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Aircraft maint issues

I've been a mechanic at AA for over 20 years and have never had a manager ask or suggest I do something outside of the manual.

The next time a mechanic decides to go to a TV station and speak for all of us, please shave and wear a T shirt that doesn't have writing or pictures on it, maybe wear a suit.

Former NTSB Gaglia backed it up as did some FAA insps did. Although you and I and thousands of others may have not experienced this, it doesn't necessarily mean it's all true or all false for that matter.

This may not be any policy of management, but might be the individual actions of some lower managers who are usually under pressure. Because as we all know **** rolls down hill!
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Meant as far as manning goes. Eagle ramp moves our planes, starts APUs and with APU running talks on radios at out stations while towing our AC.

Moving airplanes isn’t mantenance work. It’s a waste of all the schools that AA sends us through to maintain the fleet. Taxing though is strictly a mechanics job, as it would be a waste of a pilots skill to have them taxi airplanes to clear the gate

Moving aircraft in and around AAs maintenance hangars is and always should be maintenance work, delivering and picking up airplanes to/from AAs maintenance hangars is and always should be maintenance work.

I've been a mechanic at AA for over 20 years and have never had a manager ask or suggest I do something outside of the manual.

The next time a mechanic decides to go to a TV station and speak for all of us, please shave and wear a T shirt that doesn't have writing or pictures on it, maybe wear a suit.

If you can get past what he's wearing and how he looks and listen to what they are saying. Just because its never happened to you doesn't mean it has never happened to the other 1000s of us. You cannot say with 100% certainty is has never happened. KIf it happens just once, it is wrong.
If you can get past what he's wearing and how he looks and listen to what they are saying.
Bigjets is right on this one. When trying to influence public opinion appearance matters.

Also he never said management asking mechanics to do things out of procedure never happens, he said in 20 years it has never personally happened to HIM.
Bigjets is right on this one. When trying to influence public opinion appearance matters.

Also he never said management asking mechanics to do things out of procedure never happens, he said in 20 years it has never personally happened to HIM.

You hang your hat on what he's wearing vs what he's saying. And his comment was meant to infer it never happens and the reporting mechanics are liars. Why else would he comment that way?
Same here at SWA this is nothing but Lee Seham make me rich file a lawsuit bullshit, been here now 25 years. Meanwhile it does nothing to get us a contract, but enrich a stupid lawfirm. Quit taking money out of mechanics months. Lee Seham will not pay your bills, when your employer goes bankrupt!

You gotta lot of hate built up, don't you?
You hang your hat on what he's wearing vs what he's saying.
I hang my hat on nothing. I did not see the broadcast. However many people would dismiss someone with an unkept appearance and a shirt with a cartoon on it. I happen to agree with bigjets. There is a reason your local news anchors have a dress code and hair and makeup people. Appearance does matter rather you want to admit it or not.

And his comment was meant to infer it never happens and the reporting mechanics are liars. Why else would he comment that way?
Perhaps he did. However I took it as a declaration of his personal experience over a 20 year career. That is the folly of defining meaning to perceived inference. No absolute statement was made so no absolute meaning can be defined. If you want to know what he meant by that remark why not just ask him for clarification?
You gotta lot of hate built up, don't you?
Only for a Law firm that rips people off, or waste dues money, and has poor results. I have lawyer friends that are excellent lawyers and honest. Herb Kelleher was a good lawyer, Seham is only after your money.
I hang my hat on nothing. I did not see the broadcast. However many people would dismiss someone with an unkept appearance and a shirt with a cartoon on it. I happen to agree with bigjets. There is a reason your local news anchors have a dress code and hair and makeup people. Appearance does matter rather you want to admit it or not.

Perhaps he did. However I took it as a declaration of his personal experience over a 20 year career. That is the folly of defining meaning to perceived inference. No absolute statement was made so no absolute meaning can be defined. If you want to know what he meant by that remark why not just ask him for clarification?

Their not news anchors, their mechanics. And you threw your .02 on there.
Only for a Law firm that rips people off, or waste dues money, and has poor results. I have lawyer friends that are excellent lawyers and honest. Herb Kelleher was a good lawyer, Seham is only after your money.

Everybody's after our money.

The formation of theTWU/IAM Association is a prime example of that.
Everybody's after our money.

The formation of theTWU/IAM Association is a prime example of that.
Hate to piss in your bowl of Wheatties but all unions even AMFA is after your money, it's a business. If you had a craft union, you still have the same company and same management team.
Their not news anchors, their mechanics.
Yes I know that. I was making a point. You are either making a conscious effort to miss it or lack the intelligence to deduce it. Which is it?


And you threw your .02 on there.
You mean like every single post on this forum..... ever?
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You all do realize LA la is a former fleet service clerk who left AA a while back?
Aren’t you a former LUS stock clerk and utility who left awhile back?
Are you the kettle or the pot today GVPSPIAM?

You are right I did leave but that is irrelevant. Had I stayed they would have shut my shop down anyway. Unlike most I did not bury my head in the sand of a fantasy world. I saw the writing on the wall and developed an exit strategy. I left because I wanted to concentrate on school. It was the right decision for me at the time and I have no regrets.

However, before you start flaming me, my wife still works for American Airlines (in fact she is third generation AA/TWU). I have a vested interest in AA contracts because they affect my household.

I could care less about your opinion of me based on my current employment status. If you have a problem with that then it is exactly that, your problem. I certainly don't need your validation or permission to concern myself with something that affects my families income and future.

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