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Aircraft maint issues

Hog would that be through attrition, as guys retire? Or your position is now line bump people?

The union could not give a clear answer on how we get to that number. AA has a pretty loose definition of attrition.
The union could not give a clear answer on how we get to that number. AA has a pretty loose definition of attrition.
Well my friend that grey contract language will bite you in the ass everytime. It doesn't matter what union you guys end up with, it is the language changes negotiated.
Well my friend that grey contract language will bite you in the ass everytime. It doesn't matter what union you guys end up with, it is the language changes negotiated.

I`m not so sure we can craft strong enough language to keep the company in check. This management team tends to do what they want to do. They have a "if you don't like it, grieve it" mentality.
I`m not so sure we can craft strong enough language to keep the company in check. This management team tends to do what they want to do. They have a "if you don't like it, grieve it" mentality.
SWA is no different with AMFA, except they hate our union. At least your union has deep pockets. Between SWA lawsuits and Seham legal bills we will go broke if we don't capitulate. Either way we are screwed regardless what Swampy tells you guys. I believe we are getting to the end game. I kinda envy the guys at Delta.
That's pretty close to what I figured. Per our last local union meeting the company wants to drive that number to under 7 AMT/ aircraft. They are proposing shedding 3100 jobs in maintenance.
Wow! 3100? & AMT's per a/c? That would be the lowest in the history of AA AMT's would it not?
Hmmmm. Little skeptical of that 3100 number myself. You could close down all of TUL and still be a few houndred short of that goal.
Hmmmm. Little skeptical of that 3100 number myself. You could close down all of TUL and still be a few houndred short of that goal.

Just passing on what we were told in our last union meeting. Who knows what the truth is.
That's pretty close to what I figured. Per our last local union meeting the company wants to drive that number to under 7 AMT/ aircraft. They are proposing shedding 3100 jobs in maintenance.

hog that’s 3100 AMT heads or 3100 overall M&R heads?

If it’s specifically AMT heads how many do you have currently between the combined group?
hog that’s 3100 AMT heads or 3100 overall M&R heads?

If it’s specifically AMT heads how many do you have currently between the combined group?

As I understand it that is 3100 AMTs. 2200 in overhaul/base maintenance and 900 line. The current combined LAA/LUS AMT seniority list I have shows 9705.
As I understand it that is 3100 AMTs. 2200 in overhaul/base maintenance and 900 line. The current combined LAA/LUS AMT seniority list I have shows 9705.

That’s a pretty massive hit in Overhaul even bringing it down through attrition. Can I ask if you compared the AMT programs to Delta and United does shrinking down to 6600 make sense?

What are their AMT numbers right now?

I have to say that Delta Engine testing facility video I saw the other day really impressed me. It’s pretty annoying honestly that AA doesn’t want to go in that direction.

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5. Tulsa, Oklahoma


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That’s a pretty massive hit in Overhaul even bringing it down through attrition. Can I ask if you compared the AMT programs to Delta and United does shrinking down to 6600 make sense?

What are their AMT numbers right now?

I have to say that Delta Engine testing facility video I saw the other day really impressed me. It’s pretty annoying honestly that AA doesn’t want to go in that direction.


Sorry Weez, I do not know the numbers for Delta or UAL off the top of my head. I will look into later this evening.

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