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Arbitration Request For Airbus S-check Work.


I understand you. You have knowledge on this.

You made a good point above. They will try to wear us down...

IT WON'T EVER HAPPEN. MANY OF US HAVE THE ENERGY FOR THIS. WHETHER WE MAKE IT OR NOT. No one keeps a winning streak. Even Lorenzo was shut out of the Industry.

Not all managements in this country behave this way. Unionized or not. This management has a lesson to learn. It may take us time, but the lesson will be learned even if we take our airline from this management. This is not a passing moment, this is history being made. We can either get beat down as employees and lose hope or fight until this war is over with this management, and force respect of contract language.

As I have said before many times, regarding our work and our jobs, "this is our airline, management is but a small part of the whole, and they only visit.
Piney, I may or may not fall into the genius category but I am definitely not a BOY. Thank you for the warning notice from the moderator for saying your post was IDIOTIC. I am only at 10% warning level and have 90% to go. I give you an F on your homework assignment. Your wonderful comparisons have nothing to do with airlines or aviation maintenance. You have the right to post whatever BS you like, but your suggestions to a middle ground is USELESS! A majority of us were willing to risk it all even when the company was under bankruptcy, but thats a whole other ugly topic. I suggest you read some of the transcripts concerning the commuter plane crash in CLT, and you will not be a fan at all of outsourcing of aviation maintenance. Jersey huh? It Figures. Your new pal MR.HAPPY. :up: 😛
PineyBob said:
PS ask Todd to forward a copy of my response to him warning you. I have NEVER complained to the moderators.
Bob is correct with his comments. He has never complained about any member's postings to the moderators.

We already are at the middle ground and we got here through negotiating so why would we want to negotiate to another middle ground and lose more. That would be a stupid negotiating tactic and before long one would end up with nothing. No wonder "no one" gives a crap any more at work. We are all tired of dealing with lies and more lies. It does not matter any longer. When we go down we are taking Dave with us. So much for labor peace. Never will we forget.

==Just dying a slow death.
PineyBob said:
Please don't paste copies of the scope clauses and all of that doo doo.

Indeed; why bother. This is US Airways, black-and-white plain-as-day contractual legal verbage is rendered meaningless.
I have a few questions to ask …..

1. Are the S-Check’s being preformed in house a big enough issue for Dave to risk an all out labor unrest…??

2. Is Dave just testing the waters…?? New Union on the horizon..??

3. Why would the company gamble on a 3rd party maintenance incident..?? Talk about the nail in the coffin..!!

Of course, the answers are designed to make you think just how desperate this company is to save a dollar. They will do and say anything.
To piney bob and some other posters:

As you have read many threads on this very active board one thing should have
become very evident. Contract violations have been alleged by each any every
union on the property. This is not just an IAM problem.
ALPA has taken a "no confidence" stance in dealing with the company and has
issues re pension , sick leave policy , etc. AFA has issues with policies re reserve
status, sick leave , etc. CWA and TWU also have many issues re contract
interpretation and how senior management has responded to those issues. All
of the unions have issues with health care or the lack thereof.

In the macro of the airline I use this to describe the current situation.
It is like the owner holding out a bone for his pet (return of the 5% wage deferal)
only to get the animal close enough to beat him again.

The fact remains that after approximatly 16 months of new management we have
not solved or resolved any of our operational problems and continue to offer
a less than efficient product to our customers. It is , however, a tribute to the
employees for trying to maintain their focus and attempting to deliver the best
that we can to the flying public.
On the issue of the airbus checks...fifty years of evidence that this has been inhouse work would be a powerfull argument in any court once proving that
contract language was not changed during the concessions regardless of how
that langauge was written.
Once the delivery schedule was established for the airbus fleet any prudent
management team would have calculated the time to the heavy maintenance
check, included those costs in its long term budget and expenses, and
provided a smooth transition into the checks. Didn t our management do this.

To come down to 60 days or so before these checks begin without a resolution
to the situation is just ridiculous.

I am not an IAM member and have not been a supporter of many of the previous
labor actions taken by the IAM, but on this issue , which really speaks to the
problems all of our employees are having with contact violations, i agree with
their position and believe they will receive strong support.
I believe that the out sourcing of maintenance is just another pebble on Dave's path. With many other outsourcing obstacles to be hurdled. I honestly believe there is no way he is going to leave 'reservations' as it is now. In my opinion he will cut major costs there someday. Maybe they are going to be tested next.

--This is the best job I have ever hated.
Do you all remember this post from a Sr VP?

US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.''s Misinformation (Pages 1 2 3 ...9 )
US Airways, Inc Posted on: Jan 5 2003, 10:39 PM

Replies: 134
Views: 7,269 PITguy, I apologize for the delay. I haven't been online and just saw your note.

We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)

We will pay all furlough pay as provided for in the contract.

We have no further plans to lay off more mechanics beyond what is published. With the new commitment to operate 279 a/c, we will need just about all the mechanics on the property to perform the maintenance we have scheduled, since our fleet plan anticipated retiring some planes that we will now be flying.

Finally, we are not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus.

Chris Chiames

Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #36648
LavMan said:
Do you all remember this post from a Sr VP?

US Airways Responds to CWA Rep.''s Misinformation (Pages 1 2 3 ...9 )
US Airways, Inc Posted on: Jan 5 2003, 10:39 PM

Replies: 134
Views: 7,269 PITguy, I apologize for the delay. I haven't been online and just saw your note.

We are not going to outsource heavy maintenance in PIT or elsewhere. We never even proposed it. (Unlike UA which has proposed the outsourcing of heavy maintenance.)

We will pay all furlough pay as provided for in the contract.

We have no further plans to lay off more mechanics beyond what is published. With the new commitment to operate 279 a/c, we will need just about all the mechanics on the property to perform the maintenance we have scheduled, since our fleet plan anticipated retiring some planes that we will now be flying.

Finally, we are not trying to vendor maintenance with either Boeing or Airbus.

Chris Chiames

Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #36648
I can hear it now Lavman....you guys were "Confused". Isn't that what was said previously? I'm afraid to say this but I think the company has had this up their sleeve for a long time and unfortunately the sleeve is long and full of more tactics like this. What's wrong with just being forthright and honest? I guess they're just too afraid the "Big Picture" would come into focus and everyone would see what's on the canvas.
:angry: Lavman, I remember back when they shut down TPA and moved the work north, a letter was put out by V/P of Maint. Presto how the work was to be split between PIT and CLT. It said something like PIT was to do the Boeing C-checks, Clt was to do the Airbus C-11's and both stations were going to do the cockpit door mods. I thought it also said something to the effect that with both maint. bases doing the door mods that which ever station did them the most efficiently would decide where they would do the Airbus S-checks. With the message board reply from Chris Chiams about not farming out any Boeing or Airbus work, and this letter from Presto I guess we know who is doing the lying.
I looked around here in PIT to see if anybody saved the letter from Presto but no luck yet. (I will continue looking) Does anybody in CLT remember seeing this letter? It was put out right after they closed TPA. If you find a copy see if you can get it to Tony G.
this farm out crap will go as far as "we" let it.thats the bottom line.labor freindly dave isn't testing the mettle of the IAM ,he is testing you and i.
PineyBob said:
I have stated that I have serious concerns regarding the outsourcing of complex task such as doing S -Checks. As for the Air Midwest tragedy, I flew with that flight crew on several occassions and chatted with them and I did read the transcripts and someone hopefully will go to jail.

And the precedents are mostly on point. The UAW unlike the IAM became proactive after thousands of job losses and got creative with the management teams. They came up with new and exciting ideas that were successful in saving thousands of jobs. Contrast that to IAM who continues to bleed jobs while the management of the IAM still lives high on the hog in tall cotton at the expense of the worker they purport to represent. I would submit that your membership has just about all of the "Help" it can stand from IAM.

As in my above post I have broken or worked around so called "Iron Clad" anti outsourcing contracts and you want to know something? I am not all that smart. You guys are going up against Jerry Glass who has a pretty impressive track record. I offered what I thought was a potential middle ground to save jobs and lessen hostility.

An ADULT would have responded "Respectfully I disagree Bob, our counsel has told us we are on solid legal footing and this is where we choose to make our stand". That position I can support as like I said ad nauseum I am not totally comfortable with outsourcing the work for safety reasons. Remember I actually sit in the plane alot more than you do when it's in the air so my opinion is valid on this issue. Perhaps a Midol would ease your discomfort! Sorry but like PITbull I never back off. But PITbull has learned to disagree without being disagreeable. A lesson you Sir would do well to learn. Then perhaps we could engage in a lively, intelligent and spirited debate.
Cockroach Preferred

PS ask Todd to forward a copy of my response to him warning you. I have NEVER complained to the moderators. Perhaps I am an idiot for actually giving a crap what happens to the people who fly me around in style. For the record I was born in PA and spent 44 of my 48 years there. Does that make a difference?
Piney, its just that your idea of further givebacks is unacceptable and many people are insulted by it , even if you weren't trying to inflame anyone. The employees of this company have been thru 4 ceos and have been paying the price for poor management decisions for YEARS and YEARS. Then they switch, pull the cord on the golden chute, and the employees are asked to bail out the company again and again and again. We have taken MASSIVE pay and benefit cuts that will alter our earning potential at Usairways forever. It must STOP. If the company can't make it then I guess its time to close the doors and weld em shut. Of course no one wants this scenerio, but when is enough is enough. You see in the maintenance dept. we're not sitting around concentrating on how to save the company a couple more million bucks so they can piss it away for more unexcusable desicions. Our one and only one concern is the safety of the aircraft. Regardless of time and cost. We will not negotiate with a company that has lied over and over to its employees for years and years with no end to the deception in site. You see its alot different on the inside looking out than the outside looking in. By the way midol upsets my stomach. :unsure:

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