- Aug 19, 2002
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It is worse than you think:...but five years later, bin Laden is walking around as free as you and me...
Jonathan Chait:
A Fighting Image Is Everything
Bush helping Republicans by highlighting the war on terror is like Clinton running on his record of marriage fidelity.
September 10, 2006
FIVE YEARS AGO, President Bush stood on the pile of rubble that had been the World Trade Center and announced, "The people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon!" Remember that? Well, the people who knocked down those buildings just won.
Last week, in a news story that was buried by all the major newspapers, Pakistan signed an agreement to "allow militants to operate freely in one of Pakistan's most restive border areas in return for a pledge to halt attacks and infiltration into Afghanistan." Which is to say, Pakistan surrendered. The border areas of Pakistan are where thousands of Al Qaeda militants and (almost certainly) Osama bin Laden himself reside. On Thursday, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf made a not very reassuring statement that he'd go after the insurgents' command structure.
It's worth briefly refreshing our memories as to why Bin Laden and his closest friends are hiding out in Pakistan. In 2002, we had them surrounded near Tora Bora in Afghanistan, but Gen. Tommy Franks, the former head of U.S. Central Command, persuaded our commander-in-chief to rely on poorly equipped, ill-trained Afghan mercenaries of dubious loyalty, rather than U.S. soldiers, to finish the job. (Apparently the operating theory was, if you can't trust mercenaries, who can you trust?) Shockingly, as Peter Bergen reported in 2004 in the Atlantic Monthly, Bin Laden paid off the mercenaries, who let him escape to Pakistan. And now the Pakistanis, who were at least nominally trying to hunt him down, have thrown in the towel.
Los Angeles Times