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Afa-apfa Our Futures At Stake

I'm with my union brothers and sisters. I think the FAs have more "BAWLS" than the TWU. If my union calls I will walk....

I get so excited when I here talk like this, I hope it happens. I'd be the first one to volunteer to do any kind of line work AA needed while they got a non-union workforce up and running. A nationwide strike would do two great things, get excess capacity out and reduce union power even further.
Oneflyer said:
I get so excited when I here talk like this, I hope it happens. I'd be the first one to volunteer to do any kind of line work AA needed while they got a non-union workforce up and running. A nationwide strike would do two great things, get excess capacity out and reduce union power even further.

Amen brother! Oops, I guess that's how the union bretheren speak :lol:
DFWCC said:
Yea, I agree "W" will probably be with us. I recall it was the democrats' Bill "the liar" Clinton who told Crandel to negotiate with the FA and he also to negated the Pilots strike. No wonder I was proud to support a winner and not an "A$$WIPE" like Clinton, or an anti-american communist like Kerry.

You know, While I respect your right to say what you want, to me, what you just said was so ignorant and proves why many of us hate the word Republican and the many that covet it like a religion...oh, I forgot it IS the religion of the christain fundamentalist, whose tactics are no better then Islamic or Jewish fundamentalist. The difference being is that thsoe countries don't want our democracy or our religion, yet we keeping cramming it up their butts.

My friend, if Kerry is a communist, then G.W. Bush is a bigger Nazi then Hitler himself.

Liberal? Damn right and proud!!
Oneflyer said:
I get so excited when I here talk like this, I hope it happens. I'd be the first one to volunteer to do any kind of line work AA needed while they got a non-union workforce up and running. A nationwide strike would do two great things, get excess capacity out and reduce union power even further.

That sounds like the same thing Crandall was saying just before the AA F/A's showed him what a real strike looks like. Instead of his threats coming true, he was busy throwing his Executive Chair out the third floor window of HQ's.

I believe you seriously underestimate the impact a nation wide strike would have, and you also under estimate the resolve that airline employees have gained by the gutting of the labor agreements.

I for one think, it is approaching something that even the union leadership will not be able to control when all haides breaks loose.

But hey, go ahead and post your fear and threats, I suspect you will even inflame a few sideliners to come on board with comments like that.
DFWCC said:
I'm with my union brothers and sisters. I think the FAs have more "BAWLS" than the TWU. If my union calls I will walk....

Wow, that means a lot. If your union is the TWU then you know rightly that they will not call.

Lets say by some chance they do? What will you do when your beloved "W" tells you to go back to work? About how you are being "un-American" by hurting the economy during a war? About how your strike is hurting "the hard working Americans" who need to travel home to see their dying mother? What will you say when Bush declares war on the Communist inspired organizations known as "unions"? Will you stand with the other "unionists" (Commies in the eyes of Bush and company) or will you start humming God Bless America and proudly cross the picket line and say that you are standing by our President and our troops, Freedom, Apple pie, Guns for all and death to anyone we as a proud capitalist nation feel deserve it?

I give the AFA credit, even if its a year too late. When I said that we should all strike in early 2003 Jim Little demanded that I retract the statement.
AAmech said:
There's no doubt they have more "BAWLS" than most of us, its the Brains they're lacking! With the THOUSANDS of FA's on the recall list It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the companies will terminate anyone who walks and replace them.
I think the AFA relizes how hopeless the situation is and wants to go out with a bang!

Spoken like a true TWU supporter!

"We cant strike, we are weak". Then two seconds later saying "United invincible".

The AFA is giving the AFL-CIO unions the opportunity to prove themselves. Sonny Hall claimed that we dont need to merge all the airline unions into one because through the AFL-CIO and the TTD we already have that.

Well if the AFA, an AFL-CIO union goes out will we support them or not? So where do you stand AAmech, are you a worker or a TWU officer? Are you willing to lay it on the line in support of our brothers and sisters at the AFA? Are you saying that if we all stuck together that we would all be replaced by scabs?

I doubt it. Deep down you are a scab, and the posts you put out here shows it.
Oneflyer said:
I get so excited when I here talk like this, I hope it happens. I'd be the first one to volunteer to do any kind of line work AA needed while they got a non-union workforce up and running. A nationwide strike would do two great things, get excess capacity out and reduce union power even further.

EAL had plenty of people like you and they still fell flat on their face.
Garfield1966 said:
You're soooo fuuunnnyyy.

My name is Garfield, let me be your tour guide to reality.

Enlighten the public. That's a good one. I'll have to rember that one for the dinner table.

40% of the nation did not vote. I would wager that a huge majority of those who did vote could not tell you why they voted the way they did. You think they give a rat's a$$ over your problems? They have their own life they are worried about. They do not care about they fact that you took a pay raise.

Untill you can come up with a better solution to our problems (other than firing people from all work groups other than your) I do not think you have aleg to stand on.

.......I appreciate your take on all this....but have heard it all, and more before-lets say about 11 years ago to the day...I was quite pleased with the outcome then and will roll the dice again if asked to...................................................
I am with Garfield on this one. It would be the stupidest move we could ever make at the moment. Thank goodness it is not even on the table. The public would have absolutely no sympathy for us as opposed to last time. We were the darlings back then, the mouse that could.
Don't get me wrong, if we were up for renegotiation and the membership voted on it, I would rather quit than be a scab, but what people are talking about here is a totally illegal move should the APFA even consider it. Let US and UA AFA unions do their own thing but leave APFA out of it.
AAStew said:
I am with Garfield on this one. It would be the stupidest move we could ever make at the moment. Thank goodness it is not even on the table. The public would have absolutely no sympathy for us as opposed to last time. We were the darlings back then, the mouse that could.
Don't get me wrong, if we were up for renegotiation and the membership voted on it, I would rather quit than be a scab, but what people are talking about here is a totally illegal move should the APFA even consider it. Let US and UA AFA unions do their own thing but leave APFA out of it.
A strike by anyone would cause the demise of many airlines. What do you expect to get from a company that has nothing to give. Most of the Airlines can not even pay their fuel bills. If the AFA strike I see US AIR UA and other do disapeer by the way side. And what will you all say then. When times are better you make a stand and collect what you deserve.
AAStew said:
I am with Garfield on this one. It would be the stupidest move we could ever make at the moment. Thank goodness it is not even on the table. The public would have absolutely no sympathy for us as opposed to last time. We were the darlings back then, the mouse that could.
Don't get me wrong, if we were up for renegotiation and the membership voted on it, I would rather quit than be a scab, but what people are talking about here is a totally illegal move should the APFA even consider it. Let US and UA AFA unions do their own thing but leave APFA out of it.

Yea till they come back for more right? Were you "up for renegotiation in 2003"? Why wait till you are looking at another pay cut and the elimination of your pension? By then it will be too late.
From the APFA today..

On the eleventh anniversary of the
American Airlines flight attendants' strike, Tommie Hutto-Blake,
President of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants
(APFA) representing more than 25,000 American Airlines Flight
Attendants, has announced her support for the US Airways and United
Airlines flight attendants in their quest to protect and preserve
their wages, work rules, and retirement benefits. "These are career
workers who had to fight for the right to hold a job following
marriage, becoming a parent and working beyond age 32, as well as
the right to receive the same treatment as their colleagues in the
cockpit. And now, these same flight attendants are being forced to
fight for their very existence."

"We, at APFA, understand their frustration and resolve to take
their very compelling disputes from the courtroom to the streets.
Watching the management styles of their carriers reminds this
industry and its workers of the '80s when Frank Lorenzo destroyed
the careers of airline workers, from his low cost airline-People's
Express to his network airlines Eastern and Continental." President
Hutto-Blake goes on to state, "To see Lorenzo, who was denied the
ability to reenter this industry by federal regulators, quoted in
the news media this week as an 'expert airline veteran' is certainly
further disheartening."

"This is a man who wantonly abrogated the collective bargaining
agreements of the companies he drove out of business in the '80s and
early '90s. The fact that he is now asserting that there is `more
sunshine through these dark clouds' - is a sad statement of where
these two carriers may be headed. We certainly hope that his
comments do not foreshadow US Airways or United adopting Lorenzo's
destructive management style that reflected nothing but disdain for
employees and their many years of loyal service."

"APFA remains cautiously optimistic that unions and senior
management at American Airlines can work together to seek solutions
to the many challenges that lay ahead for our company and the
industry without further concessionary bargaining. We are firm in
our resolve to chart a different labor-relations course at American
Airlines. We will continue to keep a close eye on the developments
at United and US Airways, and we express our full support for our
flight attendant colleagues at these airlines."

We at APFA urge the traveling public, legislators, and the media to
watch what is happening on these two properties closely. Thousands
of employees at UAL and USAir and their families are at risk.
The problem is that the traveling public, legislators, and the media arer watching very closely how this entire industry is changing. What people like HUtto-Blake fail to see is the rest of the competition...Southwest, Airtran, JetBlue, etc. I liken it to Montgomery Ward. Watching the competition surpass you because of an unwillingness to change is no way to run a business. Failing to change in order to help the company you work for compete is just as irresponsible. You can't say that what needs to happen is that Southwest, Airtran, and JetBlue need to become as inefficient as the legacy carriers...the legacy carriers are trying to become as efficient and cost conscious as them...because that is what the consumer is demanding...just like we all go in droves to the local Wal-Mart or Target...not because they pay their workers the most or give them the best benefits, but because it is a similar product for less...
flyhigh said:
The problem is that the traveling public, legislators, and the media arer watching very closely how this entire industry is changing. What people like HUtto-Blake fail to see is the rest of the competition...Southwest, Airtran, JetBlue, etc. I liken it to Montgomery Ward. Watching the competition surpass you because of an unwillingness to change is no way to run a business. Failing to change in order to help the company you work for compete is just as irresponsible. You can't say that what needs to happen is that Southwest, Airtran, and JetBlue need to become as inefficient as the legacy carriers...the legacy carriers are trying to become as efficient and cost conscious as them...because that is what the consumer is demanding...just like we all go in droves to the local Wal-Mart or Target...not because they pay their workers the most or give them the best benefits, but because it is a similar product for less...

How can you honestly say that AA has not changed over the past 3 years-
We have shed excess fAAt in every department-lowered our C-ASM cost to one of the lowest in the industry for network carriers-and automating like crazy more and more every year...it all adds up to a company that has adapted-thanks in most part of cost savings from employees to the tune of 3 BILLION!!
Any further savings can not be asked in good concious from labor-period-management got what they asked for flat out the first time-there are many other avenues to explore that can yeild millions-LEAVE US ALONE..

Again-you have to look twice at the product we are offering to the consumers-its not a jetblue/airtran product-AA is adament about the product we offer-there is a market for it and its not going to change-

Now the question? How much is employee morale worth to the bottom line??
Oneflyer said:
I get so excited when I here talk like this, I hope it happens. I'd be the first one to volunteer to do any kind of line work AA needed while they got a non-union workforce up and running. A nationwide strike would do two great things, get excess capacity out and reduce union power even further.

Why exactly you would be so happy to undermine your coworkers struggle?
Do you hate your coworkers or do you just hate unions?
I'm amazed at how many of you believe that unions are such a terrible idea.
Do you actually believe that a society without unions will be better than what we have now?
It is as the struggle of all those people in the past never existed.
Only a moron will think that any advances in workers compensation and benefits would have been possible without unions.
What kind of stupid weed flavor do you people chew?
Our unions are not perfect. They are a reflection of our society.
Even if you believe that unions leadership is corrupt you must be able to recognize that this “lets all strike†movement is mainly grassroots.
People are fed up.
Fed up with their union leadership.
Fed up with incompetent management.
Fed up with the crooks in Congress.
Fed up with the morons in the White House, past and present.
Never before in our lifetimes has the American public been attacked in such a vicious way by the people we elected to protect us and the business community.
They want our pensions.
They want our benefits.
They want to dig deeper into our safety net, Social Security.
They want us to work for Third World wages but pay US prices for benefits and care.
Above all they want us to support all of the above and also export all the jobs we have left to a non citizen that comes across the border or resides abroad.

Somehow many of you actually think this is the way to go.
That this is our way of life .
Every time we turn around you remind us of those powerful market forces.
You seem to forget that we are the most powerful market force.
We the citizens of this country.
Since when does a corporation, a financial institution, a legal entity, has more rights, more claims to life (and to a better life), that we the citizens?
Since when did the profitability of Wall street types and the employment status of people in far away places outweighs the interests of US citizens?
I'm absolutely amazed by the stupidity of common people we repeat phrases as this: “It is good for the economyâ€.
Don't they realize that when Wall Street economists and Washington think tanks speak of economy they don't include them? That they mean it is good for corporations and Wall Street financial institutions.
Some of us even suggest to “just play the hand we were dealt†stop complaining and stop fighting.
Thank God our ancestors were not the spineless mindless people you are.
They knew what was right for them and they fought to get it and to preserve it for you and me.
And now somehow after all those years of brainwashing from media, from government and the think tanks you became the finished product.
But wait......we will still have a job.
But wait…….. we will live to fight another day.
Or is it ....... we will live to give some more another day.
Oh well !
Have a drink and be happy.
And please dont forget those reality shows.

“It is good for the economyâ€...........
“It is good for the economyâ€...........
“It is good for the economyâ€...........

"Now you are starting to feel sleepy .........it wont hurt ....We promise, it wont hurt ".

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