Dog Wonder
Thanks for clearing that up. And here's my 2 cents:
As a non-rev in LGA I approached the gate to make sure I didn't have to remind the agent I was there and had been rolled over from the 3 previous flights (revs due to wx). It was my first time and I didn't want to get left behind. He didn't clear the list, and that flight went out with 3 empty seats. So it's not so uncommon that a Sabre user fails to clear the list, either.
Then there was another time in LGA (my picture must be in the back 😛h34r: ) that the night before there were 5 revenue seats with 3 NRSA listed. Morning of departure, same counts, as we left for the airport 2 hours prior, same counts. When we got to the airport 90 minutes prior to departure, there were now 8 NRSA ahead of us because of DOH. If it had been FCFS we could have checked at the 12-hour window and known where we stood amongst those 8. How does that make for better planning?
And I have never had trouble finding an Internet connection, even on my trips to Asia.
Breaks my heart a common man like you got left behind because of seniority.
Hope you get more time in before you fly again.