Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

What now, you left off the oh so important "Make defiant statements in Media" and just as important "Rush home to see self on TV" tatctics...
Rico said:
What now, you left off the oh so important "Make defiant statements in Media" and just as important "Rush home to see self on TV" tatctics...

Boy is that the truth, you have that nut's number... :up:
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Rico said:
Who cares if you leave PitBull...?

If anything the "MDA" part of Mainline has been an experiment to see if the rest Mainline could be transformed. Dealing with challenges Mainline has not had to, MDA has done very well. Everyone on here that keeps claiming "Airways is doomed" seems to forget that.

There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?

So I point to MDA as an example of people that give a "&^*#" will be sticking around, and WILL make the remainder of Mainline work very well, thank you.

Your egotistical opinion that Airways will fall apart upon your departure, pales in comparison to the example, that the E170 Division of Mainline has been able to set, by being successful without you so far (as will the remainder of Airways if you do leave).


Where did I give an opinion that U would fall apart upon my departure>

You make this crap up as you go along. Have you seen the losses this quarter? I have to admit, you'll be lucky if the company makes it to Christmas. The GOFARES are not working, the concept that they can force the flying public to book on the internet, is a risk and not a sound business plan.

The company has backed CWA and IAM into the corner, and the pax bookings are very low. You don't have to worry about my vote on a ballot, you need to worry about your seat, as U is in serious trouble including MAA, and can't sustain the loses even if all of labor gave the entire $950 million in cost savings tomorrow.

The pax are not booking on our airline.

I will not respond to another one of your posts again.

You would missed :)

This is one more reason why we should all pull together....

PITbull said:

Where did I give an opinion that U would fall apart upon my departure>

It's not the labor groups chasing away the customers.....look south to CCY and Dr. Bonehead and his comments. I wouldnt book a flight on us if it was 40 bucks round trip.
Rico said:
Who cares if you leave PitBull...?

There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?

SKY HIGH states: Positive attitude? A first class flight attendant had NO headsets for her cabin recently. Her remark, "Oh well, I "CARE" 21 percent LESS now anyway!"
SKY HIGH said:
Rico said:
Who cares if you leave PitBull...?

There are plenty of Flight Attendants that have sought to return to, and work at MDA. I can attest that our MDA F/A's do a great job, are positive, and look forward to the future. Can you say the same about yourself...?
SKY HIGH states: Positive attitude? A first class flight attendant had NO headsets for her cabin recently. Her remark, "Oh well, I "CARE" 21 percent LESS now anyway!"


READ before you post. Rico is talking about MDA F/As (former US Airways mainline F/As now voluntarily working on the E170s for much less). I know quite a few of the MDA F/As, and they are indeed very positive and do a great job.

You are talking about a mainline F/A. MidAtlantic has neither First Class nor headsets.

Thirdly, F/As don't stock the plane with headsets. Her comment may have been uncalled for (although it's likely true whether she vocalized it or not), she is in no way responsible for a lack of headsets.
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, you go girl...You prepare for a fight, arm yourself, and get your stump speeches ready. At any rate, while im "up up and away', ill look down and see you on the streets in pit, in a halfway house, trying to explain to someone wholl listen, where the union went wrong. :)
Jesus, You are pitiful.
UseYourHead said:

I am not talking about that. After the strike, CAL went for a decade in and out of BK, with many mergers and aquisistions, and much hardship. In the end, even with all of the negatives, the employees pulled through after many many paycuts, loss of contracts, and so on.

I wasn't until after a decade that Gordon arrived....

EAL employees had a shut it down and we'll show him attitude and that is exactly what they job.

They both had the same boss, Lorenzo.

As someone who worked for EAL I know what happened. When Lorenzo gained control of EAL the first thing he said is "I don't talk to unions." He then started to take assets from EAL (SODA computer system, aircraft, parts. gates, slots, etc.) and transferred them to CO and Texas air. And he was paying EAL significantly lower prices than the assets were worth. Then he charged EAL a "management fee" and EAL had to pay SODA 50 cents per reservation if I remember correctly. We knew there was no future. I can say that I and every former EAL employee I talked to without reservation would do it all over again without hesitation. UYH, the only reason CO is still here today is because they sucked the blood out of EAL.
As far as EAL people not having jobs, almost all I know have found jobs. Most went to other airlines, including myself. There are many ex EA, PA, BN, and TW at AA. We even have some from Piedmont and Delta. Yes, we had to start at the bottom with little pay and seniority, but now were topped out. The point is there is life after EAL and there will be life after AA (I'M prepared) and I U goes under there will be life after U. All the best to the professionals at U.
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Hats off to are truly a champion in solidarity...

Our best to you, warm welcome on these boards.
Hey I was there in that era too (at one of the aquired airlines), and the events you talk of did occur...BUT, after EAL was gone, CAL was still in troulbe for years , requiring consessions to survive.

The employees continued to give and do what it took, and along with a management change they are here today. I they would have dug their feet in, they too would have been history.

Remember, the strike started at CAL, and played out it course along with a series of mergers and aquisistions.

Again, what is relavent here is that consessesions and hanging in there did prove to offer another too is a fact.

Lastly, of course it is truethere is life after XX (fill in the blak of your airline), but it is also true that is most peoples last is mine. I think that great for you it all all worked out...BTW congradulations for "showing" Lorenzo who was boss (I mean that with all due respect), that was then, this is now and not the same situation.

Our Airline is struggling along with all of the other lacagy airlines, we don't have one guy selling assests to fund another airline. we are try to get this airline on a level playing field with the LCC competition.

aafsc said:
The employees at CAL did not give, it was taken from them and the bankrupcty laws were changed because of the first CAL bk.

Lacagy? Try Legacy.

I disagree.

This bunch thinks, with good reason, they can finesse the 1113 hurdles put in place due to Lorenzo.

And I believe this situation is close enough to the Lorenzo era to warrant action.

You need to understand - the company proposal to agents is NO better than what one can find out on the open market.

So the reality is, a lot of agents will have the same compensation outside of U, as they will soon be getting from U.

Under those circumstances, many are prepared to sacrifice their careers in hopes of calling attention to the abuses at U, just as what occurred in the EA/Lorenzo era. Perhaps some improvement to the 1113 section? And you can bet PBGC is going to want to tighten pension funding requirements - something every ALPA member should support.

Furthermore, when you back a chihuahua into a corner, you get bit.
Just curious, what "open market" are you talking about...

Home Depot...?

Before you encourage people to think that the job picture is so rosy, you might want to head out and start looking. Oh yeah, there are some jobs, but at the compensation levels you think... errr no. <_<

Retail, telemarketing, sales... Jobs, but "good" jobs, I think it best that people start checking for themselves, and know what it is like for real rather than just assuming that they can just skate into something new.

Oh, do not get too hopeful about health benifits, from what I have seen what is avail is real expensiive and covers as little as possible. I know others will accuse me of propaganda on this one, but I am just tellign you what I have seen from recent job hunting.

If your situation is better, then kudos, but trying to replecate something even in the 25-40K range is difficult nowadays.

Good luck.
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THESE ARE NO LONGER GOOD JOBS for many of the empoloyees. Folks may keep this job because they are afraid to go out into a job market they haven't been in for many many years. PIT will post a link on the PIT website with a company who will do an excellent resume using these aviation skills for employees for a nominal fee. Post on Monday.


I agree with you.

Lorenzo is alive and well and thriving at U.

Even if employees leave U, i think there so much "bad blood" out there that many folks will tell the public what goes on in the inside here, that most folks won't fly this airline.

U will be crippled for a long, long time, if they survive at all.

Its just so unfortunate for everyone that we have been brought to such a negative state.