Aircraft maint issues

I just want the maintenance people of american airlines. .to know how much we appreciate what you do every day. ..also..remember. fleet. not your enemy...that's the facts...

We are all the same, just have different jobs. I've seen good mechs come off the ramp and i've seen bad ones. Also seen good mechs from emery riddle and bad.
Couldn't agree more. What until oil goes through the roof. We will get to the point where the union can't keep arguing that the company is making record profits.
Also, before you know it, the flight attendants and pilots will be ready to negotiate their contracts while our union is still putting out videos repeating the fact that the company won't come to the table and how ready they are to negotiate.
People need to understand that if people want a UNITED contract, then the company wants to outsource like United.

Does anyone know what the outsourcing percentage is that AA wants. From the explanations that I've seen, it sounds like with every AMT that takes early out, that's one less AMT headcount at TUL?
That’s the mentality of mechanics who have been in an industrial union for too long. That type of work doesn’t require an A&P license. I believe that type of work falls out of our scope of work. Even though I like doing it because it’s easy and time consuming.

If they’re mad about ramp doing push backs and wing walking, these AMTs should be even madder at the union tech crew chief instructors who go to out stations to teach FSCs to run APUs talk on radio and move airplanes on the taxiways

I think that AA mechs should be the highest paid A&Ps doing A&P work. They’re being hypocrites if they want a mechs union (AMFA) and be the highest paid AMTs but then expect to do work that doesn’t require an A&P license.

You don’t see pilots fueling airplanes, FAs catering the aircraft or gate agents vacuuming gate area after each trip.

Of course I expect this from the libtard union members from DFW and TUL with their sense of entitlement.
With the ramp driving the Supertugs, they are taking mechanics taxi jobs, moving aircraft. Look out Big jets! :) :) :) :)
With the ramp driving the Supertugs, they are taking mechanics taxi jobs, moving aircraft. Look out Big jets! :) :) :) :)

As long as they don’t taxi the aircraft, or repair the aircraft, my scope of work as an AMT is not being violated.

I guess you don’t understand that FSCs of AA and Eagle have been moving AA aircraft around at out stations for decades.

What really hurt is when AA started farming out IFE work and our union let them even after an arbitration case was ruled in our favor. That happened back when there was just VCRs on the aircraft.
As long as they don’t taxi the aircraft, or repair the aircraft, my scope of work as an AMT is not being violated.

I guess you don’t understand that FSCs of AA and Eagle have been moving AA aircraft around at out stations for decades.

What really hurt is when AA started farming out IFE work and our union let them even after an arbitration case was ruled in our favor. That happened back when there was just VCRs on the aircraft.
I was trying to be sarcastic, yes I know ramp has done operational moves for years at several airlines. But some people in your and my ranks think all aircraft moves should be maintenance. That's terrible about winning the arbitration decision , then they farm it out anyway.
As long as they don’t taxi the aircraft, or repair the aircraft, my scope of work as an AMT is not being violated.

I guess you don’t understand that FSCs of AA and Eagle have been moving AA aircraft around at out stations for decades.

What really hurt is when AA started farming out IFE work and our union let them even after an arbitration case was ruled in our favor. That happened back when there was just VCRs on the aircraft.

Well, at the two class 1 stations that I have worked at, maintenance did the moves between the hangar and terminal. If it goes the companies way, fleet will take over those moves. At my current station, LUS does the moves between the hangar and terminal on their metal. We still move our own metal.

So, in my opinion, they are taking away our work.
Well, at the two class 1 stations that I have worked at, maintenance did the moves between the hangar and terminal. If it goes the companies way, fleet will take over those moves. At my current station, LUS does the moves between the hangar and terminal on their metal. We still move our own metal.

So, in my opinion, they are taking away our work.
What station?
Let me just begin by saying. ..I love when maintenance complains about losing push was lost earlier then the 32 years I've been here...i would love to give that job back to you..fleet doesn't negotiate your contract. .but since we are talking non-skilled jobs..let's outsource cabin interior lighting. .tire changes..etc...etc....and only keep overhaul. .you know...maybe line maintenance can be you think that fleet wants that?? are very much mistaken. my opinion stands with maintenance and very much wants in house repairs. ..we respect what you do...even though you show no respect to us.....just saying it like it is. ..

Oh great, another convenient newb telling us how negotiations work. Bottom line, Maintenance has lost work to Fleet Service, and other vendors over my 32 years - never the other way around. We don't blame the clerks, or the vendors. We are usually told that we voted for it, or we didn't want to do that type of work. None of which is usually true. BTW, outsourcing Line Maintenance at AA, already takes place. Outsourcing of heavy maintenance at AA already takes place. Not sure what you're suggesting in your post. Take a look at Allegiant Airlines as an example of an airline that goes barebones on their entire maintenance program. # in trouble with FAA - oh and AA's shift to US Air's bare bones maintenance program is gonna bite them in the assets as well. There are a lot more requirements that an FAA Part 121 Air Carrier has to comply with - regarding their Aircraft Maintenance programs,, than you might be aware of.

If you think that Aircraft Maintenance hasn't been affected in negotiations in the past - by negotiating with all the other title groups - you're not being honest. The TWU has always had it's favorites, and it has never been Aircraft Maintenance. One big reason AMTs didn't make the jump to AMFA in the past, was the Tulsa voting block. The TWU always kept the overhaul guys happy with their holidays off, their weekends off, their base closure at Christmas etc.. Well, now Tulsa doesn't have the headcount to out vote the Line AMTs. The TWU has failed Tulsa now on the other items as well. So, once we get our stool pushed in with whatever weak TA we AMTs end up seeing, the authorization cards will be circulating.
Well, at the two class 1 stations that I have worked at, maintenance did the moves between the hangar and terminal. If it goes the companies way, fleet will take over those moves. At my current station, LUS does the moves between the hangar and terminal on their metal. We still move our own metal.

So, in my opinion, they are taking away our work.
Where I am at SWA we have people that have worked the line for years and don't want to be taxi qualified, and I am a Run up and Taxi instructor.
Oh great, another convenient newb telling us how negotiations work. Bottom line, Maintenance has lost work to Fleet Service, and other vendors over my 32 years - never the other way around. We don't blame the clerks, or the vendors. We are usually told that we voted for it, or we didn't want to do that type of work. None of which is usually true. BTW, outsourcing Line Maintenance at AA, already takes place. Outsourcing of heavy maintenance at AA already takes place. Not sure what you're suggesting in your post. Take a look at Allegiant Airlines as an example of an airline that goes barebones on their entire maintenance program. # in trouble with FAA - oh and AA's shift to US Air's bare bones maintenance program is gonna bite them in the assets as well. There are a lot more requirements that an FAA Part 121 Air Carrier has to comply with - regarding their Aircraft Maintenance programs,, than you might be aware of.

If you think that Aircraft Maintenance hasn't been affected in negotiations in the past - by negotiating with all the other title groups - you're not being honest. The TWU has always had it's favorites, and it has never been Aircraft Maintenance. One big reason AMTs didn't make the jump to AMFA in the past, was the Tulsa voting block. The TWU always kept the overhaul guys happy with their holidays off, their weekends off, their base closure at Christmas etc.. Well, now Tulsa doesn't have the headcount to out vote the Line AMTs. The TWU has failed Tulsa now on the other items as well. So, once we get our stool pushed in with whatever weak TA we AMTs end up seeing, the authorization cards will be circulating.
The way management looks at maintenance, everytime there is a raise, or better benefits ; management will look to contract stuff out to save money.Or they keep the group small like at SWA. It's the same principle in modern manufacturing , they get a robot to replace you. Even the U.S military the aircraft carrier I was on 5000 guys steam catapults, lots of maintenance. They new Ford class carrier you only have 3500. It sucks, do more with less.
Oh great, another convenient newb telling us how negotiations work. Bottom line, Maintenance has lost work to Fleet Service, and other vendors over my 32 years - never the other way around. We don't blame the clerks, or the vendors. We are usually told that we voted for it, or we didn't want to do that type of work. None of which is usually true. BTW, outsourcing Line Maintenance at AA, already takes place. Outsourcing of heavy maintenance at AA already takes place. Not sure what you're suggesting in your post. Take a look at Allegiant Airlines as an example of an airline that goes barebones on their entire maintenance program. # in trouble with FAA - oh and AA's shift to US Air's bare bones maintenance program is gonna bite them in the assets as well. There are a lot more requirements that an FAA Part 121 Air Carrier has to comply with - regarding their Aircraft Maintenance programs,, than you might be aware of.

If you think that Aircraft Maintenance hasn't been affected in negotiations in the past - by negotiating with all the other title groups - you're not being honest. The TWU has always had it's favorites, and it has never been Aircraft Maintenance. One big reason AMTs didn't make the jump to AMFA in the past, was the Tulsa voting block. The TWU always kept the overhaul guys happy with their holidays off, their weekends off, their base closure at Christmas etc.. Well, now Tulsa doesn't have the headcount to out vote the Line AMTs. The TWU has failed Tulsa now on the other items as well. So, once we get our stool pushed in with whatever weak TA we AMTs end up seeing, the authorization cards will be circulating.

So glad to hear this. Hope it happens this time around for you guys...
Well, at the two class 1 stations that I have worked at, maintenance did the moves between the hangar and terminal. If it goes the companies way, fleet will take over those moves. At my current station, LUS does the moves between the hangar and terminal on their metal. We still move our own metal.

So, in my opinion, they are taking away our work.

It’s not FAA, AA or the union stopping the ramp from using supertugs, it’s the city aviation rules having AMTs do the moves. City feels AMTs are less likely to have a runway incursion.
Where I am at SWA we have people that have worked the line for years and don't want to be taxi qualified, and I am a Run up and Taxi instructor.

Most mechs that work at hgr are taxi qualified on multiple fleets, I am qualified on 6 types. Guys that work at the terminal usually let their quals expire as they don’t taxi often enough to feel comfortable taxing once every year or two.
Where I am at SWA we have people that have worked the line for years and don't want to be taxi qualified, and I am a Run up and Taxi instructor.

Driver does SWA pay a taxi premium? I`m also a run up/taxi designee on all our fleets.