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Aircraft maint issues

It would seem that you do not have many followers at SWA or your Union would be in control and Seham would be gone.
All you do is whine, do something about it...
I don't think he does. He definitely doesn't here. He claims his whole crew praises him and looks up to him, if that were the case where are they on here in supporting him??

Everytime it is brought up in a local business meetings, to get a vote, to entertain a new lawfirm it is shot down, and goes nowhere. It's political, pure and simple.
I think this speaks volumes...

Wrong, he went back and edited his original post.

His original post was at 4:37pm, he went back and edited at 9:18pm, after my post which was at 7:51pm.
Ok. Thx for the correction I did not catch the first and original. Sorry for my mistake at you, my bad.

Perhaps, it is your reference to it being political, isn't the political side you want.
It seems that you are a Socialist and have little choice on the politics in AMFA since AMFA is politically free.
Actually he has a great choice with the politics of AMFA. He has stated he has taken them and keep failing time after time, so I guess the fellas around him at local meetings do not concur with his ideas, again, speaks volumes.

Sorry swamt I did edit the post after he replied as Mr Obvious wanted to play semantics!
No apology needed. Thx for the correction from you too. I really did only catch the one I quoted back at him and just thought he was trying to pull a quicky on everyone, you know like several others have done in the past to try and put down the AMFA.
Carry on brothers.
Plain and simple my experience at SWA since I was in the Teamsters, I perfer an Industrial union, I have no experience with the IAM or the TWU. The Teamsters at SWA were smart enough to get achievable increases in pay that were passable by both the company and the membership. AMFA raided us, because alot of people were pissed off the Teamsters paid more attention to UPS than our group. Most people didn't bother to vote after the card drive and AMFA won. AMFA was fine as long as it was a contract extension. Now full section 6, and we only have so much money, company just out spends us like the United States did the U.S.S.R., until we run out of options and have to make a deal and move on.
The teamsters also got us international outsourcing language that was used first to go to Canada, then used again to go to El Salvador. Fact this was under teamsters language that AMFA inherited after they came in. What AMFA did after getting and taking over the teamsters teethless contract language, they were able to get restrictions, rules, limited to only one international co. and even AMFA put a stop to the Canada outsourcing, plus on top of that AMFA was able to get headcount, and shop and positions protected in the contract even though the co. was going to do it because of the existing teamsters language---Facts.
Wrong. AMFA came in in a record 2 week or less card drive because the teamsters were told flat out, if they raise the dues without a membership vote they will be fired. They raised the dues and they were fired as promised. Yes, some were pissed how too much attention was being put in at UPS, but they will always do that as they are their bread and butter, period.
Yes AMFA did do extensions, all the extensions were through the rough times while others were taking concessions and layoffs or forced to relocate to keep their jobs. The last extension was to the co. wanted to just keep going as is and wait for the other airlines to start to catch up. AMFA has been ridiculed for only doing extensions during the rough times, 10 years, so they did do a small sec 6 as filed, and now they are doing another sec 6 and now they are getting slammed for doing that after taking all the BS from people like you that all they can do is extensions. Quit your dam bichin and whining. Which way do you want it?
You guys wanted a sec 6 from AMFA now you got it. Along with it came a 5 year pay freeze (AMFA was told this after guessing about 3 years) by the company. Co. never started to nego until after the 5 years, then they thought everyone would jump on the first low ball offer instead of making us all whole again. Especially for their 5 year pay freeze, they know it's gonna cost them now, but they always want to get by with pennies on the dollars just as you have stated in one of your post with the teamsters getting at least something that would pass, pennies on the dollar. The company was used to getting yes votes with the teamsters agreeing to lower increases than in the past and more outsourcing.
People whine and whine about AMFA not doing sec 6 contract, then they whine and whine when AMFA does do a sec 6 contract. AMFA will never win with the teamster guys.
And let's not also forget that AMFA made teamsters look like total dog doo at the nego table for integrating another airline.
All this above is all why teamster supporters and teamsters organization is so AMFA butt hurt.
A bit long winded but needed from time to time to help remind folks what really happened.
Remember the facts (sorry guys) it was the teamsters original language that AMFA inherited that allowed the international outsourcing--period... Enough said...
The teamsters also got us international outsourcing language that was used first to go to Canada, then used again to go to El Salvador. Fact this was under teamsters language that AMFA inherited after they came in. What AMFA did after getting and taking over the teamsters teethless contract language, they were able to get restrictions, rules, limited to only one international co. and even AMFA put a stop to the Canada outsourcing, plus on top of that AMFA was able to get headcount, and shop and positions protected in the contract even though the co. was going to do it because of the existing teamsters language---Facts.
Wrong. AMFA came in in a record 2 week or less card drive because the teamsters were told flat out, if they raise the dues without a membership vote they will be fired. They raised the dues and they were fired as promised. Yes, some were pissed how too much attention was being put in at UPS, but they will always do that as they are their bread and butter, period.
Yes AMFA did do extensions, all the extensions were through the rough times while others were taking concessions and layoffs or forced to relocate to keep their jobs. The last extension was to the co. wanted to just keep going as is and wait for the other airlines to start to catch up. AMFA has been ridiculed for only doing extensions during the rough times, 10 years, so they did do a small sec 6 as filed, and now they are doing another sec 6 and now they are getting slammed for doing that after taking all the BS from people like you that all they can do is extensions. Quit your dam bichin and whining. Which way do you want it?
You guys wanted a sec 6 from AMFA now you got it. Along with it came a 5 year pay freeze (AMFA was told this after guessing about 3 years) by the company. Co. never started to nego until after the 5 years, then they thought everyone would jump on the first low ball offer instead of making us all whole again. Especially for their 5 year pay freeze, they know it's gonna cost them now, but they always want to get by with pennies on the dollars just as you have stated in one of your post with the teamsters getting at least something that would pass, pennies on the dollar. The company was used to getting yes votes with the teamsters agreeing to lower increases than in the past and more outsourcing.
People whine and whine about AMFA not doing sec 6 contract, then they whine and whine when AMFA does do a sec 6 contract. AMFA will never win with the teamster guys.
And let's not also forget that AMFA made teamsters look like total dog doo at the nego table for integrating another airline.
All this above is all why teamster supporters and teamsters organization is so AMFA butt hurt.
A bit long winded but needed from time to time to help remind folks what really happened.
Remember the facts (sorry guys) it was the teamsters original language that AMFA inherited that allowed the international outsourcing--period... Enough said...
Swampy if you look at my post we should have never entered section 6, and I have said that on here many times. AMFA is falling into the same trap as they did at Northwest. You want what you feel you deserve, as anyone does. But are you going to go 8 years or more to achieve that, because you claim pennies on the dollar. So you get a non achievable situation, an if you do that as a Union you failed, plain and simple. It doesn't matter if you are Teamsters, AMFA, IAM , or TWU, or American Airlines Mechanics Association, you utterly failed your membership. So we are done arguing on American's Backyard, sorry you disagree, and you and your Lieutenants try to make me look bad.
February 6, 2019

Doug Parker, CEO

American Airlines

Mr. Parker:

The Transport Workers Union of America (“TWU”) has members that are employed as Line Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance Technicians across the country. The recent series of CBS News stories has brought the nation’s attention to American Airlines’ unsafe, illegal, and intimidating management practices. The TWU stands with the and supports the courageous aircraft technicians who participated in these news stories. We also stand ready to defend them and any other TWU Aircraft Maintenance Technicians who suffer retaliation for working in accordance with proper maintenance manual standards. A debt of gratitude is owed to these individuals by the traveling public, their fellow technicians, and the airlines themselves.

As CEO of American Airlines, you are responsible for the pervasive practice of intimidation that exists. It is atrocious and immoral that, solely in order to improve the company’s profitability, you would allow and oversee a system that potentially places air travelers at risk. You must correct this deadly serious situation. The first step in correcting these conditions is to first recognize that your company has a problem, and thus far you’ve failed to do so.

American Airlines Senior Vice President David Seymour stated in the CBS report, with respect to aircraft mechanic whistleblower cases, “almost all of them have been dismissed.”

That is a bold-faced lie. American Airlines has settled a mind-boggling number of whistleblower cases originating from their Miami, Dallas, and Chicago operations and, in each case, management has demanded that non-disclosure agreements be executed in order to hide the financial settlements you have entered into. These non-disclosure agreements are your tool to perpetuate the ongoing cycle of abuse.

With respect to the Chicago case involving six aircraft mechanic whistleblowers, the FAA report determined:

• American Airlines “…pressured [mechanics] to not record discrepancies, take shortcuts with maintenance activities, or improperly sign-off on work which was not actually completed.”

• “An [FAA] investigation team … conducted an exemplary investigation, interviewing dozens of witnesses and gathering hundreds of documents, ultimately substantiating all of the complainants’ allegations.”1

Among the specific allegations substantiated by the cited investigation was that Regional Maintenance Director Evita Rodriguez – now known as Evita Garces – instructed American Airlines technicians:

“You need to strike a balance between safety and productivity. When I was stationed in JFK, I signed for sumping [of aircraft fuel tanks on] the Airbus, yet I never did. I am looking for that balance.

Instead of terminating Ms. Garces, on November 13, 2018, American Airlines promoted her to the new position of American Airlines Director of Maintenance (DOM). In this role, Ms. Garces will now be working hand-in-hand with the FAA. This action sends a horrific message to the Line Maintenance Aircraft Technicians.

It is long past time for you, as CEO, to start making the leadership changes necessary to stop this harassment of TWU members. The chilling atmosphere you oversee is disgraceful and constitutes a clear and present danger to American Airlines’ customers.


John Samuelsen, President

Transport Workers Union of America
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I've been a mechanic at AA for over 20 years and have never had a manager ask or suggest I do something outside of the manual.

The next time a mechanic decides to go to a TV station and speak for all of us, please shave and wear a T shirt that doesn't have writing or pictures on it, maybe wear a suit.
It’s never happened to me either by aa management but a Boeing 777 tech rep said I should of just signed off the number 1 generator controll unit. Had a internal faul but because it didn’t show active. I handed him the log book and told him to sign and I would call the faa after he did. He gave me back the book walked off the airplane. Boeing sent him somewhere else after that happened and I changed the gcu
Well look at this
AMFA stands for Aircraft Mechanics Frateral ASSOCIATION.
Yes at least there association has more then 2 members . And there constitution is not a communist one. Come on our association until the only 2 members of the association sign there will be no Ta.
Plain and simple my experience at SWA since I was in the Teamsters, I perfer an Industrial union, I have no experience with the IAM or the TWU. The Teamsters at SWA were smart enough to get achievable increases in pay that were passable by both the company and the membership. AMFA raided us, because alot of people were pissed off the Teamsters paid more attention to UPS than our group. Most people didn't bother to vote after the card drive and AMFA won. AMFA was fine as long as it was a contract extension. Now full section 6, and we only have so much money, company just out spends us like the United States did the U.S.S.R., until we run out of options and have to make a deal and move on.

I respect that. I have no experience with the IBT or AMFA and therefore I am not able to comment on how they operate or treat their members. But I would take either one of them over the TWU. Maybe one day I will get that chance as people smarten up and dump this abortion known as "The Association"

"Bravo" Brother Samuelsen!

Rogallo did someone steal your sign in code?

I respect that.

“””””I have no experience with the IBT or AMFA and therefore I am not able to comment on how they operate or treat their members.”””””

But I would take either one of them over the TWU. Maybe one day I will get that chance as people smarten up and dump this abortion known as "The Association"


Oh ok. I guess you just got it back.
I respect that. I have no experience with the IBT or AMFA and therefore I am not able to comment on how they operate or treat their members. But I would take either one of them over the TWU. Maybe one day I will get that chance as people smarten up and dump this abortion known as "The Association"

I only remain frustrated, I understand how you guys feel, the problem is we as mechanics are experiencing the same thing. One union over another is not a magic bullet when management only will give x number of pay and benefits.

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