The actuall fact of the matter, and what is obviously hard for you to understand, is that the pilots can indeed at the present time ride cabin jumpseat. But, in line with the topic of this thread, the tenative agreement would remove that benefit.
Please do move on. But, when considering the ramifications of your tentative agreement, please do consider what is being given away and what is being gained. The first step in that process is knowing what is being given away.
You may see the pilots being denied a currently allowed practice as a benefit to the f/a's,,,that is fine. Like I said previously, it is a really low priority issue.
One more thing, in line with the topic of this thread. Your TA, if ratified effects me as a pilot. The removal of my cabin jumpseat benefit being just one minor, somewhat inconsequential, example. Once a joint f/a contract is ratified, as a captain, it helps for me to have at least a basic understanding of the terms of your contract in order to effectively do my job.
So, lets conduct a little experiment here in the TA thread, by asking a simple question.
When on duty, who is an f/a's immediate supervisor, and why would pilots be interested in this thread?