Aircraft maint issues

Do you guys still not have any meeting dates? What's the hold up over there? Company or union's turn to counter?

It will be mid June before that company hired, snake oyl salesman: Jerry Glass, and his merry band - can make time to meet with our negotiating committee. That is the message conveyed by Gary Peterson at last weeks union meeting.
Don't know about AA but I did at NW I didn't do high speed taxi but did do plenty of powerbacks on the DC-9 and the 727. The 727 was the largest A/C we did powerbacks with at NW but I did see Eastern powerback a 757 at EWR when I worked there.

I guess I never realized that AMT's would do them? I've always associated them with live flights.

On the ramp side, they sure were fun.
I guess I never realized that AMT's would do them? I've always associated them with live flights.

On the ramp side, they sure were fun.
Weird sensation. It's cool for the rampers, unless there is a Lav truck spill and the engines going in Reverse blows it toward the marshallers, fun fun !
Cockpit windshield cleaning & Deicing come to mind.
I started in San diego..1986....we always cleaned cockpit windows without any logbook sign off issues the planes coming back from the wash rack ..they had a guy who'd come by later and wipe far as deiceing. .I'm pretty sure fleet has done that job previous to 1986..along side of maintenance. .now I could be mistaken. point is what has fleet actually accrued from maintenance since 1986..??
Or another favorite. ..of taken jobs. .when we started getting the A-321...every once in awhile the cargo door hydraulic motor at first it was wait for maintenance. .then maintenance realized what a workout it was to hand pump the door open...they..and I mean maintenance says it's our job...not company. .maintenance pushed that onto us...
At TULE Mechanics clean and polish the windshield on the 737.
If Fleet Service perform this work in the field, why not TULE ?
At TULE Mechanics clean and polish the windshield on the 737.
If Fleet Service perform this work in the field, why not TULE ?
Well I'm not sure of the Polish part....but we've always wiped them clean...just a request from the flight crew....
Now here's a question for some senior mechanics. ..if I remember right...the super 80's tail cone needed to be a straight edge ..and I'm pretty sure AA mechanics figured out a way to do it in house. ...for lower my memory correct. .??
Reference back to question 4797..??
I don't recall asking you about MD80 and their Tailcones. Seeing that I am Avionics , I do not know for sure, but I do remember something like that.
My Group is 737 my past is MD80 and the Engine Shop way back to 727 JT-8's and an Airforce 707 JT-3 Engine but only a little.
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I started in San diego..1986....we always cleaned cockpit windows without any logbook sign off issues the planes coming back from the wash rack ..they had a guy who'd come by later and wipe far as deiceing. .I'm pretty sure fleet has done that job previous to 1986..along side of maintenance. .now I could be mistaken. point is what has fleet actually accrued from maintenance since 1986..??
Cleaning flight deck windows has a MM procedure. There is a MM reference as to how to perform the task. Warnings, precautions, type of solution and wipes to use. I suggest every AMT pull it up and read it. It is part of the IAW program and therefore an AMT is the one that or should sign off the maintenance task as laid out in the MM. We can't decide which MM procedures are to be followed and allow cabin service to perform these tasks. Past practices don't always work in todays world of extreme oversight and accountability aka, IAW.