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Aircraft maint issues

So what does the union gain for giving the work to ramp? Your dues are based on your base rate, a mechanic is paid more than ramp personnel.
Same reason a high income (say 250k) earner pays a higher percentage than the poor. The UNION is ran off of leftist/socialist ideals.

Someone paying 20 percent more income tax than you does not get 20 percent more service. They just get to pay more money.

People who want a flat tax........ this^^^ is why they want a flat tax.

Maybe the UNION should consider a flat UNION rate.

(now that I got your attention time to pull a reversal to prove a point)

Except of course they do.... because everyone pays one hour.

What you should take from this is it could be worse. Your paying the same percentage. That is fair. Now your TAXES.... those are not fair at all.

Did you learn anything?
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Same reason a high income (say 250k) earner pays a higher percentage than the poor. The UNION is ran off of leftist/socialist ideals.

Someone paying 20 percent more income tax than you does not get 20 percent more service. They just get to pay more money.

People who want a flat tax........ this^^^ is why they want a flat tax.

Maybe the UNION should consider a flat UNION rate.

(now that I got your attention time to pull a reversal to prove a point)

Except of course they do.... because everyone pays one hour.

What you should take from this is it could be worse. Your paying the same percentage. That is fair. Now your TAXES.... those are not fair at all.

Did you learn anything?
I only know a union will do something that gains them more dues paying members. That's business. So they had to give the mechanics something for them to vote their work away, unless they went bankrupt, and didn't have a choice.
I only know a union will do something that gains them more dues paying members. That's business. So they had to give the mechanics something for them to vote their work away, unless they went bankrupt, and didn't have a choice.
The first time mechanics took concessions (before the bankruptcy) they did not get anything, except the embarrassment of being conned by a bunch of manipulators. If they want to get something from you all they have to do is lie and spin. The membership will eat it up.

History shows this to be true.

Kind of like Fleet Service in TULE. They actually believed Sam Cirri was going to save their jobs.
The first time mechanics took concessions (before the bankruptcy) they did not get anything, except the embarrassment of being conned by a bunch of manipulators. If they want to get something from you all they have to do is lie and spin. The membership will eat it up.

History shows this to be true.

Kind of like Fleet Service in TULE. They actually believed Sam Cirri was going to save their jobs.
What did Sam get? It's like our situation at SWA AMFA thought with the ETOPS dragging out, that SWA would need us, and we would magically get more money, with no rule changes, surprise , surprise, surprise!!! 🙂
Give me a break with this comment. We used to do pad pushes all the time back in DFW and moving Aircraft doesn’t take a rocket science degree.

Insulting another workgroup is not how you win the argument to keep the work.

Meant as far as manning goes. Eagle ramp moves our planes, starts APUs and with APU running talks on radios at out stations while towing our AC.

Moving airplanes isn’t mantenance work. It’s a waste of all the schools that AA sends us through to maintain the fleet. Taxing though is strictly a mechanics job, as it would be a waste of a pilots skill to have them taxi airplanes to clear the gate
What did Sam get?
What did Sam get?

I will put it this way.

Out of over 100 people in TUL/TULE Fleet Service only 2 didn't have to bump or take the layoff when they got rid of Fleet Service. Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller. Guess which 2 people in Fleet Service TUL/TULE happen to be UNION officers.

Guess which 2 people came by my shop (Fleet Service TULE) encouraging us to vote for a concessionary contract.

If you guessed Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller give yourself a gold star.

By the way when Debbie Tiller was awarded her new position (I believe as a painter) she bypassed seniority.

Sam was given some sort of position working on aircraft electronics despite the fact that his most recent experience was over 20 years ago.

These 2 attempted to pull this little scam during the Christmas base shutdown. Perfect timing wouldn't you say?

Take a bit to ponder before you respond. I am anxious to see what you have to say.
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What did Sam get?

I will put it this way.

Out of over 100 people in TUL/TULE Fleet Service only 2 didn't have to bump or take the layoff when they got rid of Fleet Service. Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller. Guess which 2 people in Fleet Service TUL/TULE happen to be UNION officers.

Guess which 2 people came by my shop (Fleet Service TULE) encouraging us to vote for a concessionary contract.

If you guessed Sam Cirri and Debbie Tiller give yourself a gold star.

By the way when Debbie Tiller was awarded her new position (I believe as a painter) she bypassed seniority.

Sam was given some sort of position working on aircraft electronics despite the fact that his most recent experience was over 20 years ago.

These 2 attempted to pull this little scam during the Christmas base shutdown. Perfect timing wouldn't you say?

Take a bit to ponder before you respond. I am anxious to see what you have to say.
Well I would say hopefully you were able to vote them out, or found someone to run against them. So what lies do people keep buying? Our situation isn't that bad, but they can't keep telling the guys forever the same story for the last six years. Eventually the Dam breaks and people vote and move on, you just hope you don't get screwed in the process.
Well I would say hopefully you were able to vote them out, or found someone to run against them. So what lies do people keep buying? Our situation isn't that bad, but they can't keep telling the guys forever the same story for the last six years. Eventually the Dam breaks and people vote and move on, you just hope you don't get screwed in the process.

I am only saying that when the company does decide to settle they are going to pick a time where it is most beneficial to THEM. If given a chance they will apply pressure to get a 0 cost contract or even concessions. After all....... they have done it before. They duped the membership into taking a concessionary contract using deceit and fear tactics then filed bankruptcy on them anyway for a double dip. There are some on here who would state that though your pensions are frozen they are still intact. Let us not forget the company tried to dump your pensions onto the PBGC.
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Of course AA will deny and say we are currently in contract negotiations and that is the basis for these claims. I hope this is followed through and becomes a huge issue. Maybe this link should be posted on Jetnet so the little Parker love birds who sit on the front row during his speeches and laugh and applaud all his little corny jokes can actually see what kind of management team they are saluting.
I've been a mechanic at AA for over 20 years and have never had a manager ask or suggest I do something outside of the manual.

The next time a mechanic decides to go to a TV station and speak for all of us, please shave and wear a T shirt that doesn't have writing or pictures on it, maybe wear a suit.
I've been a mechanic at AA for over 20 years and have never had a manager ask or suggest I do something outside of the manual.

The next time a mechanic decides to go to a TV station and speak for all of us, please shave and wear a T shirt that doesn't have writing or pictures on it, maybe wear a suit.
Same here at SWA this is nothing but Lee Seham make me rich file a lawsuit bullshit, been here now 25 years. Meanwhile it does nothing to get us a contract, but enrich a stupid lawfirm. Quit taking money out of mechanics months. Lee Seham will not pay your bills, when your employer goes bankrupt!

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