AMFA has been at WN for 15 years and have secured only one line extra and that was in exchange for foreign outsourcing.
Tom, just stop it, your above post is a lie. As I have already told you what AMFA has done since we fired the teamsters and it's way more than one line chief.
And you are wrong on who the IAM allows in negotiations, one of the mechanic and related is a lead stock clerk with no District title at all. He is a shop steward in CLT.
You have got to be kidding! A lead stock clerk is the mechanic and related negotiator?? Please for god sake tell me this is not so??? Not only is this a fleet union asso. there are no mechanics being represented by mechanics at the table??? That is just beyond stupidity. At least AMFA will bring in a full professional committee that are of the group they are nego with, ie; instructors, MC, FM, plant maint., mechanics, and cleaners. No wonder the mechanics are screwed under this asso. You guys need a craft union, get rid of this fleet powered union trying to represent you mechanics. Of course they are going to cater to fleet now, pathetic.
The vote you talk about is Boeing. My District had nothing to do with that.