Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

luvn737s said:
US is not facing this threat.

The airline can be forced to make smart strategic moves in spite of itself, or it can be enabled to continue on a failed path by accepting the premise that labor is the problem. If US had a transformation plan that had real hope, the investment community would be rolling it's wheelbarrows of cash to the door. But as I've said before, if there is no money for employees, there's no money for investors.

You sir are total completely utterly out of touch with reality....I mean good Lord every single airline expert outside of the picture is voicing opinions saying in unison that U will likely fail even with cuts, every single one. And to boot you quote all these other airlines and blame it on a few greedy rich men implying labor didn't have a bearing on it.

Look around REAL careful, every industry that has high wages where little training is required with strong unions are being crushed and the unions are powerless only screaming as they die.

Blame is square on the Democrats who believe a global village, a global community, a world economy will bring utopia to the world. What it is actually doing is bringing DOWN the American workers and bringing up the rest of the world. Democrats voting for NAFTA and GATT wanting permission to take a leak from the global village sure as hell doesn't help matters but yet labor spends tons of money voting the very people in who are destroying their livelihoods with their insanity. People are blind dumb and stupid when it comes to separating the wheat from the chaff
Your right :)

Rico said:
Oh BTW, what does ANY of this have to do with the silly motion by the AFA to have the judge reverse his decision, and treat the AFA differently than all of the other work groups...?


I feel sorry for you...IMHO, judging by your rantings you have a warped view of the world and are a very unhappy and unreasonable person.

Good luck in you future endeavors, you will need it.

BoeingBoy said:
They, like many here, were willing to accept whatever management dished out if only they could keep their job. .

cavalier said:
Blame is square on the Democrats who believe a global village, a global community, a world economy will bring utopia to the world. What it is actually doing is bringing DOWN the American workers and bringing up the rest of the world. Democrats voting for NAFTA and GATT wanting permission to take a leak from the global village sure as hell doesn't help matters but yet labor spends tons of money voting the very people in who are destroying their livelihoods with their insanity. People are blind dumb and stupid when it comes to separating the wheat from the chaff
Cav, you can't post and listen to Rush at the same time. You seem to get overloaded.

The point I was making in the "They are not facing this threat" is that USAir does not have a Lorenzo who is eviscerating the airline and bludgoening labor to boot. Their threat is different. The management team (if you can call it that) at US has a laser-guided mission to destroy the unions at US. There biggest prize to date was the capitulation on scope. Lorenzo didn't have RJ's to play with. Their exploitative wages and working conditions are legitimized because they're RJs. Lorenzo had to deal in full-size airlines. If US had tried to seek a win-win solution with labor many years ago they might have some hope of harvesting fruit instead of complaining that the soil isn't salty enough.

I think US has about as much chance of surviving as I do of losing 100 lbs. and growing a full head of hair before my class reunion next week.
luvn737s said:
Cav, you can't post and listen to Rush at the same time. You seem to get overloaded.

The point I was making in the "They are not facing this threat" is that USAir does not have a Lorenzo who is eviscerating the airline and bludgoening labor to boot. Their threat is different. The management team (if you can call it that) at US has a laser-guided mission to destroy the unions at US. There biggest prize to date was the capitulation on scope. Lorenzo didn't have RJ's to play with. Their exploitative wages and working conditions are legitimized because they're RJs. Lorenzo had to deal in full-size airlines. If US had tried to seek a win-win solution with labor many years ago they might have some hope of harvesting fruit instead of complaining that the soil isn't salty enough.

I think US has about as much chance of surviving as I do of losing 100 lbs. and growing a full head of hair before my class reunion next week.

I don't listen to Rush, he makes me sick...I used these boards as entertainment and now it’s over. Talked to many of my mechanic friends and they too are leaving. One was lucky enough to get on with giant GE making even more with way better benefits, others are bailing as they's over.

As for your comment, if you get a wig and liposuction then U could survive. But, I am with you, I think it's truly over this time.
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Rico said:
Wow. Look at all these posts... Hehe

Oh BTW, what does ANY of this have to do with the silly motion by the AFA to have the judge reverse his decision, and treat the AFA differently than all of the other work groups...?


BTW, ivestigate before you spout...IAM filed their motion for reconsideration for the same reasons as AFA...and CWA is looking for legal information to allow them to strike.

You hold on to that MAA seat now, ya hear? ;)
Oh sorry,

The silly motion(s) by the AFA (and IAM) to be treated differently than the remainder of the work groups at Airways.

Grandstanding actions meant to to appease your membership and pretend to be doing something useful just seem a waste of time to me. But I guess you need to hide your Union's lack of success and poor decisions somehow.
The silly motion(s) by the AFA (and IAM) to be treated differently than the remainder of the work groups at Airways.
YEAH ,i see we got one more week of vacation in the first offer....duh. B)
delldude said:
YEAH ,i see we got one more week of vacation in the first offer....duh. B)
Dude...seems you're as crazy in real life. Talked to a planner who said as much this morning of you, crazy in a fun way..... :up:
Rico said:
Oh sorry,

The silly motion(s) by the AFA (and IAM) to be treated differently than the remainder of the work groups at Airways.

Grandstanding actions meant to to appease your membership and pretend to be doing something useful just seem a waste of time to me. But I guess you need to hide your Union's lack of success and poor decisions somehow.

Well, we all have to remember that negotiations stopped about a week before the judge made his final decision on our paycuts, because AFA felt disappointed that the company was spending too much time dealing with pilot negotiations. :rolleyes: Then, they had to take a well needed Vacation after we were socked with the 21% paycut, because they were exhausted from negotiating with the company! Hmmm? Now, we seem to be wasting even more time contesting the judges latest decision instead of moving forward. Not sure we have the right people to do the right job! Just an observation, but that's what it looks like from this end.
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What now,

You have not a clue of the work that goes into negotiations...natta.

AFA is presenting thier "counter proposal" to the company at 3:00 p.m. today.

IT will be posted on the PIT E-line when the MEC gets it.
PITbull said:
What now,

You have not a clue of the work that goes into negotiations...natta.
AFA is presenting thier "counter proposal" to the company at 3:00 p.m. today.

IT will be posted on the PIT E-line when the MEC gets it.

Thanks, I guess this is one way of getting information about what's going on by posting on here! Look forward to seeing the latest proposal!
PITbull said:
What now,

You have not a clue of the work that goes into negotiations...natta.
AFA is presenting thier "counter proposal" to the company at 3:00 p.m. today.

Oh and by the way, I do have a clue on how this works, I've been here far too long to not know! I equate this process to beating a dead horse and watching paint dry! B)