USAirBoyA330 said:
I didn't meant to cause such a stir. I just think the blockholders have always looked out for themselves and really don't give two flying flips what goes on with the reserves. I see it every day. If they thought they could keep the "bidsheet" by throwing us Reserves out to the wolves I bet they would consider it. We are not unified and I don't know how to bring AFA together as one. It has always been blockholders vs. RSV. I wish it wasn't the case is.
That is not true. We have never been split. You don't hear blockholders sitting bad mouthing reserves like you hear reserves bad mouthing line holders. Do the reserves give 2 Cents about MAA f/as? I haven't heard one reserve speak about MAA and those f/as that lost their mainline job. Did the reserves sell out the lower end of the f/as who now either go to the street or MAA?
Its getting out of hand, and downright fed up with it. Things will change because they have to change.
The senior top out employees are the ones being targetted. THAT INCLUDES 14 YEARS AND UP, RESERVES IN THAT RANGE ALONG WITH LINEHOLDERS.
Wake up folks....managment doesn't want top out employees any longer NOR do they want to attract any folks to stay longer than 10 years. If you are an older reserve you are a liability to the company because of your potential to have health problems.
STOP PITTING ONE AGAINST THE OTHER. YOUR UNION BROTHER/SISTER IS NOT THE ENEMY HERE...its the coprorate thinking and the mighty profit dollars and what drives that.
Why aren't you folks thinking that if the company gets all they want, and projects their profits close to $1 billion in 2008, the senior managment has the propensity to all become very wealthy, while you on the other hand may lose your home, retirement, bankrupt all in this process.
Your focus should not be on what you percieve the blockholder is or isn't getting or not, it should be on how we negotiate to maximize our returns and share in EQUALLY the profits and not tied to any concession %, but rather equal sharing with no profit caps.