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Aircraft maint issues

What did Sam get?

I will put it this way.

Out of over 100 people in TUL/TULE Fleet Service only 2 didn't have to bump or take the layoff when they got rid of Fleet Service. Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller. Guess which 2 people in Fleet Service TUL/TULE happen to be UNION officers.

Guess which 2 people came by my shop (Fleet Service TULE) encouraging us to vote for a concessionary contract.

If you guessed Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller give yourself a gold star.

By the way when Debbie Tiller was awarded her new position (I believe as a painter) she bypassed seniority.

Sam was given some sort of position working on aircraft electronics despite the fact that his most recent experience was over 20 years ago.

These 2 attempted to pull this little scam during the Christmas base shutdown. Perfect timing wouldn't you say?

Take a bit to ponder before you respond. I am anxious to see what you have to say.
I remember all that. And yes Debbie did bypass seniority and was awarded painter. They both scammed the system. We discussed this in detail I remember.
Same here at SWA this is nothing but Lee Seham make me rich file a lawsuit bullshit, been here now 25 years. Meanwhile it does nothing to get us a contract, but enrich a stupid lawfirm. Quit taking money out of mechanics months. Lee Seham will not pay your bills, when your employer goes bankrupt!
Guess you forgot the mechanics in Dallas that were written up and fired for doing this exact stuff. A lawsuit was filed and won by the union. Upper management were let go over this crap, mechanics got their jobs back.
Not saying it is happening to anyone else but I do know of 3 different cities that it did happen at with us.
Just for the record, I too have never been asked to take a short cut, but it is obviously happening to some as the gov. investigations found. Pretty darn sure it's not happening anymore at SWA, at least that I know of since the suits were settled and won.
Great responses from the unions involved after the show aired...

Press Release: Local 591, Transport Workers Union and Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association Response to CBS Morning News Report on Coercion of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians
February 4, 2019 -- Two of the leading union representatives of aircraft maintenance technicians (AMTs) – Local 591, Transport Workers Union (TWU) and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) – issued a joint statement in response to the CBS Morning News report on the coercion of aircraft maintenance technicians. TWU Local 591 represents the aircraft line maintenance technicians of American Airlines and AMFA represents the aircraft maintenance technicians of Southwest Airlines and Alaska Airlines.
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Blog: Southwest Airlines Maintenance Technicians Respond to “CBS This Morning” Report On Airline Safety
February 4, 2019 -- As the FAA has found, Southwest Airlines maintenance managers engage in coercive tactics that result in a “capitulation of airworthiness and a culture of fear and retribution.” American law, specifically the AIR 21 whistleblower statute, has provided the necessary means to resist management pressure to turn a blind eye to corrosion, gouges, and other significant aircraft damage.
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AMFA - SWA Technician Negotiations Update #72
February 3, 2019 -- After six and a half years of negotiations and a tentative agreement rejected by the membership, Southwest Airlines continues to delay and obstruct as opposed to negotiate in good faith.

Download: 20190125_AMFA_Info_Request_to_SWA.pdf , 20190201_SWA_Rsp_to_AMFA_Info_request.pdf
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Guess you forgot the mechanics in Dallas that were written up and fired for doing this exact stuff. A lawsuit was filed and won by the union. Upper management were let go over this crap, mechanics got their jobs back.
Not saying it is happening to anyone else but I do know of 3 different cities that it did happen at with us.
Just for the record, I too have never been asked to take a short cut, but it is obviously happening to some as the gov. investigations found. Pretty darn sure it's not happening anymore at SWA, at least that I know of since the suits were settled and won.
I have never experienced it, in my 25 years.
Yes, he admitted it on here.

You make it sound like it’s something to be ashamed of. WTH?

Are you the kettle or the pot today GVPSPIAM?

You are right I did leave but that is irrelevant. Had I stayed they would have shut my shop down anyway. Unlike most I did not bury my head in the sand of a fantasy world. I saw the writing on the wall and developed an exit strategy. I left because I wanted to concentrate on school. It was the right decision for me at the time and I have no regrets.

However, before you start flaming me, my wife still works for American Airlines (in fact she is third generation AA/TWU). I have a vested interest in AA contracts because they affect my household.

I could care less about your opinion of me based on my current employment status. If you have a problem with that then it is exactly that, your problem. I certainly don't need your validation or permission to concern myself with something that affects my families income and future.

Your wife works there...his son’s mom still does...

No need for purity tests on this site.
Moving aircraft in and around AAs maintenance hangars is and always should be maintenance work, delivering and picking up airplanes to/from AAs maintenance hangars is and always should be maintenance work.

If you can get past what he's wearing and how he looks and listen to what they are saying. Just because its never happened to you doesn't mean it has never happened to the other 1000s of us. You cannot say with 100% certainty is has never happened. KIf it happens just once, it is wrong.

Moving airplanes around the hangar has been mechs for matter of convenience. Since the merger and Doug and company adjusting the flight schedule, more planes are in the air for longer and the gates are used more requiring more and more aircraft movement. We are at a point where moving airplanes is now a career, but I personally don't think that is a career that requires an A&P. Hopefully we keep it but it's not something I want to sacrifice pay or strike for. Most mechs hate doing the parking because of how boring (lack of mental stimulation) it is. Taxing has and always will be maintenance function.

Watch the video, who looks more the serious person, the executive wearing sports jacket or the unshaven guy wearing the mickey mouse T shirt? Ever notice how our union guys wear at the very least polo shirts.

Unfortunately we are in contract negotiations and this kind of outreach to the news can be portrayed as labor unrest. Now if this came out after contract signed who knows.

When a manager asks me why I took a delay or why I recommend taking an aircraft OTS, I give him a straight answer, if he's at the aircraft I show him what I'm talking about and if he tells me to keep working it or questions me or even sends a TCC (he might know something I don't) I don't get defensive and start yelling. It's all about conducting yourself as a professional.

This is all without knowing the situation. I am of course going off my own experience and from what I have observed over my 20 plus years at AA, the guys that are well respected and can show exactly why they wrote up something or have not finished a job by the end of shift never have a problem, and yes that means, when a mech does an inspection and never writes anything up and then one night he's upset about something and writes up 90 items and dumps it on the supv at 0600, you expect that mech to have a problem.

1986 mech start a private conversation with me, and I'll tell you what happened at ORD with those mechs. I will not post about this subject any longer as I think this is something for the union to deal with, like it should have been from the get go. Not one guy from one station on TV.

Wasn't it another NY guy who took a video of mechs sleeping and brought it to hard copy? NY home of the mechanic TV stars.
Hate to piss in your bowl of Wheatties but all unions even AMFA is after your money, it's a business. If you had a craft union, you still have the same company and same management team.

Question......You have only two choices of representation:

1. An Association of two Industrial Unions
2. A Craft Union

Who do you pick?
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You make it sound like it’s something to be ashamed of. WTH?

Your wife works there...his son’s mom still does...

No need for purity tests on this site.
Wasn't trying to stir anything up, just said he mentioned it before.
Well look at this
AMFA stands for Aircraft Mechanics Frateral ASSOCIATION.
You fixed the quote you were answering. YOU took out, "of two Industrial Unions"
Nice try GVP, Typical though...

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