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Aircraft maint issues

Sorry Weez, I do not know the numbers for Delta or UAL off the top of my head. I will look into later this evening.

This is from the “About us” section of that Delta link.

“Delta TechOps is a division of Delta Air Lines. Over 9,600 Technical Operations employees system-wide provide full-service aviation maintenance to Delta and service its fleet of more than 750 aircraft. In addition, we provide complete maintenance for more than 150 other operators”
This is from the “About us” section of that Delta link.

“Delta TechOps is a division of Delta Air Lines. Over 9,600 Technical Operations employees system-wide provide full-service aviation maintenance to Delta and service its fleet of more than 750 aircraft. In addition, we provide complete maintenance for more than 150 other operators”

I knew you could dig some info up! Although that does not specify how many of this tech ops folks are AMTs. I think too often our maintenance numbers get inflated with non a&p support or office folks. That 9600 number gives us a starting point at least. Maybe Kev can chime in.
I knew you could dig some info up! Although that does not specify how many of this tech ops folks are AMTs. I think too often our maintenance numbers get inflated with non a&p support or office folks. That 9600 number gives us a starting point at least. Maybe Kev can chime in.

Your numbers do get inflated when I try to get an exact gauge on AMT heads and the and Related Groups are bunched in looking at sites out there.

Did see something interesting on Airline Data Project about an hour ago. It was showing the average pay for Maintenance at UAL was around $50,000 where they showed AA at about $90,000?

My suspicion is they did a huge buyout and their costs went down? 4 years ago the average was at $80,000.

AA is going to drop the heck out of their long term labor expenses once their buyouts go into full effect.
I know of the IG doing their investigation at SWA. Pretty sure the FAA has or is doing theirs. Or maybe it stopped with the whistleblower filings, not sure 100% if FAA has conducted a full blown investigation but I think they have with results not favoring SWA. I do know our mechanics got their jobs back, got letters pulled from their files, and even management disciplined as far as being let go or at least "seeking other endeavors" as agreed to by both parties.
Only know of W.B. filed at AA, not sure of any investigations over there.
It seems like it’s been several weeks since they did the proving run for the ETOPS I’m wondering if faa has slowed that down some now
Plus license premium. $2.50 per license I believe.
Plus more vacation more sick time . And because no union dues they make up that difference also. They are doing better then we with 2 unions not just 1. But our unions are a big cooperate joke who cares about dues not the members
Can we all now see what happens when we turn down OT, of course we all hear the guys who can't live without OT say "I'll do more damage on the clock and take their money" then finish job real quick and go on break. Can anyone say HYPOCRISY?

What scares me the most is, how a guy in Oklahoma and Texas can't make it on $100k a year.
You do not know what someone is going thru. There wife might have health issues with high dollar medication. Maybe there kids need things don’t judge people for working ot. And Dallas has started to get more expensive. In the latter years.
And tell me again how many AMT’s they have in a Company of over 400,000?

What do they have 137 or something like that.

But anyway forgetting all BS, seriously what do you think about their deal and do you think AA will have to at least have some consideration of it?

Sorry for the late reply.

No, American has shunned the Parity with WN.
At one time a statement was made, but I cannot remember where I heard that WN was not an International Airline.
Maybe it was Bob Crandall? I guess by not having international routes the feeling was the did not have the overhead?
Doug Parker said Delta and United, There has to more to the story than just the number of Mechanics per Aircraft was much lower than AA?
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As I understand it that is 3100 AMTs. 2200 in overhaul/base maintenance and 900 line. The current combined LAA/LUS AMT seniority list I have shows 9705.

Never forget that under the TWU the AMT's includes Back Shops, Welders and Machinist...
It seems like it’s been several weeks since they did the proving run for the ETOPS I’m wondering if faa has slowed that down some now
Cone 777, they have their ETOPS, we have our negotiations coming up March 12 th. I know ever since the lawsuit was filed against AMFA, and their officers, the out of service aircraft have come way down . Maybe the company has put the fear of God into us, who knows. I also know guys are getting tired of the company and union B.S. I believe we are getting close to the end. I also know everyone understands the seriousness of this situation , and will refuse a Northwest disaster , if AMFA even suggested that, they are toast. Prayers for your health, my mom had a lot of stomach problems, feel better.
You do not know what someone is going thru. There wife might have health issues with high dollar medication. Maybe there kids need things don’t judge people for working ot. And Dallas has started to get more expensive. In the latter years.
God forbid someone gets cancer or a heart attack , that will eat that 100k in a hurry. Especially if your insurance deductible is high.
We were told at UA a couple months ago by the union that since AA hasnt gotten anything yet that the increases that Delta has got arent enough to allow us to get anything out of this reset LOA at this point.

But the union probably didnt include Deltas 14% profit sharing.

UAL, CAL, CMI Mechanics Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Many of you have inquired about some of our Letters of Agreements and where we currently stand regarding them; in particular Industry Reset (LOA #29), Offered Positions (LOA #21) and the Labor Management Cooperation (LOA #31).

The reset agreement assures that a measurement of annual wages and benefits of United must remain at least two 2% higher than the average of American and Delta Airlines. The economic model was completed and agreed upon shortly after the ratification of the Agreement. The model is kept on a server at the NMB for security. In addition, the Industry Reset Letter of Agreement states that the parties shall meet to commence the process six months in advance of the “Measurement Date”. This meeting has taken place in accordance with the Letter of Agreement, and our economist has been watching the industry since date of ratification in anticipation of the upcoming reset.

The one unresolved agreement is the Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) for American and USAirways. At this point, it appears unlikely that there will be a ratified agreement prior to the “Measurement Date.” Scope; which is a vital part of any agreement, along with pension, remain on the table and are vital for concluding that JCBA.

However; the other measured airline (Delta) has had improvements in their compensation package, which will most likely trigger the reset by the measurement date, as outlined in the agreement. As we get nearer to the measurement date and we are able to solidify information based on all the metrics outlined in the agreement a dispatch will be distributed explaining how the rest calculation will take place.

As a result of the amalgamated agreement “Offered Positions;” letters to those on furlough will be going out shortly in accordance with LOA #21. After these letters are sent, furloughed members will have six months to bid on the positions as described in the letter. Those members will retain their rights until they have been either offered and accepted, or declined, a position at their bid city(ies). Positions that are available will be offered to those in furlough status at hub locations of SFO, LAX, ORD, EWR and IAD.

Work continues on the Bylaws for the Labor Management Cooperation Committee and how best to effectively use this cooperation committee as we move forward. There is no timeline currently for completion of this LOA and as more information becomes available it will be reported in future dispatches.

In Solidarity,

Vinny Graziano

http://www.ualmechanics.com/assets/2016-11-2 Teamsters Concessionary UAL TA.pdf
"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration; I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized. If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming."
Isn't that poetic! 🙂
He practices in front of the mirror.


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