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Council 70 AFA Meeting!

OK, this is from the DCA LECP. At least a "thank you..." Still, nothing from the LEC at USAir's largest crew base. (PHL!!!) 🙁

All Tricks and No Treats at US Airways
(Images from the picketing can be seen on the DCA page at

On October 31, 2006, flight attendants from AFA-CWA Council 41
were joined by flight attendants from Northwest Airlines, United
Airlines and CWA picketing at Washington National Airport
informing the media and our passengers of stalled negotiations
surrounding the merger of US Airways and America West.

With picket signs declaring "All Tricks and No Treats", "One
Airline, One Contract" and "No Concessions", flight attendants
took their message to the passengers who fly US Airways on a
regular basis.

We were also joined by Congressman James Clyburn (D-SC) who was
traveling home on US Airways and took a few minutes to talk to
the crowd. Representative Clyburn is a longtime supporter of
AFA-CWA and is one of the fathers of our Whistle Blower
Protection. Representative Clyburn's message was clear,
"Continue the fight on behalf of working families and get out
and vote on November 7th and take back our Congress.

The message to the public and the Company is very clear. A "cost
neutral contract" will NOT fly. This merger is a product of the
concessions that the flight attendants accepted during
bankruptcy. Since the merger management has enjoyed pay raises
and millions in stock options. It is time to put up or shut up!
The millions being earned by US Airways should and will be
shared with the rank and file employees who made this happen.
Stop calling for a "cost neutral contract" and negotiate in good

Thank you to the DCA flight attendants who took time out of
their very busy schedule to join us. You make your union proud.
Also, thank you to the flight attendants from Northwest and
United Airlines who participated in solidarity. That is what a
union is all about.

To those who were working today, there will be future events to
pressure the Company in the future. We hope to see you there.

OK, thanks for the reminder I do recall something about her vote being of some value in the bigger picture. Man O Man it's like a Springer episode
trust me, we tried for a NOV 1st resignation, but MECP was there, and it was not "possible".... strangely enough, Dec 1 st was fine...... 😉
You have been in what since day 1? the union? we all have. I know a lot of past and present LECP's that give a sh!t. Just another rant from the FA that chooses to whine and moan, yet never do anything to improve it. Time well spent, my friend. Wah.
According to MECP at the meeting yesterday, all 3 recalled are still eligible to run again for any position. I believe TG said out loud at the meeting that she would run again for VP, but again, she has no interest in being LECP, and that's not what her disagreement was about with LA anyway.... TG said she has no desire to "overtake" LA's position, and TG could have easily won the LECP anyway. TG is interested in working with , defending, and protecting the members, that much I know.

Disagree? That's why we voted to recall all 3, and let the membership decide. Time to wake up and pay attention, PHL FA's.......We'll see if that happens this time around..

For Your Infomation A@@ Wipe!! I Was On One Of The Union Committees For A While! So Eat It!! You MUST Be Drinking The Terri Graff KoolAid!
For Your Infomation A@@ Wipe!! I Was On One Of The Union Committees For A While! So Eat It!! You MUST Be Drinking The Terri Graff KoolAid!
Peopl who have no idea what they are talking about or dont understand something love to refer back to that KoolAid, dont they? :lol: Hilarious....

Nice job at the meeting by the way, PHL FA's!
Well, I don't have details, from what I was told by second hand information, all 3 officers resigned. Laura did allow for the members to change the agenda to include new business, however, when new business came, that last hour, she did not allow the members to make a motion to schedule a Special Meeting for the purpose of a recall. My understanding this went back and forth with members so upset. Then, I believe she said she would just resign if the other officers resign....and they did.

PHL...you rock :up: I understand that the meeting was video recorded. Terry, my hats off to you for your energy on giving the members a chance for their voices to be heard.

Very heartened by the members taking back their union. This will ensure that all leadership know that they are not above their members and ARE accountable.

There now has to be a new election for PHL within 90 days according to the C&B and in the interim, Pat Friend will appoint (probably Mike, AFA suck-up Flores.) and 2 other members to run the PHL base and represent PHL at the AFA BOD meeting. (Pat will ensure that PHL votes for the people she wants at the International election so I suspect she will hand pick her cronnies during this interim).

I find it very hard to believe that out of 50,000 members, there is nO ONE challenging Pat Friend for reelection next month.

Just have to shake my head why folks are so damn intimidated.
Learn the AFA Constitution, and you can do anyones job.


If any one decides to run for office, make sure those of you choose the right people to run with you who are compatible with your beliefs and can work synergistic with you. Run on the same ticket. Recruit the right people to sit in the right seats. I am of the hope that the best, educated union-minded members run for office, and the best of those, win!

Do not be intimidated by the job or worried to run for office. When PIT officers ran 5 years ago, no one knew how to argue a grievance, file a grievance, conduct a meeting, or know what the Constitution looked like, let alone know it. There is a learning curve. They only had the desire,energy and ambition to succeed. Be taught by those who have nothing politically to gain from you...(and you know what I mean).

Terry Graf has experience with grievances, filing and submission, she can give you her valuable experience and can always be brought in to assist. You will need her and Mary Ellen. If you have the desire and energy, you will learn the position and do great things for PHL members and the entire union at USAirways!

Buddy Brannon, MEC V.P. is a valuable resource, (20-year rep with MEC and LEC experience)AFA contract historian, and can teach you how to conduct a local meeting. He is an expert on the Constitution and MEC policies and procedures for USAirways. He can help you write an agenda item if you so choose. The LECPs than can assist you in anything you need during this process and far better than any training you could possibly receive from the AFA International. These elected positions can be, by far, one of, if not the greatest most rewarding experience you will have in your aviaiton tenure and quite a priviledge.

Good luck to PHL members...I feel very proud of your courage and resiliance to beat the odds. :up:
<_< <_< <_< WOW, I guess u now have nothing better to do with your time since u've retired. Isn't anything exciting happening in moontownship these days. So Pathetic that people, like u, are still fueling this fire. PITBULL, give it up already and go find a job!
<_< <_< <_< WOW, I guess u now have nothing better to do with your time since u've retired. Isn't anything exciting happening in moontownship these days. So Pathetic that people, like u, are still fueling this fire. PITBULL, give it up already and go find a job!

I don't know for certain but I believe, to her credit, PITBULL has a pretty good job now.

and to your clumsy attempt at censorship. Please crawl back under your rock.

I appreciate, though do not always agree with PITBULLs comments. PITBULL adds to the discussion, as opposed to you and your fellow slimy crones.
Well, from what I just learned AFA ruled the resignations "out of order"? Who the heck do they think they are? Mary Ellen and Terry don't you let them try to screw you over. You stood up to Laura's challange and I can now see Pat Friend and International and trying to protect Laura at all cost. Until she is gone don't either of you two go anywhere....we need you to protect us from her BS! And from the signatures you guys have gotten we are so close. We are not going to let her rollover us! 😉
Well, from what I just learned AFA ruled the resignations "out of order"? Who the heck do they think they are? Mary Ellen and Terry don't you let them try to screw you over. You stood up to Laura's challange and I can now see Pat Friend and International and trying to protect Laura at all cost. Until she is gone don't either of you two go anywhere....we need you to protect us from her BS! And from the signatures you guys have gotten we are so close. We are not going to let her rollover us! 😉

I believe a conditional resignation might be considered not acceptable. ( I will resign if you resign...) All the rhetoric about this being a personal fight between LA and TG was buried forever when LA dared that if TG resigned, then LA would resign. TGs response indicated she felt that any conflict at Council 70 was ethical and constitutional in nature rather than "personal" and she was willing to place the members of the council ahead of herself, quite a difference from LA, whose only concerns seemed to be for herself. LA arrogantly felt TGs actions stemmed from vain motivations when, in fact, it was/is the other way around.

On a side note, if they got 50% + 1 signatures for the recall, would they even need the expense of a recall?
I believe a conditional resignation might be considered not acceptable. ( I will resign if you resign...) All the rhetoric about this being a personal fight between LA and TG was buried forever when LA dared that if TG resigned, then LA would resign. TGs response indicated she felt that any conflict at Council 70 was ethical and constitutional in nature rather than "personal" and she was willing to place the members of the council ahead of herself, quite a difference from LA, whose only concerns seemed to be for herself. LA arrogantly felt TGs actions stemmed from vain motivations when, in fact, it was/is the other way around.

On a side note, if they got 50% + 1 signatures for the recall, would they even need the expense of a recall?
I think a total resignation of them all is in order. The entire local council has been turned into a circus. Let the membership elect new representation. If TG is all that she says, then she can throw her name into the hat in a new election.
Just watch, Darling Mike F. will give Dear Laura a job doing something else so that she can still collect a 160 Hour paycheck every month. Or, Laura will go right up to inflight to get hired to be a supervisor, (or maybe not since their salary is now down where it should be and they lost their seniority)

Yippee for Terry, you did a great job! :up:
For Your Infomation A@@ Wipe!! I Was On One Of The Union Committees For A While! So Eat It!! You MUST Be Drinking The Terri Graff KoolAid!

Well, from what I just learned AFA ruled the resignations "out of order"? Who the heck do they think they are? Mary Ellen and Terry don't you let them try to screw you over. You stood up to Laura's challange and I can now see Pat Friend and International and trying to protect Laura at all cost. Until she is gone don't either of you two go anywhere....we need you to protect us from her BS! And from the signatures you guys have gotten we are so close. We are not going to let her rollover us! 😉
Just heard this, too. Funny how the MECP and LECP at the meeting led us to believe the recall of all 3 officers was legit.......Sumthin' stinks here..... :shock:
I buy into PitBull's theory that AFA International (ie-Pat Non-Friend) is behind this. By keeping Laura in place through the International's annual meeting it keeps more control of the meeting.

It's funny in a way because AFA International can't even figure out that I quit last November. I am getting delinquent bills from the union for dues for 2006. They go right to the paper shredder and I keep letting them waste money by sending me new bills. I am now in bad standing with them, but they keep sending me bills anyway. All this despite the folks at Local 66 knowing that I quit because I went in and said goodbye to them and donated new or gently used uniform pieces to them so that others could wear them, if needed, without having to pay for them.
I buy into PitBull's theory that AFA International (ie-Pat Non-Friend) is behind this. By keeping Laura in place through the International's annual meeting it keeps more control of the meeting.

It's funny in a way because AFA International can't even figure out that I quit last November. I am getting delinquent bills from the union for dues for 2006. They go right to the paper shredder and I keep letting them waste money by sending me new bills. I am now in bad standing with them, but they keep sending me bills anyway. All this despite the folks at Local 66 knowing that I quit because I went in and said goodbye to them and donated new or gently used uniform pieces to them so that others could wear them, if needed, without having to pay for them.

Agreed. International is behind this. I also find it strange that the recalls took place on 10/30, and we STILL have not seen an e-line from the MECP regarding the next step(s) in the process. At the meeting, he said he would be sending this out promptly to the PHL membership. I believe he never had any intentions of doing so, and knew that International AFA would rule this out of order, so he would not have to.... At least he did not laugh right in our face at the meeting. :shock:

This should only make the meeting on 11/6 even more interesting. We shall see....

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