Aircraft maint issues

That's what I tried telling guys at work.
That's the legal negotiating process.
Many are whining like pigs and think that the company information posted is a T/A. Unfortunately the company has divided us up even more. We (membership) are a mess.
That’s why Parker the used car salesmen did. He wants us divided and he has inticed guys wanting the early out to get the nc to bring this out for a vote . I’m a no vote on the bullet points.
Weez that Rush song was the best thing you have posted in a long time. Damn good!!
That's what I tried telling guys at work.
That's the legal negotiating process.
Many are whining like pigs and think that the company information posted is a T/A. Unfortunately the company has divided us up even more. We (membership) are a mess.
I see that now. sad to see and watch. Please get the membership on social media and educated about what is really going on. That's what we did at SWA and it worked very well. Company propaganda is hard to fight off, but with social media now days it's a little easier. Good luck guys...

These are not Section 6 negotiations. I doubt there is blackout on talks.
So the company will continue to negotiate via Jetnet and our ASSociation has nothing to cry but foul via video.
Come September we could see ourselves starting from scratch and we will watch the F/A's negotiate and get another contract followed by the pilots.
All while we watch videos from both sides of the table.
A mess indeed.
A huge mess brother. Stay strong and you guys will get thru this...
Come September if we start from scratch then a very serious card drive will be initiated.
God I would hope so, and I would fully support it...
I am all in for a card drive but what union to leads us?
I am all in for a card drive but what union to leads us?
I would highly, highly recommend a class and craft mechanics union just like the Pilots and F/A's have done. The majority will pick which one better suits you and your membership, but by all means go with class and craft, otherwise just stay with what you got. Changing to a different industrial union will just be the same or even worse in some cases. OR better yet go with your very own internal mechanics union, this way the mechanics will rule what the union does for them, not another group, like fleet will tell the mechanics what they will do as in your current situation at AA with this fleet union representing you guys.
I am all in for a card drive but what union to leads us?

I'd vote for the credit union....Anything but the ASSociation, TWU, IAM, whatever the mix.
Please for God's sake, start the card drive!!! You guys deserve a new beginning. Mechanics need to be represented by a mechanics union period, end of story...
Watched GPs latest update. I agree with almost everything he said. Especially if David Seymour can make a video with bullet points he can certainly give a comprehensive proposal to our union.

I do think it’s ridiculous for GP to say there should never be a layoff even during a time of war or disaster.
I personally think we should go for another Union now, as I have talked to a number of usair guys. Who I consider good guys but they do not want a new contract as they are happy with the status quo. Anything connected with the twu will be a step down for them.

Even if AA gave a proposal to the association, I doubt it would go anywhere. Let’s all remember, the twu has problems of interpreting a contract, we have never had a layoff handled the same way twice.