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Aircraft maint issues

Look, most of us work to make money, the more the better. Although I prefer as much maintenance as possible done by AA AMTs; at this point, the consensus is we will not accept less pay and benefits because of these inflated headcount numbers for M&R. It's like we are in this permanent guilt trip of accepting less because we do more inhouse maintenance. The negotiators know this, they have gone to the well every time - trouble is, the well is dry - we still haven't recovered from the last two trips.

The TWU is in business for themselves, that is to preserve headcount. This is killing the membership now to the tune of $30k per year. The TWU is attempting to sell this new strategy for preserving future headcount by using this new concern for members to get better shifts and days off sooner. The TWU BS creativity mode went into high gear for that one.

It’s like the libtards from OH expect us all to take less AGAIN so we can do all OH. Well AA isn’t a social welfare company and either am I. Sounds harsh but remember this, Tulsa can take a 40% pay cut and still have better standard of living then all of us at the line stations. Even DFW area is getting expensive. Do they say we will take less to save OH? No they say if you don’t like it move to Tulsa.

At what point does the association accept a pay raise?

When someone applies at an airline do they look at what shift they can get or how much they get paid?
Get ready for the TWU to lower the ask in terms of pay and benefits in order to preserve headcount.
History will repeat itself once again

Not going to happen because they know they would get a no vote in both Fleet and Maintenance.
It’s like the libtards from OH expect us all to take less AGAIN so we can do all OH. Well AA isn’t a social welfare company and either am I. Sounds harsh but remember this, Tulsa can take a 40% pay cut and still have better standard of living then all of us at the line stations. Even DFW area is getting expensive. Do they say we will take less to save OH? No they say if you don’t like it move to Tulsa.

At what point does the association accept a pay raise?

When someone applies at an airline do they look at what shift they can get or how much they get paid?
The pay, and how much they can stuff into a 401k plan. Well we have an Official T/A probably be voting by the middle of April. No road shows.
I personally could care less what fleet, GSE and stores people get. Neither of these three work groups have very little responsibility on the safety and well fair of our passengers. Why don’t they all just find another union and stop riding on the mechanics backs. If they want the same things as the techs then go to school and get their license. This is why the techs will never get a good deal!!!!
I personally could care less what fleet, GSE and stores people get. Neither of these three work groups have very little responsibility on the safety and well fair of our passengers. Why don’t they all just find another union and stop riding on the mechanics backs. If they want the same things as the techs then go to school and get their license. This is why the techs will never get a good deal!!!!

Are you planning on attending a State Fair sometime?

And I don’t recall anyone in Fleet saying that they were expecting to be paid $50 per hour plus.

BTW stop riding our coattails man. Why don’t you go find another Union already will ya.
Our negotiations with the company began in December 2015.
Thanks for that confirmation hog. So I was right about my guess of 3 1/2 years into it. And I still feel you guys are at the exact same spot we were at, at the 4 yr mark. If I am correct in my guesses, I see another 2-3 years for you all to get a new contract. I hope not hog, but if AA keeps playing the very same play book, then I feel it will go that long. Sorry, but just saying. Good luck brother, hope you all prevail in a new ILC.

That would be great but its not going to happen. We have gone from DAL+7% to DAL +3% now its "in line with". They love to artificially inflate our AMT to aircraft ratio to justify lower pay. I`m not sure why the company referenced SWA in their last Jetnet communication. Probably to highlight the outsourcing %. Certainly not to compare compensation. I figure we will be put on ice for the summer with negotiations resuming in the fall. Which of course ensures the IAM of at least one more year of cheap medical. The only losers in all of this are the LAA represented folks. It is my sincere hope after a jcba is eventually obtained, we turn our efforts to dissolving this absolute disaster of a representation fiasco. One union, one voice is the only way forward.
I would agree. But ridding of this fiasco of an abortion, called an asso. is going to be extremely hard at this point, that is why they invented this asso. so it would be so much harder to get rid of them. Good luck in doing so, and I would support 100% anything you guys need in getting rid of them
Is it gonna pass?
Rogallo, it looks like at this point it will pass. Yes they are asking for 8 lines IO, but, these are in fact lines of maint. SWA lost on a recent bid for a provider at an FBO. 8 total, but 3 will sunset at end of contract, so left with 5. That's one more than the last agreement of 4 lines at Aeroman. All future IO will have to be renegotiated along with headcount ratio % and limits. So not as bad as we were thinking.
Still reading thru all the language, so will update on further info as we get it.
If it does pass I can only hope it helps you guys get your deal, good luck...

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