Aircraft maint issues

Association sucks.
Fleet is using the maintenance scope to adjust their asking.
There should be separate negotiations with only the Healthcare being common .
I am not berating fleet, stores or any other group.
I am tired of this union using one group to benefit another.
With this leadership that is exactly what is happening.
Association sucks.
Fleet is using the maintenance scope to adjust their asking.
There should be separate negotiations with only the Healthcare being common .
I am not berating fleet, stores or any other group.
I am tired of this union using one group to benefit another.
With this leadership that is exactly what is happening.
Could you possibly go into a little more depth?
Association Negotiations Update - May 9, 2018


American Management Continues Disrespect of 30,000 TWU-IAM Association Members

Since American management walked out of talks in late March, the TWU-IAM Association mechanic and related, stores and fleet service negotiating committees have been fully prepared to resume joint contract bargaining and bring these negotiations to a successful conclusion. Instead of making a good faith effort to to reach a fair agreement with 30,000 American Airlines ground workers and get back to work, American management has opted to conduct company-controlled road-shows in an attempt to bypass your negotiating committees. This diversion only serves to prolong the process and prevent Association members from reaping the benefits of a fair joint contract.

“Enough is enough. Association members have waited long enough for a fair joint contract,” said Alex Garcia and Sito Pantoja, Association Chair and Vice Chair, respectively. “The Association has been ready to resume talks since American management walked out of negotiations, but the Company seems more interested in holding their corporate side-shows than they are in reaching a fair agreement. Each day that American management refuses to negotiate is a slap in the face of 30,000 workers.”

In late March, talks broke down as American Airlines Executive Vice President Stephen Johnson—who had never before been in negotiations—stormed out of the room because the Association rejected American’s proposals regarding medical and retirement benefits, wages, scope/job security and profit sharing, which were wholly inadequate.

“We are deeply concerned over American’s refusal to negotiate and their seeming attempt to bend Association members to their will,” continued Garcia and Pantoja. “Make no mistake, we will not bend to American’s will, we stand ready to negotiate and we are fully prepared to mobilize the Association’s significant resources and bring this process to a conclusion that provides 30,000 Association members a fair joint contact that they can be proud of.”

Click here for more information.

TWU-IAM Association Bulletin 5-9-18.pdf

An exact play by play how SWA did the same thing. These 2 airline exects are in talks with each-other. You guys need to plan on a 3-6 month delay just as we did.
Association sucks.
Fleet is using the maintenance scope to adjust their asking.
There should be separate negotiations with only the Healthcare being common .
I am not berating fleet, stores or any other group.
I am tired of this union using one group to benefit another.
With this leadership that is exactly what is happening.

It's the typical TWU play book. Were you with the company when the TWU gladly took pushbacks and deicing from the mechanics and gave it to fleet?
That was when fleet and cabin service controlled all of us because of their numbers!
The thing is, we have nothing to vote on. We see now the big holdup is scope, and by GPs rhetoric it’s all about future heads. We as a membership do not get to line item veto what is in or what is out of a contract, it’s always saving heads, and line AMTs were always outvoted. Line AMTs are just now the majority, but we as a group are fractured between 2 unions that we didn’t get to vote on.

Listening to Dale’s speech, it seems like he has a real displeasure with working holidays. With us in the expensive to live areas, it’s about daily living and saving for retirement. I’m sure Dales major complaint isn’t working holidays, but it’s a poor argument in a townhall meeting, with a majority of airline workers who work through every holiday.

I would like to see the last best offer in its full form and see if the majority of AMTs approve or disapprove of AAs offer.

I personally don’t trust our union guys as they fought against the 2010 TA, and we have lost out on OVER $150k dollars each. They have a proven track record of being wrong about what AA will do and how much they are willing to negotiate. That Association rhetoric of no more airline by GP was pretty intimidating just like when the NWA AMFA guys said it, before they were all replaced.

Trump is pushing the U.S. closer and closer to conflict, we are slowly losing our window.

Couldn't agree more. What until oil goes through the roof. We will get to the point where the union can't keep arguing that the company is making record profits.
Also, before you know it, the flight attendants and pilots will be ready to negotiate their contracts while our union is still putting out videos repeating the fact that the company won't come to the table and how ready they are to negotiate.
People need to understand that if people want a UNITED contract, then the company wants to outsource like United.
Couldn't agree more. What until oil goes through the roof. We will get to the point where the union can't keep arguing that the company is making record profits.
Also, before you know it, the flight attendants and pilots will be ready to negotiate their contracts while our union is still putting out videos repeating the fact that the company won't come to the table and how ready they are to negotiate.
People need to understand that if people want a UNITED contract, then the company wants to outsource like United.
It like our offer we need to vote ours in. The F/As and ramp contracts become amenable this year in 2018.
It like our offer we need to vote ours in. The F/As and ramp contracts become amenable this year in 2018.
I think we all should vote on ours separately. Reading some of these comments, I think different work group solidarity is not even close. Heck, IAM and TWU Fleet solidarity is fragile at best.
Let me just begin by saying. ..I love when maintenance complains about losing push was lost earlier then the 32 years I've been here...i would love to give that job back to you..fleet doesn't negotiate your contract. .but since we are talking non-skilled jobs..let's outsource cabin interior lighting. .tire changes..etc...etc....and only keep overhaul. .you know...maybe line maintenance can be you think that fleet wants that?? are very much mistaken. my opinion stands with maintenance and very much wants in house repairs. ..we respect what you do...even though you show no respect to us.....just saying it like it is. ..
Do you in aircraft maintenance really think...that when we drop off family to board one of our aircraft that we don't think about the job you all do...that we in fleet could care less...if that's what you believe. ..well...well...I don't know what to say...
Let me just begin by saying. ..I love when maintenance complains about losing push was lost earlier then the 32 years I've been here...i would love to give that job back to you..fleet doesn't negotiate your contract. .but since we are talking non-skilled jobs..let's outsource cabin interior lighting. .tire changes..etc...etc....and only keep overhaul. .you know...maybe line maintenance can be you think that fleet wants that?? are very much mistaken. my opinion stands with maintenance and very much wants in house repairs. ..we respect what you do...even though you show no respect to us.....just saying it like it is. ..

That’s the mentality of mechanics who have been in an industrial union for too long. That type of work doesn’t require an A&P license. I believe that type of work falls out of our scope of work. Even though I like doing it because it’s easy and time consuming.

If they’re mad about ramp doing push backs and wing walking, these AMTs should be even madder at the union tech crew chief instructors who go to out stations to teach FSCs to run APUs talk on radio and move airplanes on the taxiways

I think that AA mechs should be the highest paid A&Ps doing A&P work. They’re being hypocrites if they want a mechs union (AMFA) and be the highest paid AMTs but then expect to do work that doesn’t require an A&P license.

You don’t see pilots fueling airplanes, FAs catering the aircraft or gate agents vacuuming gate area after each trip.

Of course I expect this from the libtard union members from DFW and TUL with their sense of entitlement.
That’s the mentality of mechanics who have been in an industrial union for too long. That type of work doesn’t require an A&P license. I believe that type of work falls out of our scope of work. Even though I like doing it because it’s easy and time consuming.

If they’re mad about ramp doing push backs and wing walking, these AMTs should be even madder at the union tech crew chief instructors who go to out stations to teach FSCs to run APUs talk on radio and move airplanes on the taxiways

I think that AA mechs should be the highest paid A&Ps doing A&P work. They’re being hypocrites if they want a mechs union (AMFA) and be the highest paid AMTs but then expect to do work that doesn’t require an A&P license.

You don’t see pilots fueling airplanes, FAs catering the aircraft or gate agents vacuuming gate area after each trip.

Of course I expect this from the libtard union members from DFW and TUL with their sense of entitlement.
..I'm with the mechanics. .I respect your expertise ..especially when I'm in coach at 30 thousand. .and I'm used to being disrespected on the ground. ..that's just what most of your class and craft feel like they need to do...although. .I do come across a few mechanics who are proud enough to actually treat you like a human being. ..let alone a co-worker