...AA has done very little other than lower cost. That alone is NOT why Southwest, Airtran, & JetBlue are sucessful. They have a powerful brand that speaks to customers. AA does have a product...however, it no longer supports 800 aircraft.
Do you hate your coworkers or do you just hate unions?
I'm amazed at how many of you believe that unions are such a terrible idea.
AA has done very little other than lower cost. That alone is NOT why Southwest, Airtran, & JetBlue are sucessful. They have a powerful brand that speaks to customers. AA does have a product...however, it no longer supports 800 aircraft.
Oneflyer said:I just hate unions and the sense that the company owes you something, that the company exists so that you can make a nice living doing minimal work with great benefits. You rant all you want, but the plain facts speak for themselves, the industries that have the heaviest union involvement are the ones that perform the poorest (steel, textiles, automotive, airlines, etc....) It isn't just incompetent management; the pattern repeats itself every time. Unions are bad for the economy and they are bad for the members. I just don't understand the argument that its better to fight and lose your jobs, than accept lower wages. I bet all those ex-union workers in Cleveland that has 20% unemployment would take those lower paying jobs now. Take your lower wages and if don't like it GO FIND ANOTHER JOB! That is what the rest of the working world does.
The idea of a union is noble and works well but when unions and there membership act like locust systematically destroying American industry one by one its hard to support them. They're corrupt, they give their members false expectations, and they are inherently anti-competitive and anti-company.
Look if in five years AA is making money hand over fist and the F/A want a raise, I’m all for it. Everyone should benefit when the company does well, but when the company is doing poorly you're going to suffer, especially when you're the company's biggest expense.
Oneflyer said:I just hate unions and the sense that the company owes you something, that the company exists so that you can make a nice living doing minimal work with great benefits. You rant all you want, but the plain facts speak for themselves, the industries that have the heaviest union involvement are the ones that perform the poorest (steel, textiles, automotive, airlines, etc....) It isn't just incompetent management; the pattern repeats itself every time. Unions are bad for the economy and they are bad for the members. I just don't understand the argument that its better to fight and lose your jobs, than accept lower wages. I bet all those ex-union workers in Cleveland that has 20% unemployment would take those lower paying jobs now. Take your lower wages and if don't like it GO FIND ANOTHER JOB! That is what the rest of the working world does.
The idea of a union is noble and works well but when unions and there membership act like locust systematically destroying American industry one by one its hard to support them. They're corrupt, they give their members false expectations, and they are inherently anti-competitive and anti-company.
Look if in five years AA is making money hand over fist and the F/A want a raise, I’m all for it. Everyone should benefit when the company does well, but when the company is doing poorly you're going to suffer, especially when you're the company's biggest expense.
Bob Owens said:Spoken like a true TWU supporter!
"We cant strike, we are weak". Then two seconds later saying "United invincible".
The AFA is giving the AFL-CIO unions the opportunity to prove themselves. Sonny Hall claimed that we dont need to merge all the airline unions into one because through the AFL-CIO and the TTD we already have that.
Well if the AFA, an AFL-CIO union goes out will we support them or not? So where do you stand AAmech, are you a worker or a TWU officer? Are you willing to lay it on the line in support of our brothers and sisters at the AFA? Are you saying that if we all stuck together that we would all be replaced by scabs?
I doubt it. Deep down you are a scab, and the posts you put out here shows it.
AAmech said:Well deep down inside you truly are BRAINLESS!!!! What do you think we could accomplish with a strike? What are we going to gain? How does this improve our situation? Will a strike magically put money in Bankrupt companies bank accounts? Maybe you haven't noticed that the "Legacies" airlines with good pay and retirement plans are dying! There is no big bad Robber Baron ripping off the employees to line his own pocket. If there was a strike would be an easy call This is simply the idea of frustrated union officials who don't know how to deal with the misarable reality of the world today. If a strike succeded in putting a US or UA out of business what airlines will fill the void? Its not like when EA folded and there was a strong AA waiting to expand with a bunch of good jobs. When a US fails the void will be filled by the Airtrans and Jetblues with low pay, no retirement plan or retiree health. How will this help us? The only thing a strike does is accelerate the downward slide of the airline employee. There is zero benifit for the workers!
goingboeing said:The quicker that we can get to the bottom the sooner we can start the climb back up. STRIKE-STRIKE-STRIKE!
Even Martha Stewart understands this principle as she asked the judge to start her sentence before the appeal was heard.
Oneflyer said:If the job was so tough and pay so low no one would do it. As long as there are thousands of F/A waiting for recall and thousands of applicants then F/A will continue to experience downward wage pressure. When enough of them retire or leave to do something else, airlines will be forced to raise wages.
If its ok for companies to use the leverage they posess then its ok for workers to do the same. Unionization levels the playing field, or at least it should, as long as you have the right union.
Well you obviously believe that we should all simply settle for the lowest wage that people will acccept instead of striving for the highest we can get through solidarity.