Aircraft maint issues

The $112,000 is a false number. Read the small print below that number. The only way you get that amount on 40 hours is if you work all 10 holidays at double time and half. I want full text language not bullet points.
That’s great thinking, turn this whole package down for shift diff. that’s why we all left $150k on the table. Great plan from the AMT think tank.
What package? I didn't see a complete T/A package to vote on. If your talking about the latest highlights in our company email then you were taken for a fool. The company just suckered you into questioning the union about these highlights. I guess your looking for a early out and only for yourself. Is this how we vote on a T/A? The company throws out some positive highlights and keeps the devil hidden? I'm glad your not negotiating for us. I want to vote on a T/A that was promised from Parker to be a ILC from top to bottom. Every article should be reviewed by every member before voting on any JCBA.
The $112,000 is a false number. Read the small print below that number. The only way you get that amount on 40 hours is if you work all 10 holidays at double time and half. I want full text language not bullet points.
Can anyone share the numbers they are offering? Or is it a waste of time do to propaganda games from co. just like us? If you guys are being told you will hit 112,000 annually at DOS then you will be about 5-6K higher than our current offer. Maybe our co. should do some adjustments quickly in order to not have to deal with new top rate numbers from AA
Can anyone share the numbers they are offering? Or is it a waste of time do to propaganda games from co. just like us? If you guys are being told you will hit 112,000 annually at DOS then you will be about 5-6K higher than our current offer. Maybe our co. should do some adjustments quickly in order to not have to deal with new top rate numbers from AA

The bottom line is they are playing games. Memorial day is coming soon and it is going to be a highly traveled holiday so they throw this piece of crap out there along with scheduling a whole 2 days of negotiations in June to try and calm people down. 2 days of talks after they have been doing nothing for over 2 months. They won't meet until noon on the 1st day due to travel and then they will leave at noon on the 2nd day due to travel so really they are meeting for 1 day. As I said those are not accurate numbers. They did not put an hourly wage out only an annual pay rate which was inflated by assuming that a mechanic would work all 10 holidays. They did not address vacation, retiree health ins, caps on health ins, profit sharing, any me too clause to keep our pay from falling to the bottom of the industry like UAL has in their contract along with other things. This is just bullet points that would allow the company to do whatever they wish. They are just trying to gauge the membership for their next offer. It is not even worthy of consideration.
On jetnet the company said they will release a video on this issue Friday. Can't wait to hear from the IGM posters bashing negotiations.
Relax. I`m just pointing out ONE thing thats unsatisfactory. We need to see a full language proposal, not highlights. Far too many unanswered questions. Personally I will add up all the pros/cons and decide from there.

You are write, of course.
Can anyone share the numbers they are offering? Or is it a waste of time do to propaganda games from co. just like us? If you guys are being told you will hit 112,000 annually at DOS then you will be about 5-6K higher than our current offer. Maybe our co. should do some adjustments quickly in order to not have to deal with new top rate numbers from AA

As stated earlier, the $112K number is assuming you work all 10 holidays. It`s semantics. The company is intentionally misleading the folks on the floor.
Relax. I`m just pointing out ONE thing thats unsatisfactory. We need to see a full language proposal, not highlights. Far too many unanswered questions. Personally I will add up all the pros/cons and decide from there.
The problem is GP & Co. doesn’t trust
You, me or any union member enough to decide for ourselves!
The problem is GP & Co. doesn’t trust
You, me or any union member enough to decide for ourselves!

Yep and the tired old way of thinking about negotiations is not working. Like it of not the company is showing movement on some items. The 1:1 being a big one. I fear our NC are stuck on semantics. Waiting for full language is a must as far as a vote goes, but I see these overtures by the company as building blocks to that end. It feels as if the NC wants full text before they will even look at what the company is offering. How much is waiting and playing games going to cost? What more are we looking to gain? I want our 7th week, better 401K, better sick time. Do we toss out the baby with the bath water or do we take it to a vote? Once the FA go into negotiations in December we are going to the back burner. The pilots are not too far behind them. The games need to stop on both sides. The NC needs to listen to their membership and get this thing done.
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Yep and the tired old way of thinking about negotiations is getting us not working. Like it of not the company is showing movement on some items. The 1:1 being a big one. I fear our NC are stuck on semantics. Waiting for full language is a must as far as a vote goes, but I see these overtures by the company as building blocks to that end. It feels as if the NC wants full text before they will even look at what the company is offering. How much is waiting and playing games going to cost? What more are we looking to gain? I want our 7th week, better 401K, better sick time. Do we toss out the baby with the bath water or do we take it to a vote? Once the FA go into negotiations in December we are going to the back burner. The pilots are not too far behind them. The games need to stop on both sides. The NC needs to listen to their membership and get this thing done.

Well said!
Acknowledging that American does less offshore maintenance than competitors, Samuelsen said, “If American publicly touted the fact that it does more maintenance on U.S. soil than other airlines, I believe the public would respond in a positive way [and] would flock to American.

“American could do a public campaign to talk about its high-quality work on American soil – the union would join them,” he said.
The bottom line is they are playing games. Memorial day is coming soon and it is going to be a highly traveled holiday so they throw this piece of crap out there along with scheduling a whole 2 days of negotiations in June to try and calm people down. 2 days of talks after they have been doing nothing for over 2 months. They won't meet until noon on the 1st day due to travel and then they will leave at noon on the 2nd day due to travel so really they are meeting for 1 day. As I said those are not accurate numbers. They did not put an hourly wage out only an annual pay rate which was inflated by assuming that a mechanic would work all 10 holidays. They did not address vacation, retiree health ins, caps on health ins, profit sharing, any me too clause to keep our pay from falling to the bottom of the industry like UAL has in their contract along with other things. This is just bullet points that would allow the company to do whatever they wish. They are just trying to gauge the membership for their next offer. It is not even worthy of consideration.

That's kinda what I thought. Sad but it happened with us as well. Stay strong guys and good luck...