Rico said:What now, you left off the oh so important "Make defiant statements in Media" and just as important "Rush home to see self on TV" tatctics...
Rico said:Who cares if you leave PitBull...?
If anything the "MDA" part of Mainline has been an experiment to see if the rest Mainline could be transformed. Dealing with challenges Mainline has not had to, MDA has done very well. Everyone on here that keeps claiming "Airways is doomed" seems to forget that.
There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?
So I point to MDA as an example of people that give a "&^*#" will be sticking around, and WILL make the remainder of Mainline work very well, thank you.
Your egotistical opinion that Airways will fall apart upon your departure, pales in comparison to the example, that the E170 Division of Mainline has been able to set, by being successful without you so far (as will the remainder of Airways if you do leave).
PITbull said:Rico,
Where did I give an opinion that U would fall apart upon my departure>
Rico said:Who cares if you leave PitBull...?
There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?
SKY HIGH states: Positive attitude? A first class flight attendant had NO headsets for her cabin recently. Her remark, "Oh well, I "CARE" 21 percent LESS now anyway!"
SKY HIGH said:Rico said:Who cares if you leave PitBull...?
There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?
SKY HIGH states: Positive attitude? A first class flight attendant had NO headsets for her cabin recently. Her remark, "Oh well, I "CARE" 21 percent LESS now anyway!"
READ before you post. Rico is talking about MDA F/As (former US Airways mainline F/As now voluntarily working on the E170s for much less). I know quite a few of the MDA F/As, and they are indeed very positive and do a great job.
You are talking about a mainline F/A. MidAtlantic has neither First Class nor headsets.
Thirdly, F/As don't stock the plane with headsets. Her comment may have been uncalled for (although it's likely true whether she vocalized it or not), she is in no way responsible for a lack of headsets.
Jesus, You are pitiful.usfliboi said:Pitbull, you go girl...You prepare for a fight, arm yourself, and get your stump speeches ready. At any rate, while im "up up and away', ill look down and see you on the streets in pit, in a halfway house, trying to explain to someone wholl listen, where the union went wrong. 🙂
UseYourHead said:Jim,
I am not talking about that. After the strike, CAL went for a decade in and out of BK, with many mergers and aquisistions, and much hardship. In the end, even with all of the negatives, the employees pulled through after many many paycuts, loss of contracts, and so on.
I wasn't until after a decade that Gordon arrived....
EAL employees had a shut it down and we'll show him attitude and that is exactly what they got...no job.
They both had the same boss, Lorenzo.
aafsc said:[post="196729"][/post]