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About Thanksgiving Meals

Actually third shift is usually senior to 2nd.
I honestly would have thought that third shift had already eaten dinner at home. Growing up, my dad worked alternating shifts for a utility company. There were allowances for first and second shifts to have dinner, but third shift worked as normal.
As per grand tradition, PIT procedes elegantly while the rest of the system suffers. If they're not in PIT, 'let them eat cake', I suppose.
Thanksgiving would be Wednesday night for Thursday, people dont eat Thanksgiving dinner at home Wednesday as the holiday is Thursday.

It is not fair to feed first and second and alienate third shift.

Third shift does the majority of the maintenance work on the line as the planes are on the ground.

The hangers and distribution are staffed to support the heavy and the line.

Third shifters were the first to work on Thanksgiving. And LSG is open 24/7 preparing meals for the flight of the day.
That was real mature and intelligent. NOT!

People that work third shift should be entilted to the same company sponsored dinner that first and third got, they are still employees of the same company, no shift should be excluded.
People that work third shift should be entilted to the same company sponsored dinner that first and third got, they are still employees of the same company, no shift should be excluded.
I agree. But I still say whhhaaahhhh 😛 .

Lighten up.
And it's not just about a dinner.

ALL EMPLOYEES should have fair and equal rights all across the board. ALL EMPLOYEES should have a say in their future.......whether it's dinner, representation, copies of contracts and on and on and on.
Boston was served airline food as well. Eggs in a tin in the morning and turkey meal stuffed in a tin in the afernoon and yes there were not enough one of the pilots came up stairs to see if there any left for some crews.
Local management droped the ball again.
Phoenix's meal was very good. Boston Market catered turkey, stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cornbread. Station mgmt served the meal to us. Also we had Pepsi, Diet Pepsi or water to drink. No desert though. But you can always buy an ice cream sandwich or cone in the ramp break room for $1.00.
INT Res had a beautiful meal from K & W Cafeteria, some managers and extra supervisors came in. It was a great meal and all shifts ate.

It certainly helped being at work and having a traditional meal, for alot of us it eased the day.

I also have to say thankyou to everyone around the system for making it a customer complaining free day.
I hope that everyones Thanksgiving was,at least at one point, a happy time. 🙂
That was real mature and intelligent. NOT!

People that work third shift should be entilted to the same company sponsored dinner that first and third got, they are still employees of the same company, no shift should be excluded.

Was this a company sponsored Thanksgiving meal? Our work group organized our own Thanksgiving meal potluck style. Our manager smoked a 22 pound turkey and we each brought in an item to make all the fixings to go with it. Over 50 people were involved. Well, if the company did sponsor a system wide dinner, then if they can't serve all then they should serve none. All or none that way there won't be any complaints that someone was left out.

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