ABC's Path to 9/11

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AA to sue?

An email American just sent out:
Mr. xxxxxx,

I think it is important for you to know that ABC had factual errors in its dramatization, and we are looking at possible legal actions as a result. According to the 9-11 Commission report, it was not American Airlines, nor was it even the right airport that was depicted. In reality, it was another airline, flying out of Maine. Please know this was a tragic incident in our company's history and we hope you will be sympathetic to our employees and our airline on this day especially.

Again, we are outraged by this situation, and we alerted ABC about its gross error. It is very unfortunate.


Roger Frizzell
Vice President, Corporate Communications & Advertising
American Airlines
Why don't both you Democrats and Republicans shut up. Fact is both political parties are partly responsible for what happened on 9-11. President Clinton failed to get rid of Bin laden while he was in office. The result was the first WTC bombing and the attacks on our embassies and the USS COLE. When President Bush took office he was warned by Clinton that America's number one enemy was Al Qaeda and Bin laden. President Bush has failed to get rid of Bin Laden also and the result was the 9-11 disaster. Bush was in office for almost eight months when 9-11 happened, so blaming Clinton totally for 9-11 is as ridicullous as is totally blaming Bush.
Why don't both you Democrats and Republicans shut up. Fact is both political parties are partly responsible for what happened on 9-11. President Clinton failed to get rid of Bin laden while he was in office. The result was the first WTC bombing and the attacks on our embassies and the USS COLE. When President Bush took office he was warned by Clinton that America's number one enemy was Al Qaeda and Bin laden. President Bush has failed to get rid of Bin Laden also and the result was the 9-11 disaster. Bush was in office for almost eight months when 9-11 happened, so blaming Clinton totally for 9-11 is as ridicullous as is totally blaming Bush.

Excellent post. There's more than enough blame to go around.

Government let us down five years ago. Not Republicans. Not Democrats. Government. Too many people in Government sitting on their thumbs.

Unfortunately for this life-long Republican - the current Administration seems to delight in reminding us that only members of his party can protect us from terrorists - practically ensuring that this November's election day will be a very sad one in my house - as Democrats will likely retake both sides of Congress and will probably hold them for another 40 years. :(
Care to point out anything that was not factually accurate in that movie? It may have been unflattering, but it contained no lies as the ABC movie does.

P.S. The word is spelled Fahrenheit.

Well TWAnr,

You kinda put that one on the ladies tee for Hopeful. He got a running start at that one - not unlike Happy Gilmore. I'd buy that for a dollar! :up:
Critics have found over 50 flat out deceptions in the movie Fahrenheit 911.
Since most people do not have the patience to read through so much detail
let us cover thirteen obvious ones.
So your point is what? That Disney ABC can show AA letting Atta on the plane even after being warned not to. That Berger letting bin laden get away, even though it never happened? Because mike moore says someone didnt have an 800 number. One is trivial one is a ridiculous flat out made up lies.
Why don't both you Democrats and Republicans shut up. Fact is both political parties are partly responsible for what happened on 9-11. President Clinton failed to get rid of Bin laden while he was in office. The result was the first WTC bombing and the attacks on our embassies and the USS COLE. When President Bush took office he was warned by Clinton that America's number one enemy was Al Qaeda and Bin laden. President Bush has failed to get rid of Bin Laden also and the result was the 9-11 disaster. Bush was in office for almost eight months when 9-11 happened, so blaming Clinton totally for 9-11 is as ridicullous as is totally blaming Bush.
I would have to agree with your post. I do find it amusing that anyone backs either party at this point, as both parties have been sticking it to the working class of this country for years, and yes if you post on this board, there is a 99.9% chance you are at best a middle class workerbee.

But here we go again, another election, and more of the same. It used to be Liberals vs. Neo-Cons over family values, then gay marriage, social security, and on and on. Now it's liberal vs. neo-Cons about terrorism; yawn. All the while the working class is getting worked over, neither party is concerned, and Clinton is hanging out with Bush Sr. Go figure...

I do think the one question everyone should be asking is why there has been zero response from headquarters regarding this documuckery? No TRO to stop it, no press release denying it, and no law suit again Disney. Heck, they reacted to the guy calling headquarters a couple hundred times--faster then they are reacting to this very damaging show.
Excellent post. There's more than enough blame to go around.

Government let us down five years ago. Not Republicans. Not Democrats. Government. Too many people in Government sitting on their thumbs.

It is irellevent at this point who is to blame, fact is we are in a war with an enemy who is determined to kill as many of us as they can. They make no distinction between military/civilian, they see all westerners as enemies and they have vowed to slaughter us.

we are fighting an Ideaology that is being taught to childern in mosques that martyrdom is holy, That we are evil and must be exterminated. We have to defeat these radical Islamist or they will defeat us.

We need to stand together as a Nation in time of War no matter what party occupies the white house, we must support our troops and not let our enemies see our country as being weak kneed and unable to finish the fight. It only gives them encouragement and the will to continue attacking.

President Bush said from the very beginning that this war would be very long, that the terrorist are spread around the globe, and that we would hunt them down. He did'nt lie, it will be an ongoing war until the Ideaolgy that is being fostered by extremist is removed from the muslim religion and those countries have been purged of radicals who wish to harm us.

We must go after those who wish to do us harm and take the fight to them, or we can pullback as many posters here have advocated and wait for the next 9/11.

Whomever occupies the white house in 2008 will have a very full plate to handle!
George Bush decided he is no longer interested in bin laden. The executive branch has disbanded the force put together to find him. Now the senate has passed a bill to reinstate that group and its objective. Find the people responsible and bring them to justice.

Support our troops is great and we all do. But they are in Iraq, which had zero to do with terrorism WMD's or any connection to 911. Fighting terrorism and the people who seek to harm us is a noble thing and the right thing to do. But until we focus on that and stop wasting time and money on a failed policy in Iraq, nothing will change. Its not winnable or sustainable. Was not for the Roman, the English or US.
Someone questioned what happened with Disney since 2003 to shy away from F911 but to air this. Michael Eisner resigned for starters, so it's likely that the decisiont to not distribute F911 was driven by Eisner's distaste for Moore. His replacement, Bob Iger, was a long-time ABC executive, so his loyalties lie with getting the network rating up, and this definitely created enough controversy to get some short-term ratings gain...

But that's just idle speculation on my part...

I do think the one question everyone should be asking is why there has been zero response from headquarters regarding this documuckery? No TRO to stop it, no press release denying it, and no law suit again Disney.

Perhaps because nobody from AMR got to preview it in advance, unlike the Clintons?....

And it does appear that Corp Comm has already said (per the blog link above) that they are investigating legal options.

Since millions of people have already TiVo'd this showing (as I did), the damage is already done, so maybe AA will be able to succesfully sue Disney for damages, especially since there are still lawsuits pending on this very issue.
Since millions of people have already TiVo'd this showing (as I did), the damage is already done, so maybe AA will be able to succesfully sue Disney for damages, especially since there are still lawsuits pending on this very issue.
They may just be filing suit, but as with most things in this country, you are guilty until proven innocent. There are people that are no longer going to fly AA because of this, and they are not going to wait for AA to sue Disney. The damage is done is what I'm saying and without a shot being fired back the other way. A lawsuit will take years before it is settled. A full page ad in every newspaper, along with at the very least a press release slamming this show would go a long way in my opinion. They had over 24 hours notice of what was going to be aired, I'm just questioning the slow reaction time by headquarters.
They may just be filing suit, but as with most things in this country, you are guilty until proven innocent. There are people that are no longer going to fly AA because of this, and they are not going to wait for AA to sue Disney.

You're probably right, but if AA actually lost the business forever of every dumbass at the airport who shrieks to the poor ticket agents "I'll (We'll) never fly this blank blank airline ever again," then who's currently filling the airplanes? I'm certain some toothless double-wide occupant, O, Q and S fare buyers will say that when they see this show, but next time they do a search for el-cheapo fares, if AA is the cheapest or most convenient for their schedule, then they'll be back. Like a bad penny, garbage is hard to get rid of. B)
I don't think it is that simple. Requesting a TRO would have been far more damaging, especially since the press would immediately side with Disney and jump all over AA for trying to restrain freedom of the press, regardless if the portrayal were accurate or not (which it isn't).

AA has rightfully tried to keep a low profile on and around the 9/11 anniversary. Taking out full page ads or issuing press releases accusing Disney of libel or slander would have done nothing more than draw even more negative attention to AA than we already get everytime they show planes crashing into WTC or the Pentagon on fire.
You're probably right, but if AA actually lost the business forever of every dumbass at the airport who shrieks to the poor ticket agents "I'll (We'll) never fly this blank blank airline ever again," then who's currently filling the airplanes? I'm certain some toothless double-wide occupant, O, Q and S fare buyers will say that when they see this show, but next time they do a search for el-cheapo fares, if AA is the cheapest or most convenient for their schedule, then they'll be back. Like a bad penny, garbage is hard to get rid of. B)
I can agree with you on that, but then at very least come out swinging on behalf of their employees and defend the false accusations against its employees.
We need to stand together as a Nation in time of War no matter what party occupies the white house, we must support our troops and not let our enemies see our country as being weak kneed and unable to finish the fight. It only gives them encouragement and the will to continue attacking.

We must go after those who wish to do us harm and take the fight to them, or we can pullback as many posters here have advocated and wait for the next 9/11.

The biggest problem with this "WAR ON TERRROR" is the same with Vietnam,Korea,etc. Congress has failed to really to declare WAR on the terrorists. We need a real war where the whole country is turned into a war machine(like WWII) to defeat these bastards. We invade every country that harbors or aids these criminals until they are all wiped out. Every American joins the war effort or they get kicked out of the country simple as that. This is the only way get rid of the Al Qaeda's,Hezbolla's,etc. out there!

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