Aircraft maint issues


Union Report Raises Concerns About Outsourced Aircraft Maintenance
A new report commissioned by the Transport Workers Union raises questions about oversight of airplane maintenance and inspections being carried out in foreign countries. Transport Workers Union International President John Samuelsen explains why his organization feels airlines are risking safety.

(Published Sunday, May 27, 2018 )

Union Report Raises Concerns About Outsourced Aircraft Maintenance
A new report commissioned by the Transport Workers Union raises questions about oversight of airplane maintenance and inspections being carried out in foreign countries. Transport Workers Union International President John Samuelsen explains why his organization feels airlines are risking safety.

(Published Sunday, May 27, 2018 )
I enjoyed watching this video and it did make a lot of valid points. I hope the flying public care more about safety then saving a few dollars on cheap airfare.
I enjoyed watching this video and it did make a lot of valid points. I hope the flying public care more about safety then saving a few dollars on cheap airfare.
Cheapest fare and scheduling is priority.
If the public took notice of safety and outsourcing those issues would have been addressed many years ago.
As long as airlines fill seats and make money you will continue down the same path. Airline safety records backs up the airlines claim that outsourcing has not led to any safety related issues. FAA backs up that claim.Today's modern aircraft are more reliable and technologically advanced. Better training, better Nav aids and more automation. Even if there was an issue, passengers continue to book on those carriers. Valujet had that crash in the everglades. They took a hit and changed their name to Airtran. Now Airtran was absorbed into SWA almost 20 years after the Valujet crash. Many LCC's flying are cutting costs and charging for everything to maximize profits. At some point the cost cutting will tilt into safety and operational issues. Then they will correct it and do it again. Why? Keeping profits rolling, filling seats, maintain stock value and bonuses for the elite. Labor always takes the hit when profits take a hit. It's always labor that becomes the sacrificial lamb. We need to understand this and accept this. Once we do we can work together in solidarity and try to maximize our efforts in achieving our goals for an ILC. Unfortunately we are so divided that when you have guys talking about voting for a T/A that has not been completed and released by the union, wanting to vote YES just for the buyout and will not educate themselves about all the issues we face. That's the real issue.
Cheapest fare and scheduling is priority.
If the public took notice of safety and outsourcing those issues would have been addressed many years ago.
As long as airlines fill seats and make money you will continue down the same path. Airline safety records backs up the airlines claim that outsourcing has not led to any safety related issues. FAA backs up that claim.Today's modern aircraft are more reliable and technologically advanced. Better training, better Nav aids and more automation. Even if there was an issue, passengers continue to book on those carriers. Valujet had that crash in the everglades. They took a hit and changed their name to Airtran. Now Airtran was absorbed into SWA almost 20 years after the Valujet crash. Many LCC's flying are cutting costs and charging for everything to maximize profits. At some point the cost cutting will tilt into safety and operational issues. Then they will correct it and do it again. Why? Keeping profits rolling, filling seats, maintain stock value and bonuses for the elite. Labor always takes the hit when profits take a hit. It's always labor that becomes the sacrificial lamb. We need to understand this and accept this. Once we do we can work together in solidarity and try to maximize our efforts in achieving our goals for an ILC. Unfortunately we are so divided that when you have guys talking about voting for a T/A that has not been completed and released by the union, wanting to vote YES just for the buyout and will not educate themselves about all the issues we face. That's the real issue.
Well said sir...
Cheapest fare and scheduling is priority.
If the public took notice of safety and outsourcing those issues would have been addressed many years ago.
As long as airlines fill seats and make money you will continue down the same path. Airline safety records backs up the airlines claim that outsourcing has not led to any safety related issues. FAA backs up that claim.Today's modern aircraft are more reliable and technologically advanced. Better training, better Nav aids and more automation. Even if there was an issue, passengers continue to book on those carriers. Valujet had that crash in the everglades. They took a hit and changed their name to Airtran. Now Airtran was absorbed into SWA almost 20 years after the Valujet crash. Many LCC's flying are cutting costs and charging for everything to maximize profits. At some point the cost cutting will tilt into safety and operational issues. Then they will correct it and do it again. Why? Keeping profits rolling, filling seats, maintain stock value and bonuses for the elite. Labor always takes the hit when profits take a hit. It's always labor that becomes the sacrificial lamb. We need to understand this and accept this. Once we do we can work together in solidarity and try to maximize our efforts in achieving our goals for an ILC. Unfortunately we are so divided that when you have guys talking about voting for a T/A that has not been completed and released by the union, wanting to vote YES just for the buyout and will not educate themselves about all the issues we face. That's the real issue.
Right now, industry is actively lobbying to reduce the standards for getting an A&P. They want to offload all company provided training onto the student and call that an A&P. This accompanied by structured apprenticeships will do more to keep our wages depressed than outsourcing ever could!
Until the offers are delivered thru the NC any offers from the co. on this jetnet is null and void. The company is doing exactly what our co. tried to do and nego around the NC. All nego's must be handled thru the NC. Nothing is official unless the NC has approved them and vote to allow it to go out to the membership for their votes. Anything else is just all propaganda to try and get the membership to put pressure on the NC to bring something out. Don't fall for it guys, stay strong and hold for what you guys deserve. Hopefully it will be full restore when all said and done...
Until the offers are delivered thru the NC any offers from the co. on this jetnet is null and void. The company is doing exactly what our co. tried to do and nego around the NC. All nego's must be handled thru the NC. Nothing is official unless the NC has approved them and vote to allow it to go out to the membership for their votes. Anything else is just all propaganda to try and get the membership to put pressure on the NC to bring something out. Don't fall for it guys, stay strong and hold for what you guys deserve. Hopefully it will be full restore when all said and done...
That's what I tried telling guys at work.
That's the legal negotiating process.
Many are whining like pigs and think that the company information posted is a T/A. Unfortunately the company has divided us up even more. We (membership) are a mess.
That's what I tried telling guys at work.
That's the legal negotiating process.
Many are whining like pigs and think that the company information posted is a T/A. Unfortunately the company has divided us up even more. We (membership) are a mess.
I could not agree more!!!
Until the offers are delivered thru the NC any offers from the co. on this jetnet is null and void. The company is doing exactly what our co. tried to do and nego around the NC. All nego's must be handled thru the NC. Nothing is official unless the NC has approved them and vote to allow it to go out to the membership for their votes. Anything else is just all propaganda to try and get the membership to put pressure on the NC to bring something out. Don't fall for it guys, stay strong and hold for what you guys deserve. Hopefully it will be full restore when all said and done...

These are not Section 6 negotiations. I doubt there is blackout on talks.
So the company will continue to negotiate via Jetnet and our ASSociation has nothing to cry but foul via video.
Come September we could see ourselves starting from scratch and we will watch the F/A's negotiate and get another contract followed by the pilots.
All while we watch videos from both sides of the table.
A mess indeed.