Point taken. However there is nothing elitist in taking pride in our profession. As a certificated airman I have worked hard, sacrificed and spent considerable money to earn my place in the AMT profession.Time in the USMC,full time school and work only to be interrupted by war. Stuck in a aircraft cleaner classification. Then finally an AMT slot. Ive paid my dues and then some. I was glad to do it. What does it take to secure that FSC position? I`m not hating or degrading, just pointing out one does not just walk in off the street to AMT. The constant attacks and badgering of the my group makes it harder and harder for me to stay reasonable. Why the FSC group has such an interest in our group I will never understand. Heck, barring a change in representation I would be good with totally separate contracts. Meaning our AMT group having a completely different amendable date. Pie in the sky, it will never happen. I`ve got 10-12 years to go.