Aircraft maint issues

It is a DB plan with lump sum option: CAL never lost theirs.


CARP Formula = (FAE x 1.19% + MAX(0, FAE - CovComp) x 0.45%) x MIN(30, Service) / 12
CovComp (Covered Compensation) is average of the Social Security Wage Base (SSWB) over 35 years before retirement

Pay increases 2% per year Co. Cont.
Age 2016 50 Future SSWB increases 2% per year This should be the
FAE 2016 $90,000 amount lost by giving
2016 Pay (top scale) $110,000 up the current plan
Age At Retirement 65 years Earnings assumed:
Annuity Interest Rate 6.00% (for LS)

Pay Numbers Accruals

Final Average Earnings $139,561 x 1.19% = $1,661 per year of benefit service
Covered Compensation $119,448
Retiring in 2031
Soc Sec Ret Age 2033
FAE less CovComp $20,113 x 0.45% = $91 per year of benefit service
SUM $1,751
Service (limited to 30 years) x 15
CARP Accrued Benefit at later of 65 and retirement $26,269
Factor for early retirement x 100.00%
Retirement Benefit $26,269 ÷ 12 = $ 2,189 per month
Lump Sum CARP $ 294,151

Accumulation of Company Contributions given up in exchange for participation in CARP
$ 79,221

Click here for more info..Look for EXCEL files for CAL and UA.
Not to bad take the lump sum and reinvest it.
True but it does not cure the outsourcing bug. Unless the union agrees to 3rd party wages.
Not necessary on large fleet types where an airline that has part manufacturing capability to take advantage
of its FAR121 advantages over a 145 facility like Mobile. That is of course if our management uses the facility
and its engineering & maintenance staff correctly while having the courage to invest and modernize when needed.
Pemco in Dothan Alabama has had the IAM for years, and when I went there to teach an Engine run class a long time ago in my past life those guys started at $9.00 , an hour, don't know what they make now.

Running your own facility with large fleet types has huge cost savings if run correctly, wage differences can be nullified
if management understands the cost savings of a well-run 121 facility.
Running your own facility with large fleet types has huge cost savings if run correctly, wage differences can be nullified
if management understands the cost savings of a well-run 121 facility.
Pemco made their money developing their own upper deck cargo doors for B727/B737, plus other aircraft.
The bill has the full support of the Transport Workers Union of America, which represents thousands of workers who maintain U.S. airline passenger aircraft.

““The American public deserves to know the truth in flying. When deciding which airline to fly or which flight to buy, it shouldn’t be a privilege to know where airlines are maintaining their aircraft,” said TWU International President John Samuelsen. “This bill would provide the transparency needed to make those informed purchasing decisions, while also supporting regulators’ efforts to ensure that wherever U.S. aircraft is maintained, the work is held to one standard of safety and security.”

The legislation is endorsed by the Transport Workers Union of America, the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the Professional Aviation Safety Specialists, and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, and the Airline Pilots Association.
It's been awhile to check the site. I see people are still engaging bag throwers on maintenance issues. Until we can talk maintenance issues with mechanics and ignore and dismiss fleet to their own boards, we are doomed to include them and drag them along on our coattails. To all my maintenance brothers and sisters lets stay strong and hope we get a contract that is worthy of yes vote.
It's been awhile to check the site. I see people are still engaging bag throwers on maintenance issues. Until we can talk maintenance issues with mechanics and ignore and dismiss fleet to their own boards, we are doomed to include them and drag them along on our coattails. To all my maintenance brothers and sisters lets stay strong and hope we get a contract that is worthy of yes vote.

Very true, is it even possible for AA's AMTs to have a thread that isn't hijacked by baggage handlers and others? This is the same shite that goes on in negotiations.
Very true, is it even possible for AA's AMTs to have a thread that isn't hijacked by baggage handlers and others? This is the same shite that goes on in negotiations.

BTW 9 times out of 10 your threads suck. All you ever do is pat yourselves on the backs and say “Card Drive” yes card drive. We should have a card drive. Let’s have a card drive. Who’s card drive? Your card drive? My card drive? Card drive? Absolutely, I can go for a good card drive. We can even make little paper airplanes out of our cards.

Get over yourselves and stop preening in the mirror.
Hey Timid Weak Union. Boo Hoo.
