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Afa Meeting

I believe the IAM issue is more severe. Management seeks both defined pensions of IAM and AFA.

I can't see any inticement for the IAM. Your issues are more severe and will effect upwards to 50% of your membership.

The only issue of concern for labor is the possibility of BK filing. If we go in, I doubt we will come out. Managment is very well aware of what effects abrogation has on a company and labor. There is no way this managment can incentivize employees to work in an atomosphere of hostility and anger after contracts are abrogated. There will be no profits and this managment will lose control of the company the longer you stay in BK. They know it and so does labor.

The company's best interest and labor is to negotiate outside of BK and prevent a second filing.

IAM has no choice but to hold their ground IMO. Managment must withdraw the arbitration and act in good faith and negotiate this work and cost savings with the IAM. Management must act quickly and not gamble on a win.

I will always defend the IAM. I know you are right on this one.
PITbull said:
withdraw the arbitration and act in good faith and negotiate this work and cost savings with the IAM.
Add "We will" to the beginning of your quote above and those would be the 20 words that should come out of their mouth before any sitting down at any table.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Add "We will" to the beginning of your quote above and those would be the 20 words that should come out of their mouth before any sitting down at any table.
Absolutely agree.

If Management doesn't, they are stupid and wreckless.
Pitbull, you said a motion was made. I have sat on boards before and know that any motion can be made, but it has to be seconded and voted on to pass, at least on Parlimentary procedure. But I do understand Now what you meant.

When I commented on "politics", we all know that many in AFA have wheeled and dealed and then disappeared. I certainly am no expert on all of this, but I do know I have, along with many others, have been skeptical of our Union. Hopefully, this time around our Union will not let the F/A's down.

FWI: I also heard that the company is wanting to "sit the majority of all reserve in PHL and anyone that my fly over 30 hours will get time and a half. The clincher is that no one will be flying over 30 hours. Rumor or not, Reserves once again are in for a screwing, we all feel it coming.

If anything should wake up the membership and get the votes in, then the company should propose Blockholders and Reserves alternating. Maybe then, everyone would become a Rosa Parks.
It is the company's way of forcing people to quit. Drastically reduce Pit. Displace all reserves and probably many Secondaries, at least. Only open up PHL and maybe a few for LGA and Bos. Most will sit in PHL on reserve if the company does not offer another voluntary. Most won't be able to commute because the earlier flights from Pit -Phl have been replace with E-170's. We are not really adding anything to the equation, so I foresee, over 2000 more F/A's gone by the end of 2005. Hope I am wrong.

There is a method to this company's madness.!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :angry:

Don't believe anything you hear until it's in writing...and then only 1/2 of that. By the way....
ROTATING RESERVE came up in a PHL AFA meeting and we ordered Mollie (by motion) to instruct the MEC to take it to the company. Mollie did bring it up to the MEC and it went no where fast. Perry Hayes would not even take it to the company. What the F/A's didn't understand is that we were not in negotiations last year at that time. The company also had to be willing to change the system. Hopefully now we can get a rotation system of some sort. But, you know it can be all about the block holders at some times and I will be making sure that doesn't happen this time around. The reserves are fed up and it's the reserves they better sweet talk.

PITBulls said: "The MEC expressed that so far, we have not seen any changes in lower mangment which has the most effect and direct contact with our members. He states, things will change. Can't say I trust anyone at this point, however i will take him (Bruce Lakefield) at his word."

USA320Pilot comments: I agree with your comments above.


Actually USA330, the reserves are on 21% of the f/a population; unlike winter 2002, where the population of reserves was 40%.

The system that will be presented will be back to seniority and presenting a staggered reserve system. Company had put "buckets and pulls" on the table for ALPA. That won't go over with us. That would be a worse system then what is in place now.

There won't be a rotating reserve system presented. Its on the same line as reserves rotating with MAA f/as.

One of the biggest reasons the MEC voted to engage with the company was on the prospects to change the reserve and sick systems. It will come with a price.
Pitbull: What does "Staggering Reserve System" mean??? And also, are you implying the company wants to rotate Mainline reserves with MAA reserves????? All Mainline Reserves would be holding blocks with MAA. <_<

You know I respect you and we will just have to agree to disagree. Can't see eye to eye all the time. However, I think if you polled most of the reserves you would find we don't really feel like we have someone looking after out interest. I am willing to bet 90% at least would say that. Yes, it's the reserves who voted in most of this crap we are under now but looking back at the summer agreement is 20/20. We can only look forward at this point.
And let's not forget that Preferrential Bidding and the Reserve LTO were to start at the same time. June 2004????? What the hell happened with that??

I would agree with you on the 90%USAirboyA330.

This system is totally unfair for reserves. Just like the trip I just did. A 4-day. We made close to 3 hours. Good for the 2 blockholders, no use for me. I could care less if we make anytime anymore, it does me (us) no good.

All this had done is force those that don't want to work to work and those that want to work...not be able to. Doesn't make any sense. :angry:
PITbull said:
Management seeks both defined pensions of IAM and AFA.
Not that it makes it right, but don't forget that customer svc and ramp lost their defined pension benefits over a decade ago. Defined pensions are going the way of the dodo bird all across corporate America. And Treasury Sec Snow doesn't thinks that is such a bad thing. At the risk of turning this thread political:

Remember in November!

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