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AFA/70 Graf,Cangey,Elias,Jones

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I have talked to a a lot of sr. F/A's that have not up dated there address...we all need to get involved and VOTE we need to have a record turnout to send a STRONG message to the company...

With all due respect, these senior people need to do things FOR THEMSELVES!!!! They don't need their hands held.
Last time I checked we were all adults working at US.
If one's info is not updated, it is THEIR fault and NO ONE ELSE'S fault.
I'm curious, how many of you think we will be getting a raise? $1 an hour, $2 an hour, $5 an hour? Plus, we need cost of living raises each year! 2% at least, every year, no top out pay. Geez, gas goes up, oil goes up, my taxes go up but we over 14 years haven't gotten a raise in years. I feel sorry for the person that has 25 years, they haven't gotten a raise in 9 years! And maybe, just maybe they like their job, so that means they work more to make ends meet, and then they have to fly to 65 because of health benifits.

I would like to see: a cost of living raise, better rsv system, and a fricken retirement package so people could leave at 60 years old with health benifits!!!!

Geez, remember when we had weight restrictions for f/a's? I'd be REAL senior if we still had 'em!
But just remember, those of you that are counting on a large, hefty raise; DP says in one of the town hall meetings (view it on the hub), that Tempe get's 2000 applications a month for flight attendant - read between the lines, why give 'em a raise when there is always some 20 year old from Iowa that will do this job for $16 an hour......................

hmm.......something to think about!

And regarding the election - do you think grouchy Herring and softie Oprisko will run? Herring, horrible, Oprisko has no fight......bad combination, what do you think? :down:
But just remember, those of you that are counting on a large, hefty raise; DP says in one of the town hall meetings (view it on the hub), that Tempe get's 2000 applications a month for flight attendant - read between the lines, why give 'em a raise when there is always some 20 year old from Iowa that will do this job for $16 an hour......................

hmm.......something to think about!

And regarding the election - do you think grouchy Herring and softie Oprisko will run? Herring, horrible, Oprisko has no fight......bad combination, what do you think? :down:

I agree. I don't think we will get a very big raise. That's not DP's style. Go ask him about it. He will smugly tell you "I don't think so".
I did not like the part about matching up trips with a reserves days of availability. Uhhh, I want to choose my trip if there is more then one available regardless of how many days I am available.

I really want 5 hours min. pay per day.

I do not play tag.

Seniority until 65 hours is just making a more complicated LTO system.

LTO on this day and seniority on that day guarentees that I will continue to receive 2 a.m. international quick calls.
I did not like the part about matching up trips with a reserves days of availability. Uhhh, I want to choose my trip if there is more then one available regardless of how many days I am available.

I really want 5 hours min. pay per day.

I do not play tag.

Seniority until 65 hours is just making a more complicated LTO system.

LTO on this day and seniority on that day guarentees that I will continue to receive 2 a.m. international quick calls.

The whole thing sounds worse than what we have now. :down:

Do you guys have a Reserve Chair on the east? If so, did the negotiating team sit down with them? Not sure if our people here on the west met with our chair but in my opinion that would be the most intelligent thing to do. Talk to the current Reserve Chairs and really find out
what works, what doesn't work and what the current reserves would consider acceptable vs. unacceptable. If they didn't bother to meet then that speaks volumes as to what and who they consider important amongst our FA ranks. It seems to me that Gary, Mike, Carol and Nicki should be meeting with the chairs of both east and west reserve committees at the same time to ensure they get this right. I'll have to see if I can find out if our people met with the current west reserve chair. It would be interesting to know.

I know our system out here in the west is a little better, but not by much. I'm just asking you since you seem very knowledgeable about what is going on in the east with the reserves by virtue of your postings.


Do you guys have a Reserve Chair on the east? If so, did the negotiating team sit down with them? Not sure if our people here on the west met with our chair but in my opinion that would be the most intelligent thing to do. Talk to the current Reserve Chairs and really find out
what works, what doesn't work and what the current reserves would consider acceptable vs. unacceptable. If they didn't bother to meet then that speaks volumes as to what and who they consider important amongst our FA ranks. It seems to me that Gary, Mike, Carol and Nicki should be meeting with the chairs of both east and west reserve committees at the same time to ensure they get this right. I'll have to see if I can find out if our people met with the current west reserve chair. It would be interesting to know.

I know our system out here in the west is a little better, but not by much. I'm just asking you since you seem very knowledgeable about what is going on in the east with the reserves by virtue of your postings.

Sherri Baker is our reserve chair on the East...but from what I understand from talking to her when Sherri tries to explain how bad the system is to Carole A. it's like pulling teeth to get C.A. to listen.
Sherri Baker is our reserve chair on the East...but from what I understand from talking to her when Sherri tries to explain how bad the system is to Carole A. it's like pulling teeth to get C.A. to listen.
That is because unless you have over 30 years Carol A. does not give a rat's a-s about you. The first point of agenda for whoever gets elected to office in PHL is to make sure CA is taken out of her postions both as chair of the scheduling com. and from the JNC. What will she do if she can't sit in SAN and collect 105 hours intl pay? Hopefull finally retire because I doubt she will ever fly again to make a paycheck.
Graf/ Cangey/ Elias/ Jones in some combination would be amazing. Seeing what these people have done in the past, we would be in good hands. Let's make sure we get the word out to the Int'l girls....

On a side note, can anyone offer any info on Linton? Don't know her, has she been involved in the past? I realize we don't even know who is running yet, but any info is appreciated.....

Time for a regime change...LA #2 needs to go......

Folks..try to stay on thread topic...or start another thread regarding the crap the JNC is swallowing from management.

Elias and Cagney hopefully are running for LECP and VP. Out of those 4, I would only ensure that Elias and Cagney were taking the first two seats. Graf won't get enough votes to beat McCork...she is just too senior for the PHL base to have as a President.

She should not be running for those first two seats...she knows better than that I hope. I've worked with Graf...she would be good for back up support but NOT a lead union position as Pres or VP.

But, if most of you think that it would create a balance in representation...then I surely can support that publically. I do remember the sacrifices she has made including resigning her seat last term to prompt Laura to resign as well.
That is deserving of emense respect!

And, that should not go unoticed. Remind the f/as of that immense sacrifice to get a bottom feeder like Laura out of office.
Folks..try to stay on thread topic...or start another thread regarding the crap the JNC is swallowing from management.

Elias and Cagney hopefully are running for LECP and VP. Out of those 4, I would only ensure that Elias and Cagney were taking the first two seats. Graf won't get enough votes to beat McCork...she is just too senior for the PHL base to have as a President.

She should not be running for those first two seats...she knows better than that I hope. I've worked with Graf...she would be good for back up support but NOT a lead union position as Pres or VP.


I started another thread regarding the proposals and it WAS CLOSED and MERGED with this one.... You will notice my post in here makes NO SENSE to the topic. I was further told that I DID NOT seek permission to start an AFA thread (even though they had NOTHING to do with each other). I told this to the mods and was told that they DO NOT NEED permission to move, close, etc a thread. Talk about power trip. It is a friggin discussion board...

Anyway............... We are only aloud ONE thread a week NO MATTER WHAT the subject concerning AFA is!!!!!! :down: :down:
Mine was closed as well Twice. And then accused of not being able to read. Very rude indeed.
Mine was closed as well Twice. And then accused of not being able to read. Very rude indeed.

Yes, very condescending in tone.

I guess the mods don't like being questioned.

Like I said, it is a discussion board...... Let's get over ourselves.
She should not be running for those first two seats...she knows better than that I hope. I've worked with Graf...she would be good for back up support but NOT a lead union position as Pres or VP.
She does seem to have as much or more experience than anyone else.

Experience and a certain willingness to fight the fight could/should be seen as a plus for a leader.
I know there is certainly some issues that will most likely NEVER be resolved between Terry and and Teddy but I feel that Terry being back in the office is EXTREMELY necessary. She should have never left but the reasons for her departure are well known. Terry is passionate about the union and the members it protects. She is knowledgeable when it comes to the contract and can read it forward and backward. Say what anyone must about Terry but her not being passionate and knowledgeable about the union/contract and the f/a's working under it isn't one of them. Terry along with Michael Elias and Rick Cangey and Linton would BLOW the doors off of the offices in Tempe. I'm sure it would make Mike Flores a little uneasy too. Me thinks this would be the beginning of the end for him. :up:
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