OK, this is from the DCA LECP. At least a "thank you..." Still, nothing from the LEC at USAir's largest crew base. (PHL!!!) 🙁
All Tricks and No Treats at US Airways
(Images from the picketing can be seen on the DCA page at
On October 31, 2006, flight attendants from AFA-CWA Council 41
were joined by flight attendants from Northwest Airlines, United
Airlines and CWA picketing at Washington National Airport
informing the media and our passengers of stalled negotiations
surrounding the merger of US Airways and America West.
With picket signs declaring "All Tricks and No Treats", "One
Airline, One Contract" and "No Concessions", flight attendants
took their message to the passengers who fly US Airways on a
regular basis.
We were also joined by Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) who was
traveling home on US Airways and took a few minutes to talk to
the crowd. Representative Clyburn is a longtime supporter of
AFA-CWA and is one of the fathers of our Whistle Blower
Protection. Representative Clyburn's message was clear,
"Continue the fight on behalf of working families and get out
and vote on November 7th and take back our Congress.
The message to the public and the Company is very clear. A "cost
neutral contract" will NOT fly. This merger is a product of the
concessions that the flight attendants accepted during
bankruptcy. Since the merger management has enjoyed pay raises
and millions in stock options. It is time to put up or shut up!
The millions being earned by US Airways should and will be
shared with the rank and file employees who made this happen.
Stop calling for a "cost neutral contract" and negotiate in good
Thank you to the DCA flight attendants who took time out of
their very busy schedule to join us. You make your union proud.
Also, thank you to the flight attendants from Northwest and
United Airlines who participated in solidarity. That is what a
union is all about.
To those who were working today, there will be future events to
pressure the Company in the future. We hope to see you there.
All Tricks and No Treats at US Airways
(Images from the picketing can be seen on the DCA page at
On October 31, 2006, flight attendants from AFA-CWA Council 41
were joined by flight attendants from Northwest Airlines, United
Airlines and CWA picketing at Washington National Airport
informing the media and our passengers of stalled negotiations
surrounding the merger of US Airways and America West.
With picket signs declaring "All Tricks and No Treats", "One
Airline, One Contract" and "No Concessions", flight attendants
took their message to the passengers who fly US Airways on a
regular basis.
We were also joined by Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) who was
traveling home on US Airways and took a few minutes to talk to
the crowd. Representative Clyburn is a longtime supporter of
AFA-CWA and is one of the fathers of our Whistle Blower
Protection. Representative Clyburn's message was clear,
"Continue the fight on behalf of working families and get out
and vote on November 7th and take back our Congress.
The message to the public and the Company is very clear. A "cost
neutral contract" will NOT fly. This merger is a product of the
concessions that the flight attendants accepted during
bankruptcy. Since the merger management has enjoyed pay raises
and millions in stock options. It is time to put up or shut up!
The millions being earned by US Airways should and will be
shared with the rank and file employees who made this happen.
Stop calling for a "cost neutral contract" and negotiate in good
Thank you to the DCA flight attendants who took time out of
their very busy schedule to join us. You make your union proud.
Also, thank you to the flight attendants from Northwest and
United Airlines who participated in solidarity. That is what a
union is all about.
To those who were working today, there will be future events to
pressure the Company in the future. We hope to see you there.
trust me, we tried for a NOV 1st resignation, but MECP was there, and it was not "possible".... strangely enough, Dec 1 st was fine...... 😉OK, thanks for the reminder I do recall something about her vote being of some value in the bigger picture. Man O Man it's like a Springer episode