Aircraft maint issues

What`s missing in this picture? Oh yeah, the IAM. The fighting machinists are riding the pine.

Well if they want the IAM guys can ask their own questions but this is who it says “Paid for by”

The longer the IAM sits on the sidelines. The less inclined I am to support their fight to keep LUS medical. The Association is the biggest mistake in the history of organized labor.
The longer the IAM sits on the sidelines. The less inclined I am to support their fight to keep LUS medical. The Association is the biggest mistake in the history of organized labor.

I do understand the feelings behind the first sentence even if it could be counterproductive.

And the second sentence might be a little uh?
The longer the IAM sits on the sidelines. The less inclined I am to support their fight to keep LUS medical. The Association is the biggest mistake in the history of organized labor.
Agree. On the day we get a JCBA, the next day we should vote out the ASS or we will be going through the same crap in 4 years.

Bob Owens (too bad everything he said was wrong) bad mouthing 2010 TA

At about 1:50 he says by voting yes we are leaving money on the table and this agreement will run 5 years, we voted NO and we left over $150k (and counting everyday) each in cash alone on the table and 8 years later no contract in sight.

Was G.P. part of that AMT think tank? so sure they could get restore and more two years after the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression. The great minds of our time, kind of like the NWA mechs, “they can’t replace us”

Bob Owens (too bad everything he said was wrong) bad mouthing 2010 TA

At about 1:50 he says by voting yes we are leaving money on the table and this agreement will run 5 years, we voted NO and we left over $150k (and counting everyday) each in cash alone on the table and 8 years later no contract in sight.

Was G.P. part of that AMT think tank? so sure they could get restore and more two years after the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression. The great minds of our time, kind of like the NWA mechs, “they can’t replace us”

2018 is just like 2010 in one way. We can demand what we think is fair but ultimately our contract will cost AA what the other 2 majors’ contracts cost them. Corporate greed and record making profits won’t matter to a mediator.
One difference now is that despite what a lot of people are predicting, AA won’t file BK any time soon. But this could easily drag on for several more years and the fact that the IAM has more to lose than gain is a huge reason why.
2018 is just like 2010 in one way. We can demand what we think is fair but ultimately our contract will cost AA what the other 2 majors’ contracts cost them. Corporate greed and record making profits won’t matter to a mediator.
One difference now is that despite what a lot of people are predicting, AA won’t file BK any time soon. But this could easily drag on for several more years and the fact that the IAM has more to lose than gain is a huge reason why.
The membership is to blame. In the M&E department we had many chances before the Association or BK came into the picture. Too bad we were so divided and some brain washed into thinking the TWU was the best or only choice. I hear everyone complaining but yet they did nothing to improve the situation or make a change for the better. The Flight Attendants did in 1977 and now the Dispatchers did in 2018. We as a group have no balls and are weak. We listen to idiots who lie to us. We have other departments who meddle in our work group who have no business being so intrusive. Title 2 guys are lost. They believe the lies more than title 1 guys. So here we are today still complaining that we have no JCBA or contract or worse vacation and OT pay rates than our counter parts at the majors. Yet we do nothing to change that. We have idiots who signed a petition to see a proposal from the company to the NC. We don't even know if this proposal exists in the form that we assume it does. You don't even vote on proposals. We don't even know the simple basics of contract negotiations. We believe the highlights the company puts out is a T/A. So the next time you hear guys complain at work try to educate them on the basics. The company is playing the membership as fools that we are when we seriously respond to their company email highlights. The union and the Association is a money machine for self serving reasons. We can't even get the IAM leadership on the same page as the TWU. How do we get solidarity when the association doesn't even promote it from within the two unions? Do we really know if we will go into next year status qué? Will mediation be in the picture in 2019 or beyond? The dues keep flowing and the profits keep rolling in. Both sides are happy where it counts the most. The MONEY.
What`s missing in this picture? Oh yeah, the IAM. The fighting machinists are riding the pine.

The longer the IAM sits on the sidelines. The less inclined I am to support their fight to keep LUS medical. The Association is the biggest mistake in the history of organized labor.

Agree. On the day we get a JCBA, the next day we should vote out the ASS or we will be going through the same crap in 4 years.

The membership is to blame. In the M&E department we had many chances before the Association or BK came into the picture. Too bad we were so divided and some brain washed into thinking the TWU was the best or only choice. I hear everyone complaining but yet they did nothing to improve the situation or make a change for the better. The Flight Attendants did in 1977 and now the Dispatchers did in 2018. We as a group have no balls and are weak. We listen to idiots who lie to us. We have other departments who meddle in our work group who have no business being so intrusive. Title 2 guys are lost. They believe the lies more than title 1 guys. So here we are today still complaining that we have no JCBA or contract or worse vacation and OT pay rates than our counter parts at the majors. Yet we do nothing to change that. We have idiots who signed a petition to see a proposal from the company to the NC. We don't even know if this proposal exists in the form that we assume it does. You don't even vote on proposals. We don't even know the simple basics of contract negotiations. We believe the highlights the company puts out is a T/A. So the next time you hear guys complain at work try to educate them on the basics. The company is playing the membership as fools that we are when we seriously respond to their company email highlights. The union and the Association is a money machine for self serving reasons. We can't even get the IAM leadership on the same page as the TWU. How do we get solidarity when the association doesn't even promote it from within the two unions? Do we really know if we will go into next year status qué? Will mediation be in the picture in 2019 or beyond? The dues keep flowing and the profits keep rolling in. Both sides are happy where it counts the most. The MONEY.

Agree with all post above. 1AA, well stated sir. Until the IAM and TWU come together as one these type of nego's will continue every time they nego each and every new contract. But your right, this asso was the worse move in airline maint in the entire industry. The baggage throwers can keep this fleet union all they want.
I also think if this does go sec 6 nego's and with a mediator your meetings will slow down from where they were in the past. A mediator in no way speeds up any contract nego's, if anything they do the exact opposite and slow them down...
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BTW 9 times out of 10 your threads suck. All you ever do is pat yourselves on the backs and say “Card Drive” yes card drive. We should have a card drive. Let’s have a card drive. Who’s card drive? Your card drive? My card drive? Card drive? Absolutely, I can go for a good card drive. We can even make little paper airplanes out of our cards.

Get over yourselves and stop preening in the mirror.

You're the poster boy for exactly why AMTs should have our own union. Telling us to get over ourselves? AMTs wanting their own representation isn't a matter of elitism, or vanity as you suggest. You already know that though. You're afraid, why not admit it?

Bob Owens (too bad everything he said was wrong) bad mouthing 2010 TA

At about 1:50 he says by voting yes we are leaving money on the table and this agreement will run 5 years, we voted NO and we left over $150k (and counting everyday) each in cash alone on the table and 8 years later no contract in sight.

Was G.P. part of that AMT think tank? so sure they could get restore and more two years after the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression. The great minds of our time, kind of like the NWA mechs, “they can’t replace us”

Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it. That was the most divisive proposal I had ever seen. There was no excuse for not expecting the company to make a better offer.

BTW; and I have covered this before, NWA never did quite recover from the AMT strike. When Delta bought them, the system integration helped mask the problems, but they were still there.
You're the poster boy for exactly why AMTs should have our own union. Telling us to get over ourselves? AMTs wanting their own representation isn't a matter of elitism, or vanity as you suggest. You already know that though. You're afraid, why not admit it?

Quite the opposite actually. There are a lot of people out there that think we would do better if you did separate completely from us? We might even already have a JCBA in Fleet instead of possibly waiting for you guys and your battle?

Anyway. The other airline Clerks are doing just fine being in different Unions than their AMT’s so afraid? No. Why should I be?
The membership is to blame. In the M&E department we had many chances before the Association or BK came into the picture. Too bad we were so divided and some brain washed into thinking the TWU was the best or only choice. I hear everyone complaining but yet they did nothing to improve the situation or make a change for the better. The Flight Attendants did in 1977 and now the Dispatchers did in 2018. We as a group have no balls and are weak. We listen to idiots who lie to us. We have other departments who meddle in our work group who have no business being so intrusive. Title 2 guys are lost. They believe the lies more than title 1 guys. So here we are today still complaining that we have no JCBA or contract or worse vacation and OT pay rates than our counter parts at the majors. Yet we do nothing to change that. We have idiots who signed a petition to see a proposal from the company to the NC. We don't even know if this proposal exists in the form that we assume it does. You don't even vote on proposals. We don't even know the simple basics of contract negotiations. We believe the highlights the company puts out is a T/A. So the next time you hear guys complain at work try to educate them on the basics. The company is playing the membership as fools that we are when we seriously respond to their company email highlights. The union and the Association is a money machine for self serving reasons. We can't even get the IAM leadership on the same page as the TWU. How do we get solidarity when the association doesn't even promote it from within the two unions? Do we really know if we will go into next year status qué? Will mediation be in the picture in 2019 or beyond? The dues keep flowing and the profits keep rolling in. Both sides are happy where it counts the most. The MONEY.

I almost agree with you. But I believe the IAM/TWU, AFL/CIO are more to blame. How can you have 2 different unions imposed on us and expect to have one voice. I also think this move did more to harm the future of organized labor then to help.

If anybody thinks that any corporation is going to just give into every demand of a union. You are living in the fantasyland of an avid VOTE NO, FULL PAY TO THE LAST DAY, RESTORE AND MORE, AMT think tank memeber. You know talks like an expert on airline finances but gets upset if he has to do more then 2 job assignments.

Let’s look at what the brain trust from Eastern airlines did. They went on strike for a contract that was better then what AA was working under. The airline failed and then they came and worked at AA. This all happened after the 1987 recession.

There’s a point when you have to look at outside influences and not at your own rhetoric.
Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it. That was the most divisive proposal I had ever seen. There was no excuse for not expecting the company to make a better offer.

BTW; and I have covered this before, NWA never did quite recover from the AMT strike. When Delta bought them, the system integration helped mask the problems, but they were still there.

Hindsight is 20/20 but I was right then and now.

That was what was negotiated after the 2008 world economy collapse. Hence it was a Tentative Agreement. Again the vote no crowd took it all too personal and believed there own rhetoric.