Hey LAV MAN, You can rationalize all you want but the fact remains....THE IAM BROUGHT US TO THIS POINT IN TIME WITH THEIR IDIOCY. :angry:
First they RUSH WILLINGLY TO PROVIDE CONCESSIONS. We said NO and had a REVOTE FORCED UPON US WITH THE INSULTING NOTION THAT WE WERE CONFUSED!!!! BULL-FEATHERS!!! NO MEANS NO!!!! But there was a driving force behind this injustice......$1.25 MILLION REWARD IF THE DEAL WAS RAT-IFIED!!!!! That my blue friend is a BRIBE. If it wasn't a BRIBE then the company would have paid the IAM for associated expenses even if the vote failed....would you not agree?? :down:
Nevertheless, more LIES, more DECEIT, more SECRECY, NO INFORMATION and most of all ENDLESS MISREPRESENTATION!!!!
Make NO mistake......the Airbus work IS GONE ALREADY AND YOUR UNION WON'T EVEN TELL YOU THE TRUTH!!!! Just keep listening to LIEBERGER and wear your FARMOUT-DEFLECTOR BUTTON PROUDLY. :blink:
The time to fight was when this assault on the membership commenced a year ago!!!!! The IAM HAS NOW EVEN MANAGED TO TAKE THE LEVERAGE OUT OF ANY SANCTIONED STRIKE WITH THEIR GENIUS.....BRAVO MORONS!!!!!
When the time to STRIKE arises, AND IT WILL, we will undoubtedly be playing directly into DAVE'S HANDS. Then you will see the IAM SPONSORED 100% FARMOUT (UAL) AT U-S AIRWAYS. This means MECHANICS, UTILITY, STORES, PLANNERS......ALL OUT THE DOOR!!! 😱
And you know what?? A STRIKE HE WILL GET unless the IAM STRIKES A DEAL WHEN PROVOKED......the only unanswered question is AT WHAT EMPLOYEE GROUP'S COST???? Just you wait and see. This is going to be really ugly.
I cannot wait to see how you spin-up an IAM-like reply.....wait.....I hear something........HISSsssssssss......AHH!!!! IT'S THE SNICKEN!!!!!!
First they RUSH WILLINGLY TO PROVIDE CONCESSIONS. We said NO and had a REVOTE FORCED UPON US WITH THE INSULTING NOTION THAT WE WERE CONFUSED!!!! BULL-FEATHERS!!! NO MEANS NO!!!! But there was a driving force behind this injustice......$1.25 MILLION REWARD IF THE DEAL WAS RAT-IFIED!!!!! That my blue friend is a BRIBE. If it wasn't a BRIBE then the company would have paid the IAM for associated expenses even if the vote failed....would you not agree?? :down:
Nevertheless, more LIES, more DECEIT, more SECRECY, NO INFORMATION and most of all ENDLESS MISREPRESENTATION!!!!
Make NO mistake......the Airbus work IS GONE ALREADY AND YOUR UNION WON'T EVEN TELL YOU THE TRUTH!!!! Just keep listening to LIEBERGER and wear your FARMOUT-DEFLECTOR BUTTON PROUDLY. :blink:
The time to fight was when this assault on the membership commenced a year ago!!!!! The IAM HAS NOW EVEN MANAGED TO TAKE THE LEVERAGE OUT OF ANY SANCTIONED STRIKE WITH THEIR GENIUS.....BRAVO MORONS!!!!!
When the time to STRIKE arises, AND IT WILL, we will undoubtedly be playing directly into DAVE'S HANDS. Then you will see the IAM SPONSORED 100% FARMOUT (UAL) AT U-S AIRWAYS. This means MECHANICS, UTILITY, STORES, PLANNERS......ALL OUT THE DOOR!!! 😱
And you know what?? A STRIKE HE WILL GET unless the IAM STRIKES A DEAL WHEN PROVOKED......the only unanswered question is AT WHAT EMPLOYEE GROUP'S COST???? Just you wait and see. This is going to be really ugly.
I cannot wait to see how you spin-up an IAM-like reply.....wait.....I hear something........HISSsssssssss......AHH!!!! IT'S THE SNICKEN!!!!!!