping scope as is. But these two will never admit that now will they. LOL.
Base Rates of Pay per Hour for Employees

Effective Date
Lead Inspectors
Inspectors, Lead Mechanics, Technical Support Mechanics and Technical Instructors


1st 6 months
2nd 6 months


2nd year
3rd year
4th year


5th year



SWA new contract rates minus 2.50 per license. Come on Association!!!
Excuse me Metal but we do also have work to worry about if you care at all to read what the Company says they want from us.

And in this atmosphere of yearly record profits I’ll stick with my comment because those Negotiators know if they rolled something like that out to us (Both Groups) it would not pass.

I’m wondering if any American Airlines Professionally Educated Aircraft Maintenance Technicians here will go through that TA and break it down?

Or will they all run to the money pages?

Fleet never had the problem of being outvoted by a single large voting block where their issues trumped the line’s issues. So even though fleet has issues of jobs lost, at least you never had to fight each other as a work group.
As far as your snide comment regarding mechanics, we look at the whole package even though your group is overpaid considering the value of your job. (sorry if this remark is uncalled for, but you like to insult mechanics at every turn)
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Base Rates of Pay per Hour for Employees

Effective Date
Lead Inspectors
Inspectors, Lead Mechanics, Technical Support Mechanics and Technical Instructors


1st 6 months
2nd 6 months


2nd year
3rd year
4th year


5th year



SWA new contract rates minus 2.50 per license. Come on Association!!!

There we go. First guy. Straight on to the $$MONEY$$ Page.

Won’t even read one single drop of any of the language.
Fleet bever had the problem of being outvoted by a single large voting block w

We had plenty of Hub President’s vote to close all those small cities.

Good and bad reasons I guess seeing the “Roll Call” vote thrown in the trash heap of History with the Association.
We had plenty of Hub President’s vote to close all those small cities.

Good and bad reasons I guess seeing the “Roll Call” vote thrown in the trash heap of History with the Association.
i edited the post you quoted because of fat fingers. go back and reread.
We had plenty of Hub President’s vote to close all those small cities.

Good and bad reasons I guess seeing the “Roll Call” vote thrown in the trash heap of History with the Association.
still not the same has pitting OH vs LINE
You weren't dishonest. It may have been the words you chose, but most of us knew what you meant as did most of the mechanics here. The two trying to bust your chops are just looking for any little iota to try and trash AMFA for to try and make them look bad.
They are so butt hurt that AMFA produced after they have been heckling them for years to do a sec 6. They get it done for 5 groups and they bich and moan about how long it took, and now they will pick it to death to try and make AMFA look bad.
It's killing them to watch AMFA save scope 2, bring back LOA's 1&2, more work, added International Downlines, saved C-checks, HGR Ron work, line work added maint to out over nighters and therefore will lead to added headcount for our overnight maint crews. Maintained the exact same % of outsourcing. All this including full retro plus some, a huge increase in snap up to make us "whole" at 4-1-19, gaining the wage increases each and every year of the agreement up to the amendable date (remember, last offer was skipping two years) plus increases in other areas economically bringing us to a gain of almost 40% overall. I know for a fact the teamsters were saying to other groups that we would NEVER get anything above 30% total in gains. Sorry to disappoint the teamsters but AMFA has breached that bar and hit between 38%-40% total compensation. Not to bad for keeping scope as is. But these two will never admit that now will they. LOL.
The reason they allowed 3 to sunset, is so that Dan explained to me, we have some bargaining power once we ratify, come next contract, because we weren't going to give the company carde Blanche on international outsourcing, without restrictions. That's why we kicked the Teamsters out, but I was butt hurt on that for a long time.

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