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Aircraft maint issues

You do realize that with the massive increase in size there was also a massive increase in revenue generation.

This wouldn’t be old LUS and it’s revenue trying to pick up the tab for all the added employees.
Again, no argument there. Corporate greed is the reason.
Point taken. However there is nothing elitist in taking pride in our profession. As a certificated airman I have worked hard, sacrificed and spent considerable money to earn my place in the AMT profession.Time in the USMC,full time school and work only to be interrupted by war. Stuck in a aircraft cleaner classification. Then finally an AMT slot. Ive paid my dues and then some. I was glad to do it. What does it take to secure that FSC position? I`m not hating or degrading, just pointing out one does not just walk in off the street to AMT. The constant attacks and badgering of the my group makes it harder and harder for me to stay reasonable. Why the FSC group has such an interest in our group I will never understand. Heck, barring a change in representation I would be good with totally separate contracts. Meaning our AMT group having a completely different amendable date. Pie in the sky, it will never happen. I`ve got 10-12 years to go.
Hog, you know I have always been an avid supporter for you guys to go with a class and craft union for just the mechanics. If you guys are not able to do that at least, at the very least try to get the separation from the others. get on your own contracts it was the best thing we ever did at SWA was getting the other groups out of our contract. At minimum separate yourselves.
One thing the association needs to realize, that unless both IAM and TWU are under one and the same contracts which includes ONE medical, they will be outvoted handily. None of this crap LUS keeps theirs and we keep ours. Ain't gonna fly.

Not only that, but who thinks the other unions won’t say, hey we want that insurance too. We have the most divided union, the pilots have the strongest. Pilots have the insurance the company is offering.
The Company puts that out to divide us and you’re naive enough to fall for it?

BUT I think it was the FA’s who were given cash for one Group to make up for the other Group having another few years of cheaper Medical to ease them into the higher cost?
I thought you don’t work for AA? It’s not the company dividing us, I see LUS every day and they are honest when they say we want to keep insurance and our union pension, and are in no hurry to get a new contract.

The FAs were given 9% for 401k for a number of years. That has now expired, they are now getting 5% match company is offering us 9.5% match contribution.
I guess you’re not picking it up, the pilots and FAs paid half as much for health insurance prior to bankruptcy, after bankruptcy we ALL went to current insurance.

So say if the association is successful in getting ALL association members the LUS insurance. You don’t think every employee union will be expecting that insurance? I’m willing to bet that AA thinks they will and won’t pay that much for insurance for ALL employees, so it is relevant you just don’t want believe it.

Are you that LAX mech who during a townhall with Isom stood up with your piece of paper with your numbers and explained to the President of the airline how his financials worked and he can afford to pay for every employees healthcare.
You sound like the type of guy that bought himself a BMW on 9/12/01, not thinking about the future. You might not be the type of guy who should give financial advice.
Whoa Boy, "strength in numbers". That one belongs on the wall with "pull together win together", "shared sacrifice", "they can do that" and "we will get them next time". Thx for the laugh Weez! I needed that.
One union one voice!!!!!
I thought you don’t work for AA? It’s not the company dividing us, I see LUS every day and they are honest when they say we want to keep insurance and our union pension, and are in no hurry to get a new contract.

I’ve worked for AA for coming up on 24 years under my Union Negotiated contracts.

Individuals may not be in a hurry and that’s their prerogative. If I did the math and was going to make out worse on an offer from the Company why would I be in any hurry to accept that either?

The FAs were given 9% for 401k for a number of years. That has now expired, they are now getting 5% match company is offering us 9.5% match contribution.

FA’s are not getting a 5% Match. They are getting a 3% Contribution and a 2.5% Match if they put in 5.5%. Just like we are currently as well (TWU)

The Company has offered us a 5% Contribution and another 4% Match if we put in a full 9% of our Gross pay.

That’s becoming pretty much the new Industry standard.
You are 100% correct. Complaining is much easier than actually taking action. People are lazy.
Say to a mech from Texas, stay home with your family this weekend, you will hear a lot of excuses of why he needs OT, but here’s the best one that union guys use, Ill take their money.
I guess you’re not picking it up, the pilots and FAs paid half as much for health insurance prior to bankruptcy, after bankruptcy we ALL went to current insurance.

Incorrect again. We all were paying 18% of what AA claimed was there projected costs Monthly. And we also were only supposed to be responsible for 5% of whatever the cost rise was to AA on a Yearly basis.

In the Bankruptcy we went from 18% to 21% over the space of 3 years.
I guess you’re not picking it up, the pilots and FAs paid half as much for health insurance prior to bankruptcy, after bankruptcy we ALL went to current insurance.

So say if the association is successful in getting ALL association members the LUS insurance. You don’t think every employee union will be expecting that insurance? I’m willing to bet that AA thinks they will and won’t pay that much for insurance for ALL employees, so it is relevant you just don’t want believe it.


And “The Association2013” has supposedly helped negotiate contracts before. If anyone got it, I thought for sure it’d be him!
You know it really wouldn’t be as hard as you think if everyone just stood up and did what they have to do.

You have to admit hog that it’s way easier for people to complain then for people to stand up and actually do something.

I’ve completely lost my tolerance level for habitual complainers now at my age.

Old saying goes “If you want something done right just do it yourself”
That is pretty rich coming from someone who dominates the MECHANICS forum while doling out criticism.
If they have their own then why in the hell are they saying one group is being held up by another group? Answer that geniess. It's just another stall tactic, by the asso., that's why.
All at the same time, how in the hell do you figure scope, and a pay scale for all those groups. With both language from the IAM and the TWU. No wonder you guys have hit a wall. It's a perfect situation for the unions, and the company. They can constantly blame each other. American saves money, and the unions collecting the dues. I know now why it is such as mess. And I thought our situation was tough.

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