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Some don't live their life on a bulletin board, libtards don't have to work ya know. Disprove what? That you and the Tree are godless atheists who hate any type of reference and/or American History that this country was founded on Christ and his teachings in the bible? Yup, got it. Good thing you atheists are less than 1% of Americans, so your opinions are about that in relevance.

Yap yap Fox News....yap yap Bush.... yap yap Rush....yap yap Hannity....yap yap Palin....yap yap Iraq....yap yap Afganistan....yap yap bigot....yap yap racist....yap yap gay rights....

Here some Liberal Logic 101

Read some of tbe Federalist papers. You might learn something about our country's history.
Read some of tbe Federalist papers. You might learn something about our country's history.
Yep, I've read some of the Madison and and Hamilton writings. You need to stop assuming no one but the liberal reads or learns, it's a serious liberal downfall you exhibit all too often. Along with spelling errors, which you have also (tbe Federalist papers?)

You really need to get a life besides this BB, I mean 5204 posts since July 2010....jeez you gotta have a big flat ### from sitting here all day and all nite.
Reading is not the same as comprehending and learning.

Typing on a phone is not the easiest thing in the world. Please dont worry about how I spend my time. Im doing plenty fine with my life. Just more assumptions with no substantiation.
Reading is not the same as comprehending and learning.

Typing on a phone is not the easiest thing in the world. Please dont worry about how I spend my time. Im doing plenty fine with my life. Just more assumptions with no substantiation.
Well when I read personally, I usually comprehend and understand what I've read.

Glad to hear your fine in life. It's not an assumption Tree, you seem to spend multiple hours here nearly everyday. Not that I care, but the BB is the life of the omnipotent Tree. 5206 posts div by 3 years = approx 4.8 posts a day. Numbers don't lie.
I don't think you do but what ever.

You think 5 posts a day is a life? I can male 5 posts in 20 min or so.
"libtards don't have to work ya know."

Fwiw, i have supported myself, and mine, since I was 17, when I decided that it wouldn't be right to take my father's $$ and not follow his rules. Did my time in the service. And did it well. Never took a dime of gov't $$, even when I was eligible, and needed it. One out of college with no grants, or loans, another close behind.

You made some silly claims about history

I refuted those

Youe resopnse... Typical bs

No substance, all name calling and personal attack

Very Christian of you, oh you of great faith

Uh... Not so much....

"Your Christ, I like... Your Christians... Not so much..."

I. Ghandi. (Loosely....)
