Well, all of my flights are FULL. My last couple of trips have been booked to 100%. No matter what, people are flying on US.
BRAVO Dougie and your Corporate Clowns...........take a bow! You have manged to really screw things up beyond words! And YOU wanted to buy Delta..........I'd rather see Bin Laden living in the White House. Things are so disgusting many of your own employees will not fly the airline nor endorse your application for service to China. Tempe is the laughing stock amongst many of the employees........the koolaid drinkers have their own "agendas" so they contine to state The Planes are STILL FULL or IT ISN'T THAT BAD. It is DISGUSTING! Period. :down:How sad is it when employees have so little faith in the operation (and the management that runs it!) that they choose to fly the competition? :down:
FFs or Kettles?Well, all of my flights are FULL. My last couple of trips have been booked to 100%. No matter what, people are flying on US.
The flights may be FULL but LOOK at the operation. It is disgraceful and I certainly wouldn't reccomend it to ANYONE. US is truly a bottom feeder at this point. The business traveller is where the MONEY is at........and Tempe has pissed them off with an UNRELIABLE (many times can't even deliver "Same Day Service"), downgraded the product in Envoy/First/Coach and made the Dividend Miles Program virtually useless. There comes a point when ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.........the customer has a choice in travel and with the current USAirways (and that is the Parker/Kirby version of it) the level of Customer Service delivered, and the level of cancellations-----You would have to be crazy/foolish or a downright cheapskate yourself to consider "Flying The Flag". :down:Man-oh-man, you would think with all these people leaving there might actually be a few seats open. However, I kid you not, EVERY single seat has been full on almost every flight I worked. First class filled to the gills with Chairmen and chairmen all over the aft cabin as well. I wish more folks would leave actually, then I could nonrev somewhere or maybe Tempe would get a message that something has got to change. Until then, everyone can keep talking about leaving US (which I really think is probably the same ten people), but until people actually do leave, guess what, nothing is going to change!
:I refuse to spend one thin dime with USAirways. When I go on vacation somewhere, I book a seat and don't even consider pass travel. And I NEVER fly USAirways. If that's the only option, I change vacation destinations.
I've stopped asking agents if we are full, and can they "save" the last row for us. Of course, if I say this to a West agent, they look at me as if I have three eye-balls.Man-oh-man, you would think with all these people leaving there might actually be a few seats open. However, I kid you not, EVERY single seat has been full on almost every flight I worked. First class filled to the gills with Chairmen and chairmen all over the aft cabin as well.
Things are so disgusting many of your own employees will not fly the airline nor endorse your application for service to China. Tempe is the laughing stock amongst many of the employees........the koolaid drinkers have their own "agendas" so they contine to state The Planes are STILL FULL or IT ISN'T THAT BAD. It is DISGUSTING! Period. :down:
Until, "DP and Sidekick Scooter" took over, every CEO I can remember has said, "Full flights do not necessarily mean profits".
The obvious corollary to that assertion (which seems to always escape the thought process of those CEOs) is that if full flights are not generating profits:
1. The CEO is either incompetent, lazy, stupid or any combination thereof, and
2. How then do you generate profits if the flights are already full and not making money?