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Aircraft maint issues

Ok and this update was 4 months ago and after the Company essentially slapped down their opener on certain items. I’m sure items have been changed and adjusted since that time or else again I don’t think Brother Peterson would sound the way he did in that video.
I’ll give em a break. Maybe they somehow missed this update. Or maybe they think 80 positions added a year from now at Tulsa, base that probably loses a hundred heads a year through attrition, is actually adding heads. I’m happy for Tulsa as they have been shrinking for 20+ years but this is a bandaid when a tourniquet is needed.

Settling for less?

UA I understand has an agreement for $100,000 buy out and that 1000 have signed up for it.
The city of Tulsa I believe is participating in an expansion at the Overhaul base. I understand 5000 employees must be kept here and the company revieved a nice rate on the loan. One reason for the headcount reduction has to do with the age of the mechanics.
Do you understand posturing?

It was AA’s response to the protests.

I agree the letter was a response to the protests and said so at the time. So I guess you are saying the companies proposal didn’t contain worse scope than we have now? I guess you haven’t see management’s statements on our headcount. Please don’t say thats just posturing.
Ok and this update was 4 months ago and after the Company essentially slapped down their opener on certain items. I’m sure items have been changed and adjusted since that time or else again I don’t think Brother Peterson would sound the way he did in that video.
You sure items have been changed? We’re all guessing at this point as we get zero details out of negotiations. Are you interpreting Gary’s anger as just about the pace of negotiations and not the substance in the company’s offer?
Settling for less?

UA I understand has an agreement for $100,000 buy out and that 1000 have signed up for it.
The city of Tulsa I believe is participating in an expansion at the Overhaul base. I understand 5000 employees must be kept here and the company revieved a nice rate on the loan. One reason for the headcount reduction has to do with the age of the mechanics.

I’m sorry Buck and I’m still searching but you might be getting confused on the 100k buyout that was offered to the FA’s? I don’t recall off the top of my head one for the Mechanics?

What do you want to hear?

That the TWU or the IAM has never took long for negotiations?

When I started it was those already covered by contract that voted the B-Scale in, which started a massive reset of compensation industry wide. Of the major airlines the TWU/IAM Association are the last to gain industry average compensation and used working on each others aircraft for a reason. Yes now we here at TULE can work on USAIR aircraft. The IAM mechanics and the TWU mechanics are compensated equally for wages, but a major difference in benefits. The mechanics not just at WN but at UA and DL have enjoyed better compensation for years. Doug Parker had promised us UA or DL plus 7% and now the only person I hear still repeating that is Gary Peterson, while in reality it will be 3%. Robert ISOM has stated that we are 5-10% behind them. But you had better research I believe his ORD speech when he did mention the fact that we have more Technicians per aircraft than other major airlines. It very well may be that negotiations is able to get a large compensation pay out while each Technician recieves a smaller amount. In other words the total package. I give the TWU must credit for the amount of worked saved on the engine contract. Be sure that if at any one moment the bean counters feel that we are over manned that adjustments will be made, somewhere. Also in the event that users of this forum did not know, that Oasis is scheduled to start next April. Surely you all know that the IAM mechanics are to be be paid per their old CBA for the holidays and the TWU mechanics under our CBA. HEre's hoping that we have a new negotiated contract before SW does. If we do not where are you going to be? If SW increases the mechanics compensation greater than ours, what then.

I would like to know why some of you thash swamt when I a paying user here have invited and reminded him several trimes. Are you afraid that he might know something you don't? What are you going to say if he is even right on one item? While B737 and swamt spar with each other you members of the Association only hammer swamt? I have always remembered the fact that per mechanic SW has out-paid AA for the mechanics until just recently. How many of you know what a LAA topped out compensation is? It was more than the A&P mechanic until recently without License premiums.
I actually stopped sparring with Swamt , we are on the same team, just like you guys are. I figure whoever is done first either one will be 3% above. And then Delta gets their automatic raise above whoever is higher.
Settling for less?

UA I understand has an agreement for $100,000 buy out and that 1000 have signed up for it.
The city of Tulsa I believe is participating in an expansion at the Overhaul base. I understand 5000 employees must be kept here and the company revieved a nice rate on the loan. One reason for the headcount reduction has to do with the age of the mechanics.

Well this link has links to a whole bunch of UAL IBT links and mentions the 100k?

Being honest but I’m 100% sure if the Company popped a 100k buyout onto any of our JCBA TA’s, guys would slit each other’s throats stampeding for the doors.

You sure items have been changed? We’re all guessing at this point as we get zero details out of negotiations. Are you interpreting Gary’s anger as just about the pace of negotiations and not the substance in the company’s offer?

Not sure at all that they moved even an ounce off that original offer 4 months ago. Just sure that video would sound a lot different and they’d probably setting up the inflatable Rat in front of both Parker and Isom’s homes as we speak.

(Note the protests have calmed)
You also have to remember your Fleet has a lot of maintenance holidays, unlike the LUS Fleet.

I foresee the same or less of a percentage of overhaul outsourcing, I also see some of Tulsa’s white spaces being filled with some LUS Fleet. If our NC is successful in bringing in LUS components, CLT backshops reopening or TULE expansion.

To me the only base in danger would be PIT.

CLT has two bays not utilized.

So CLT could do all 320 family or if any LUS 757s, 333s and 332 if they bring that work back. CLT also use to do the 767 HMV.

And PHX only does light work and C-checks.

I see a combo of outsourcing and insourcing happening.

I see no job losses but some movement of jobs.

I also see more line work and no outsourcing of line like what we have in the IAM CBA.

These are my thoughts and opinions.
Settling for less?

UA I understand has an agreement for $100,000 buy out and that 1000 have signed up for it.
The city of Tulsa I believe is participating in an expansion at the Overhaul base. I understand 5000 employees must be kept here and the company revieved a nice rate on the loan. One reason for the headcount reduction has to do with the age of the mechanics.
Buck, you see the gray hair in Tulsa and you know it’s the same pretty much systemwide. A UA type buyout at AA is all a lot of guys are wating for. Or the company can throw such a POS contract at us that we all retire without a package before we see a contract.
Yes, attrition has been the cause of heads lost in Tulsa but those positions are gone. Any idea where the 80 heads will come from for the engine shop? Will they be all AMTs? Don’t you have non AMTs in the engine shop now? What’s the rumor on the back shops there?
The 5000 minimum is a good thing. Seems AA has always had a great deal up there. Hard to believe there hasn’t been a headcount minimum before now. Like a 10,000 minimum 25 years ago would have been nice.
UAs early out that was voted in was a max of $100,000. That’s $5.000 per year of service up to 20 years. That will buy a few years of medical till age 65.