Bob Owens (too bad everything he said was wrong) bad mouthing 2010 TA
At about 1:50 he says by voting yes we are leaving money on the table and this agreement will run 5 years, we voted NO and we left over $150k (and counting everyday) each in cash alone on the table and 8 years later no contract in sight.
Was G.P. part of that AMT think tank? so sure they could get restore and more two years after the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression. The great minds of our time, kind of like the NWA mechs, “they can’t replace us”
So the company asked the NC members to not share the agreement with the membership and the NC complied? Co. only wants the NC to vote on rather to send it out? Then vote "NO" NC and get back to the table. But I still can't fathom the reasons behind keeping the membership in the dark still, pathetic.