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Aircraft maint issues

How do you include facilities, plant and automotive mechanics to the PER AIRCRAFT ratio, WeAAz?

I can guarantee you as an absolute face that the Association knows the number of AMT’s per aircraft probably down to even half’s and quarters.

Again the Association is NOT going to break you all down in any news releases just to satisfy egos and lose the whole point of what they’re trying to get across.
You're missing the point. Do plant maintenance and facilities mechanics work on aircraft?
Why should they be included in the ratio of MECHANICS PER AIRCRAFT?

I guess you really don't see the company's twisting of facts.

So why not say AA has X amount of employees per aircraft compared to the industry?

I can see the Company wanting to twist it to satisfy their own narrative of course. Absolutely it would be something they would want and would do to sell they’re own propaganda.

I remember in one of Gary’s earliest videos he did say that the ratio of AMT’s to Aircraft was not that far off from Delta and United.

We can break down the overall numbers ourselves of total in house Employees per Aircraft. Somewhere in the range of 120. (I just did a basic 120,000/ 1000)
It just does not fit their agenda Mover. They want to dumb down our profession and low ball us to benefit the "related". Given the current OASIS fiasco on the 737s you would think our experience and skill would be more valued and in demand. No, the war on AMTs will continue until they get what they want. The only solution is for us to be on our own. Unfortunately we know that will never happen during what is left of our careers.

You wouldn’t be on your own completely because the “and related” are a part of your Class and Craft as recognized by the NMB.

I was writing about this here a few weeks back and asking if anyone knew how the designation came into being in the first place?

BTW what group/s among the “And Related’s” do you feel dumb you down? Are Automotive and Facilities Mechanics part of that comment?
You wouldn’t be on your own completely because the “and related” are a part of your Class and Craft as recognized by the NMB.

I was writing about this here a few weeks back and asking if anyone knew how the designation came into being in the first place?

BTW what group/s among the “And Related’s” do you feel dumb you down? Are Automotive and Facilities Mechanics part of that comment?

Dumbing down was the wrong phrase. I should have said diluting our profession. I get it weez. Our class is set by the NMB. It wrong and maddening. In a perfect world my union would work to correct that. Phone calls, meetings and using the lobbyist to try and get our class to stand on it's own. I'm tired, angry and frustrated. This war on mechanics will not stop anytime soon and I will not stop fighting. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go do some mechanic stuff.
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Why is it that we pay so much in union dues but yet our union reps are so uniformed. We pay double of what the FAs pay.

When I ask all I hear is we are not going to lose any jobs but the company wants to lay us all off and contract out everything.
Dumbing down was the wrong phrase. I should have said diluting our profession. I get it weez. Our class is set by the NMB. It wrong and maddening. In a perfect world my union would work to correct that. Phone calls, meetings and using the lobbyist to try and get our class to stand on it's own. I'm tired, angry and frustrated. This war on mechanics will not anytime soon and I will not stop fighting. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go do some mechanic stuff.


Is this part of the same picketing we (TWU) did a couple of years ago? One of the guys being interviewed mentioned they were picketing for the pension, and in the company letter they mentioned that the IAM is proposing the LUS health insurance for the IAM members only, or 1/3 of the membership of the association.

I wish the TWU and IAM would fight for the same thing or at least have their talking points aligned. I can easily see why this is taking so long. I would ask one of my local union guys what we are actually asking for, but they are just as frustrated as all of us, but at least they're trying....on the bright side it did seem like the IAM guys are fighting against outsourcing jobs overseas. That sounds more like a whole AFL-CIO talking point rather then an Association contract talking point. I believe AA moved their 777 work from China to Mobile AL. Which is great for Alabama but not so much for Association dues paying AA mechs that use to work at AFW or even TULE for that matter CLT or PIT.

Probably should have mentioned keeping skilled labor/safety sensitive job under union protection, for the safety of the flying public, I would have mentioned the shotty work (14 737s that AA grounded immediately after the bad workmanship was discovered) being done by non-union shops where speed is emphasized over safety. Using a tie wrap instead of bolt is definitely faster, but not really the correct way of installing an overHEAD compartment.

That's one of the benefits of working directly for AA, safety and doing the job per the maintenance manual is always emphasized. In all my time at AA have never been rushed, only asked when I think I will be done. I think I would have tried my approach, but I guess beating a sign and yelling through a bull horn might work a couple of years after it didn't work the first time.
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How come nobody ever defends the association? ;-)
Duke sounds like you guys need to get a T/A based on what both sides have agreed to , and if you reject it, then you might get a better offer. Unless the negotiating committee is afraid that it would be voted in.
How come nobody ever defends the association? ;-)
Probably because nobody wanted the asso. And it was forced on them not voted in by them.
We all saw your smirk face at the end, but, they just need to keep hearing the fact that this asso. only exist because it was forced upon the membership and not voted in by the membership at large.
Duke sounds like you guys need to get a T/A based on what both sides have agreed to , and if you reject it, then you mIt really help us in our case having the 73-75% rejection on the first one. But, SWA said they were no longer moving and were not budging one more dime until the membership voted. Not sure if AA is at that point as of yet. Plus they have some rather large items still open on the table, not sure they could pull a vote this early yet.
Union-led airline strikes are rare in the U.S, as a result of the Railway Labor Act, which allows the president to essentially order workers back on the job if their action could harm the national transportation system and commerce. When invoked, the executive branch order creates an emergency board to investigate the dispute and help oversee negotiations. In February 1997, President Clinton intervened to keep 9,000 American Airlines pilots from striking. Four years later, President Bush established such a board to prevent mechanics at Northwest Airlines from going on strike. Pilots at Spirit Airlines staged a five-day strike in 2010.
Please elaborate how when we get to end the company imposes its terms and replaces workers. JUST like NWA/AMFA.
Either way the company wins.

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