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Aircraft maint issues

Which already paid for itself with cross utilization and longer top of scale progression.

I don’t know about Maintenance but I’d be surprised not to see the new 12 year Scale survive over in Fleet and once they offer the buyouts and those people are gone the Company’s costs will dramatically decrease in both wages and Medical claims.
I would also have to think that particularly Pilots may not consider fighting for a lower overall Medical cost to be their main focus?

They probably focus more on Wages and Retirement contributions and that way they have more of an al a carte approach towards their benefits.
I was rereading the threads and missed this one. You see hog again this is why you guys get hit with that elitist tag.

One day? Seriously.

A Flight comes in and I have to watch Swissport pick up the Mail and Fuel the Plane, Eileen come and inspect the bellies and clean the Plane, Envoy come and pick up Commuter passengers Bags and Skychefs come and Cater the Plane.

I took concessions in 2003 just like you guys. And we all lost our Pensions and Retiree Medical in the Bankruptcy.

And the Company is STILL wanting more from us.

One day? You see just by your comment alone tells me how blind you guys are to any other Group besides yours.

Point taken. However there is nothing elitist in taking pride in our profession. As a certificated airman I have worked hard, sacrificed and spent considerable money to earn my place in the AMT profession.Time in the USMC,full time school and work only to be interrupted by war. Stuck in a aircraft cleaner classification. Then finally an AMT slot. Ive paid my dues and then some. I was glad to do it. What does it take to secure that FSC position? I`m not hating or degrading, just pointing out one does not just walk in off the street to AMT. The constant attacks and badgering of the my group makes it harder and harder for me to stay reasonable. Why the FSC group has such an interest in our group I will never understand. Heck, barring a change in representation I would be good with totally separate contracts. Meaning our AMT group having a completely different amendable date. Pie in the sky, it will never happen. I`ve got 10-12 years to go.
Just ‘cause they haven’t doesn’t mean they won’t.

And again; if the IAM can hold the line on its medical, it will be a victory for the entire industry.
Point taken. However there is nothing elitist in taking pride in our profession. As a certificated airman I have worked hard, sacrificed and spent considerable money to earn my place in the AMT profession.Time in the USMC,full time school and work only to be interrupted by war. Stuck in a aircraft cleaner classification. Then finally an AMT slot. Ive paid my dues and then some. I was glad to do it. What does it take to secure that FSC position? I`m not hating or degrading, just pointing out one does not just walk in off the street to AMT. The constant attacks and badgering of the my group makes it harder and harder for me to stay reasonable. Why the FSC group has such an interest in our group I will never understand. Heck, barring a change in representation I would be good with totally separate contracts. Meaning our AMT group having a completely different amendable date. Pie in the sky, it will never happen. I`ve got 10-12 years to go.

If you’re talking about me, I just like to converse and learn things. I don’t think on Airline Forums myself or my little opinions, musings and posts have any bearing on anything whatsoever in your Class and Crafts. And I’ve got max 10 to 12 years to go myself.

I think except for when I’m razzing someone for trying to denigrate my Group I’ve always given credit where credits due that you guys have earned your stripes. Just the other day again I said a decade on Midnights is what kept me away from the idea of going to school and getting an A&P. My buddy Danny has his and now he’s leaving the biz to go and work in Sewage Treatment for NYC. So it does open other unexpected doors too.

I bid tomorrow and my biggest problem now is trying to figure out how early or late Sat Sun off I want to go? Nice position to be in I guess.

As far as separate amendable dates I’m sure the Company would love that. Not going to happen though because at least supposedly there’s supposed to be strength in numbers. Watching AMFA go almost 7 years to reach a deal I’m not sure what good it actually does anyway to be separate?
If you’re talking about me, I just like to converse and learn things. I don’t think on Airline Forums myself or my little opinions, musings and posts have any bearing on anything whatsoever in your Class and Crafts. And I’ve got max 10 to 12 years to go myself.

I think except for when I’m razzing someone for trying to denigrate my Group I’ve always given credit where credits due that you guys have earned your stripes. Just the other day again I said a decade on Midnights is what kept me away from the idea of going to school and getting an A&P. My buddy Danny has his and now he’s leaving the biz to go and work in Sewage Treatment for NYC. So it does open other unexpected doors too.

I bid tomorrow and my biggest problem now is trying to figure out how early or late Sat Sun off I want to go? Nice position to be in I guess.

As far as separate amendable dates I’m sure the Company would love that. Not going to happen though because at least supposedly there’s supposed to be strength in numbers. Watching AMFA go almost 7 years to reach a deal I’m not sure what good it actually does anyway to be separate?

Whoa Boy, "strength in numbers". That one belongs on the wall with "pull together win together", "shared sacrifice", "they can do that" and "we will get them next time". Thx for the laugh Weez! I needed that.
That huge Medical hit is a big one for guys that have a Wife and 2 Kids under the best plan as I understand it?

We all know Medical costs are going to go up overall for the IAM Members. It’s about how much they go up and how fast it happens.

People also seem to forget about those dramatic raises we got in 2016 and the fact there will be more raises coming that absolutely blunt that cost rise.
Medical insurance is the reason medical care got so expensive to begin with.

Instead of charging individuals for care now they have big insurance pools of money to go after.

Medical is the only industry I know of where the provider of the service does NOTHING to control the cost. and no one has any idea what the costs are until they get the bill.

The problem in this country is not that we have uninsured. The problem is insurance itself making medical care unaffordable.

Socialized medicine is not the answer (after all that is basically what insurance companies do and every single country that has socialized medicine has cut their budget by BILLIONS of dollars).
Whoa Boy, "strength in numbers". That one belongs on the wall with "pull together win together", "shared sacrifice", "they can do that" and "we will get them next time". Thx for the laugh Weez! I needed that.

You know it really wouldn’t be as hard as you think if everyone just stood up and did what they have to do.

You have to admit hog that it’s way easier for people to complain then for people to stand up and actually do something.

I’ve completely lost my tolerance level for habitual complainers now at my age.

Old saying goes “If you want something done right just do it yourself”
You know it really wouldn’t be as hard as you think if everyone just stood up and did what they have to do.

You have to admit hog that it’s way easier for people to complain then for people to stand up and actually do something.

I’ve completely lost my tolerance level for habitual complainers now at my age.

Old saying goes “If you want something done right just do it yourself”

You are 100% correct. Complaining is much easier than actually taking action. People are lazy.
Obviously. But they’re across the table from people that have taken the position I noted. So now the NC needs to navigate that accordingly. Surely they’re smart enough to know that. If not, Weez and co. are in for a long ride...
It’s all about what you ultimately want for your Compensation pie. That 16% Contribution the Pilots get they could have asked for a percentage of that to cover their Medical instead.

The difficulty in transitioning it though is that people’s needs for Medical are not one size fits all.

I’m single so I wouldn’t want to get stuck deferring any of my Compensation towards Medical if I was going to be charged as if maybe I had a wife and kids.
You can repeat that obvious truth a bazillion times if you want.

In this context, it doesn't matter that what group the Association is negotiating for; the company's stance is that if they cede LUS medical to one group, the possibility that it will become an expectation for everyone now exists. That's the angle Glass & co. are starting from, and that's the play the NC has to navigate around.

Good thing you're not at the table anymore, I guess.
Don't know-and again, in this context, it doesn't matter. The company's stance isn't so much that ceding LUS medical will cost $39M; it's likely more concerned with everyone else NOW asking for it if they cede to the Association.
Because now it is AA. Alot more employees to cover.

You do realize that with the massive increase in size there was also a massive increase in revenue generation.

This wouldn’t be old LUS and it’s revenue trying to pick up the tab for all the added employees.

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