I believe this is a case of "we are our own worst enemies" and one in which we let our emotions overrule common sense. I for one would think fellow A&P Mechanics around the system would support having a move crews at all class 1s. Who among us wouldn't enjoy taxiing airplanes for a living? Especially after a nearly a lifetime of fixing and servicing them. Who among us when we are senior and our bodies broken down from this job would like to taxi instead of hump tires? Anyway, point is, try to think about your own future, someday maybe you'd have enough time to hold a good day off spot on days on the move crew.
Now about DFW, those guys between days and afternoons move 40-70 airplanes a day to/from the terminal/hangars, crossing actives and taxiing during complexes and taking challenging taxi instructions from ATC tower. Whats more, they park and launch all of them. Those crews generate plenty of overtime, for non move crew folks, the 10 hour per day variety. I would hardly refer to them as "zero output". They are running Goldhofers and tractors with towbars, moving ladders for widebodies and narrow bodies alike. And throwing chocks. At the terminal side they deal with snotty company tower people, passenger service that won't move bridges or are nowhere to be found or not enough of them, fuelers that wont show up, fleet service missing in action or not enough of them, missing log books with wait times up to and past 3 hours just to get off a gate.
And God help you if you smack up a brand new 78-9, you'll be toast for a while and lucky to get your job back.
So, next time you all want to berate some of your own, think about what you are saying what they do and where you might like to be some day, and those guys with the time and quals to come on over and taxi, bring it on, its good times.