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Arbitration Request For Airbus S-check Work.

PineyBob, you are spot on with your suggestion that U mgmt has the stones to bypass the contracts. The unions' sole recourse is arbitration, then litigation. This is time-consuming, and by the time ANY union sees the inside of a courtroom, the dirty deed will be a fait accompli. Then U will plead it is economically unfeasible to put the genie back in the bottle.

Bob, we gave major financial and productivity concessions, AND the company said what we gave was sufficient for the 'new' business plan. Now they are after more, thru the back door. At what point should I believe anything they say? And I know you'll agree with me on this - when is EVERYBODY going to focus on management? We gave what they said they had to have, and they STILL can't get the freakin' job done! :down:

Folks, from the whispers I'm hearing on the wind, it is about to get nasty.

If and when that occurs (major furloughs, station expression, maint. outsourcing, re-reneging pilot pensions) many will choose the Samson option, rather than become a Quisling. I am forced to concur.

allegheny1, your last post was well-said, sir.

" We must hang together, or we shall certainly hang separately."

And to all my fellow employees, check your six, and keep your noses clean. Do NOT give the bastards a club to hit you with.
To much time to quit,

Nice post, It never ends with this company does it. When will they wake up and treat the employees with respect. This company has so many pissed off employees it amazes me how it continues to run. How can this CEO come to this company and say he is labor friendly ? WHAT EMPLOYEE GROUP HAS WITNESSED A LABOR FRIENDLY DAVE ????
This company knew the airbus heavy checks would be due in Oct. There is no excuse for the company to say they don't have the tooling for the checks. They have had plenty of time to get the tooling. Do you think the employees are tired of the LIES and THREATS !!! IT NEVER ENDS DOES IT ??
Management 101 teaches you when making cuts and doing layoffs that it is insightful to do them quickly and then restore the calm and normalcy to the remaining employees, not to keep stirring up the garbage and have your workforce saying the heck with everything. Allot of the employees will never forget what is going on here and it will create bad issues for years.

--A prudent man carries a sharp hatchet, but a wise man knows how not to cut himself. Feel the blood running yet?
this will only go as far as the membership(the body and soul of the union)let it go.if the body doesn't resist and act,so be it...they will enjoy the consequences of their actions.
Just saw United 777's getting work done at Timco (sp?) in GSO this weekend.......the airplane was bigger than the hanger.

Hang in there guys, if I ever get called back I want you working on the bird I am flying not Joe Yahoo!!
The company received the tooling from Airbus with the purchase of the Airbus aircraft.
Not sure if this applies to the tooling, but we had one of the simulators returned to Airbus supposedly because we didn't take delivery of enough airplanes. Could be the same problem...who knows?

A320 Driver <_<
A320 Driver said:
Not sure if this applies to the tooling, but we had one of the simulators returned to Airbus supposedly because we didn't take delivery of enough airplanes. Could be the same problem...who knows?

A320 Driver <_<
sounds like a BK retribution to me.do you know who held the title on the simulator?b

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