Afa News

Flight attendants lay strike groundwork

Under bankruptcy law, a company can break its labor contracts and impose cheaper ones unilaterally if it can convince the judge that it's crucial to the company's survival.

Jack Gallagher, a labor lawyer in Washington, D.C., who represents management clients, says the strike threat is ill-conceived.

"It's like loading a gun and putting it to your head," Gallagher says. "Why would AFA want to drive revenue away from US Airways right now?" If the union were to move ahead with a strike, Gallagher says, it probably could be blocked in court.

Complete Story


I'll tell you why. We don't care anymore. It's better for us to be the sacrificial pig then to watch ALL the flight attendants lose their chance at a decent career. I'm game!
USA320Pilot said:
Flight attendants lay strike groundwork

Under bankruptcy law, a company can break its labor contracts and impose cheaper ones unilaterally if it can convince the judge that it's crucial to the company's survival.

Jack Gallagher, a labor lawyer in Washington, D.C., who represents management clients, says the strike threat is ill-conceived.

"It's like loading a gun and putting it to your head," Gallagher says. "Why would AFA want to drive revenue away from US Airways right now?" If the union were to move ahead with a strike, Gallagher says, it probably could be blocked in court.

Complete Story



The real answer is that nobady really knows if it's legal or not. These F/As have cojones, something the pilots don't have. Even if they initiate a strike, get ordered back to work and follow it up with informational picketing the damage will be immense to U and UAL and the entire industry. Then when air travel virtually ceases maybe it will get the attention of congress and others that need to take a close look at how these inept manangement teams are using the bankruptcy laws to break unions and union contracts. I really think that the judge, even though he may initially be able to get them back to work, would be powerless in the effect it would have on the industry, and the effect it would have on the labor movement as well. Can you spell CHAOS? I thought you could!
usfliboi said:
First let me say, AFA is grasping. Along with other unions who feel that this is being done to break their back. Regardless, AFA doesnt have a choice here. They are doing nothing than making it seem as if they are fighting the fight, in reality our reps know theres little they can do. First and foremost, the majority of F/a s would have to vote. If that past , the day the strike happened, the strike would have to be carried out. The majority of f/a s would prob vote to strike, but would not actually strike. Im one of them. I believe there no positive outcome in this possible strike. A union is only good, when there can be a positive outcome. There is none here.Regardless of what has happened in the past, management not with standing, we are where we are. People are free to leave or stay , no on e is holding you here. Your not entitled to have a job at us and nor am I. The majority of employees do not feel the depth of passion as do the few that post on here. If they did, they would be posting, and screaming loud and clear. Is anyone happy. NO! Most are on the line, working hard for their families. Reality has a way of playing itself out, bash me all you want, reality is reality, plain and simple.....
It's bad enough to be a scab. But to justify it makes you such a ..................



It is your right to not vote for a strike. Again let me make my self clear, I support your right to decide to VOTE to strike or not to. But If your union brothers and sisters vote for a strike and do, what is it exactly that your saying? If I read both your comments correctly, both of you are willing to cross your unions picket line. :angry: That is called a SCAB. If you do become a SCAB, I guarentee you that you would not be looked at very kindly (to say the least). I would personally make sure you would not be able to non rev on my aircraft. That's right I would personally take you off my aircaft. If your wondering how we would know? There is a current list of SCABS. I guess it might have to be updated :shock:
you have to remember one other thing: dr big mouth stuck his foot in the mouth when he said that the airline may be better off liquidated and restarted under a stupid name called bama air.  not that it would generate a whole lot revenue.  but these inept vampires running the show alone has caused lost revenue to usair and all they want to do is kill what is left of us.  i applaud the f/as for doing something you know i wish the iam would at least let us know what we could do may be it would wake up copngress and other high level politicians to take a harder closer look into the greedy vampires running the airline as well as other airlines.
I see pilots still carrying around the 1985 scab list at United. We never forget our scabs. :down: :boring:
USA320Pilot said:
Flight attendants lay strike groundwork

Under bankruptcy law, a company can break its labor contracts and impose cheaper ones unilaterally if it can convince the judge that it's crucial to the company's survival.

Jack Gallagher, a labor lawyer in Washington, D.C., who represents management clients, says the strike threat is ill-conceived.

"It's like loading a gun and putting it to your head," Gallagher says. "Why would AFA want to drive revenue away from US Airways right now?" If the union were to move ahead with a strike, Gallagher says, it probably could be blocked in court.

Complete Story


We are in unchartered waters when it comes to unilaterally breaking contracts, Stay Tuned.....I wonder what Jack Gallagher, labor lawyer, who represents management clients, would think it is ill-conceived for our illustrious Mr. Bronner to threaten to sell off the airline?? "Why would Mr. Bronner want to drive revenue away from US Airways right now ?" Regards?
Skyhungry said:


It is your right to not vote for a strike. Again let me make my self clear, I support your right to decide to VOTE to strike or not to. But If your union brothers and sisters vote for a strike and do, what is it exactly that your saying? If I read both your comments correctly, both of you are willing to cross your unions picket line. :angry: That is called a SCAB. If you do become a SCAB, I guarentee you that you would not be looked at very kindly (to say the least). I would personally make sure you would not be able to non rev on my aircraft. That's right I would personally take you off my aircaft. If your wondering how we would know? There is a current list of SCABS. I guess it might have to be updated :shock:

You are , for the most part correct. You post is factual and pretty well justified. However, I do not ever support crossing a picket line. I would much rather prefer to get my union leaders to get me a contract that works and avoid a strike. I am educated enough to know where the company and I stand right now in this industry. If anybody out there thinks this is your typical contract negotiations during normal times, you are very wrong. The standard negotiation rules need to be observed and respected by both sides with the exception that everyone needs to knwo that the companies fate is in the hands of the negotiations. If you do not care and truly want it to be over then it does not matter either way. But if you are like me and are willing to sacrifice to see the airline survive. Then it is important to see the outcome of negotiations. Nothing good can come from a strike.
Yes the unions can pound there chests on how they stuck to their guns, but where will be their members be?
Like I compared it to a martyr. He makes a tape and speech before going to blow himself up. He kills ten and himself. All the believers shout and praise him for his actions. But what did he accomplish. A belief, a stand, a right?
Fly said:
I'll tell you why. We don't care anymore. It's better for us to be the sacrificial pig then to watch ALL the flight attendants lose their chance at a decent career. I'm game!

I'm sorry, but when I read this I had to laugh. I don't mean to poke fun but do you really believe what happens here at U will have any long term impact on the quality of life for other airline employees?

Use history as an indicator:

1. Management will have their way.

2. When U goes away the other airlines will split up their routes and assets.

3. Congress won't lift a finger because the consumers, the advocacy groups and their lobbyists are tickled to death with the low fares.

4. The other airline employees WILL enjoy a little breather because there will be one less player in the game.

All this feigned nobility sounds good, but two days after a shutdown, no one will care who you are or what you did.

A320 Driver
i think it is irresponsible for pat friend to issue such an action. that will put thousands of people out of work. and if u think for one minute that hawaiian and alaska and some other afa carriers will follow suit . your highly mistasken. i am so embarrased to have a union like this representing me. we need to get rid of afa thats what we need to do. :angry: very irresponsible and very selfish and very stupid.. :down:
A320 Driver said:
I'm sorry, but when I read this I had to laugh. I don't mean to poke fun but do you really believe what happens here at U will have any long term impact on the quality of life for other airline employees?

Use history as an indicator:

1. Management will have their way.

2. When U goes away the other airlines will split up their routes and assets.

3. Congress won't lift a finger because the consumers, the advocacy groups and their lobbyists are tickled to death with the low fares.

4. The other airline employees WILL enjoy a little breather because there will be one less player in the game.

All this feigned nobility sounds good, but two days after a shutdown, no one will care who you are or what you did.
A320 Driver

Spoken like a true pilot! (do you guys cut them off when you enter flight school?)

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