Can someone explain the differences between the two Scope’s and what it is precisely that AMT’s would take issue with?
Or are you referencing the Facilities Maintenance ask?
Since I have no inside scoop on scope.......
no pun intended here.......If I had to venture a guess, I would say that the LUS language on outsourcing is the preferred company method. What makes the scope discussions more critical this time is that they are not talking about just aircraft maintenance. It is going to affect facilities maintenance, automotive and fleet service.
Whenever most people hear the word "outsource" in the airline biz, it automatically means outsourcing maintenance. Never does anyone think of other areas of an airline where it might apply. Remember cabin service? Red coats?
As far as the two scopes, LUS is a percentage of, I believe, HOURS, while LAA is a percentage of the maintenance spend. Simply put, increase the spend, increase the outsourcing levels.
But let us take the deicing outsourcing issue....No one wants to lose work, but I do not see anyone losing their job because deicing might be outsourced. It is a seasonal task, not one that is done day in day out. OT would be the loss here.
Asking what precisely AMT's take issue with is not an easy question to answer. Individual answers would depend on seniority and location, whether base or line. Then there are those of us who know that paycuts or inferior contracts in exchange for saving jobs does not work long term.
Older mechanics might be happy with just their retiree medical returned. Others their pensions...