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Aircraft maint issues

Same here at SWA this is nothing but Lee Seham make me rich file a lawsuit bullshit, been here now 25 years. Meanwhile it does nothing to get us a contract, but enrich a stupid lawfirm. Quit taking money out of mechanics months. Lee Seham will not pay your bills, when your employer goes bankrupt!

It would seem that you do not have many followers at SWA or your Union would be in control and Seham would be gone.
All you do is whine, do something about it...
Question......You have only two choices of representation:

1. An Association of two Industrial Unions
2. A Craft Union

Who do you pick?
The one who can produce a contract I can live with, within a reasonable time. I didn't vote AMFA in in 2003. I was a union steward with the Teamsters. AMFA was able to get contract extensions when we made less money, and our group was smaller. Then war, oil prices, caused bankruptcy and you guys lost money. We were able to secure a contract in 2009, because SWA management hedged fuel, and we were profitable. By the time our contract became amenable in 2012, we were ahead in pay and benefits, with work rules that bankrupt airlines did not have. That scared SWA management , and stuff dragged on, until you guys surpassed us in pay. Delta bypassed us a long time ago. They will pay us, but they also want a profit. Our Pilots will always get the biggest chunk of the pie. However guys that are pissed off, will never admit that. As an Airline mechanic at a major airline that is the hand all of us are dealt, including you guys at American.
It would seem that you do not have many followers at SWA or your Union would be in control and Seham would be gone.
All you do is whine, do something about it...
Everytime it is brought up in a local business meetings, to get a vote, to entertain a new lawfirm it is shot down, and goes nowhere. It's political, pure and simple.
You fixed the quote you were answering. YOU took out, "of two Industrial Unions"
Nice try GVP, Typical though...
Wrong, he went back and edited his original post.

His original post was at 4:37pm, he went back and edited at 9:18pm, after my post which was at 7:51pm.
Everytime it is brought up in a local business meetings, to get a vote, to entertain a new law firm it is shot down, and goes nowhere. It's political, pure and simple.

Perhaps, it is your reference to it being political, isn't the political side you want.
It seems that you are a Socialist and have little choice on the politics in AMFA since AMFA is politically free.
Perhaps, it is your reference to it being political, isn't the political side you want.
It seems that you are a Socialist and have little choice on the politics in AMFA since AMFA is politically free.
I am about as far as socialism as you can get, if you can't get people to come to the union meetings , because no one cares until it is contract time, it's hard to get a motion passed, if the local does not want to change it. It's like people in congress and the Senate that are there for 30 years or more. AMFA and Seham are joined at hip, and they don't want to separate. To tell you the truth I will glad when we finally get a contract and move on, because at the rate we are going I will only have this contract, plus one more, then I will retire, and not care anymore.
The one who can produce a contract I can live with, within a reasonable time. I didn't vote AMFA in in 2003. I was a union steward with the Teamsters. AMFA was able to get contract extensions when we made less money, and our group was smaller. Then war, oil prices, caused bankruptcy and you guys lost money. We were able to secure a contract in 2009, because SWA management hedged fuel, and we were profitable. By the time our contract became amenable in 2012, we were ahead in pay and benefits, with work rules that bankrupt airlines did not have. That scared SWA management , and stuff dragged on, until you guys surpassed us in pay. Delta bypassed us a long time ago. They will pay us, but they also want a profit. Our Pilots will always get the biggest chunk of the pie. However guys that are pissed off, will never admit that. As an Airline mechanic at a major airline that is the hand all of us are dealt, including you guys at American.

As usual you won't say which one you would choose over the other.

If you had the ability to pick the one union, and/or, association that could produce a contract you could live with you wouldn't have to because you would also be able to pick the winning "Powerball" lottery ticket wouldn't you!!
You fixed the quote you were answering. YOU took out, "of two Industrial Unions"
Nice try GVP, Typical though...

Sorry swamt I did edit the post after he replied as Mr Obvious wanted to play semantics!
It would seem that you do not have many followers at SWA or your Union would be in control and Seham would be gone.
All you do is whine, do something about it...

It would seem that you do not have many followers at AA or the AMP would be in control and the Association would be gone.

All you do is whine, stop it.
As usual you won't say which one you would choose over the other.

If you had the ability to pick the one union, and/or, association that could produce a contract you could live with you wouldn't have to because you would also be able to pick the winning "Powerball" lottery ticket wouldn't you!!
Plain and simple my experience at SWA since I was in the Teamsters, I perfer an Industrial union, I have no experience with the IAM or the TWU. The Teamsters at SWA were smart enough to get achievable increases in pay that were passable by both the company and the membership. AMFA raided us, because alot of people were pissed off the Teamsters paid more attention to UPS than our group. Most people didn't bother to vote after the card drive and AMFA won. AMFA was fine as long as it was a contract extension. Now full section 6, and we only have so much money, company just out spends us like the United States did the U.S.S.R., until we run out of options and have to make a deal and move on.
Plain and simple my experience at SWA since I was in the Teamsters, I perfer an Industrial union, I have no experience with the IAM or the TWU. The Teamsters at SWA were smart enough to get achievable increases in pay that were passable by both the company and the membership. AMFA raided us, because alot of people were pissed off the Teamsters paid more attention to UPS than our group. Most people didn't bother to vote after the card drive and AMFA won. AMFA was fine as long as it was a contract extension. Now full section 6, and we only have so much money, company just out spends us like the United States did the U.S.S.R., until we run out of options and have to make a deal and move on.

Now that you stated your answer let’s see if these posters can respect that answer?

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