AP Tech,
Don't want to tell you how to feel about your union. You only know from being on that end and through that door.
However, I remember last August when the revote occured. I was in those summer negotiations as well. One of your union leaders had told me that your leaders were taken behind closed doors and were told by mangement that "we are in BK now" and if you don't bring that vote out again to your members, we will take the "scope" clause away and no severance as well. They would abrogate the entire agreement. If you can recall, your leaders brought the vote out again for you to choose again, AND specifically stated in the letter, NO MATTER HOW THIS VOTE TURNS OUT, WE WILL DEFEND OUR CONTRACT EVEN IN BANKRUPTCY with a judge.
Please pull these letter out and reread them. Rehash the summer. Your disqust is misapplied. Your union tries to defend, management TAKES.
For those who state "that is why I pay union dues". The reality is that unions are set up to be a very true democratic orgnaization. You have more power than you think and their is so MUCH strength in numbers NOT with 18 leaders of IAM.
The union dues that are collected are collected from every member on the property including the leadership. No one is exempt.
THE DUES ARE ONLY FOR A PULLING OF ALL THE RESOURCES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE YOU ALL SERVICES, including but not limited to, attorneys, benefit specialists, pension acturies, grievances, court letigations, and those representatives in your districts that represent your collective voices. They don't work FOR you, they work for USAirways just as you do. The leadership's SOLE purpose is to REPRESENT THE WISHES AND NEEDS OF THE MAJORITY.
YOU MUST SPEAK AND GET INVOLVED IN THIS ISSUE! This is THE issue for you and the lives of your families. This is the fight of the century for this IAM.
Set the example for the industry! We here at U started this, we need to take care of it for the industry. The Domino Effect IS HERE AND CONTINUES, and the "pandora box" remains opened.
IMO, the Government "bail outs" for this industry including the ATSB loan started this mess. They need to "reap what they have sown". Its all about Corporate welfare and every airline has their hand out. U is still not finished with bailouts. They are after the state of PA as you all can attest.