Welcome aafsc,
And thank you for your insight. I have to weigh in with this point, as it is quite relevant. What is happening in the industry today is much bigger than US Airways, and I (most) don't believe for a second if we hold the line that it will change a thing...except that we will be unemployment.
Airline deregulation has taken a few decades to finally roust, but it is happening now. This is why AMR, DAL, UAir, AWA, and UAL are all struggling to cut our costs. The airline that have not made major progress, (NWA) will be shortly.
So it is a very different day here, Lorenzo is not raiding one airline to build another, rather, the entire industry is morphing in an effort to compete...those who are able to morph will survive. LLC's are here to stay, and will continue to grow until it is no longer profitable to do so...IOW, until the legacy airline can compete and not bleed.
Thank you for what you did years ago, you fought a good fight! (These are different times that require a different response to here another day).
PS One poster said we are dismantling mainline to fund Express...I would ask, why did we (the unions) not allow the company to build express while Comair, ASA, Skywest, CalExpress, and so on were building all around us. We have lost much of our feed to competitor’s hubs and we are working to get it back...DUH.
That is why we have to grow express...I have and idea though...lets make it all one big airline, all take a pay cut and be an awesome competitor. I'll do it, will you? (And I fly the A330 but I not too good to fly an RJ)