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The founding fathers still believed in the Judeo-Christian values, regardless if the believed in Jesus Christ or not. Abraham Lincoln was on the fence of being a practicing christian. He did say this about the bible; "In regard to this great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong." He also spoke these words at the Gettysburg Address: "that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Here again, arguing with a person who detests any mention of religion and proclaims "without god life is everything" is about like herding cats.

Democrats want government regulation for everything, look at the Nanny States like Kalifornia, New Yawk, Detroitlet Michigan to see where the Libtards in control have driven these tax-ridden states to near extinction.

How many EO's is the difference Obama vs Bush? I'm pretty sure Obama is winning the EO race.

My #### does stink, but nothing like libtard cowardice.

Some did, most did not. Not believing in murder, adultery or theft is not a uniquely religious belief. Lincoln was not at the signing of the COTUS. The COTUS makes no reference to any god or religion. I believe that was by design.

Republicans also wish to regulate every aspect of peoples lives. They just wish to do it in manner in which you agree so you do not see it as regulations.

And as with so many things you would be wrong. Term for term right now Bush is winning the EO race. Bush signed 173 EO's in his first term to Obama's 147. Bush signed an additional 118 in his second term. According to the Federal register Obama has signed 162 EO's as of Aug 6, 2013.

Yea yea ... blah blah blah libitard ... blah blah blah .... Kalifornia .. blah blah blah .... cowardice ..... blah blah blah.

Perhaps you should check the local government debt in Texas. The fine republican state of Texas is in the hole over $190 billion.

Your problem is you are used the the smell of your own crap so you don't think it smells. The rest of us know better. And we can actually spell.
Some did, most did not. Not believing in murder, adultery or theft is not a uniquely religious belief. Lincoln was not at the signing of the COTUS. The COTUS makes no reference to any god or religion. I believe that was by design.

Republicans also wish to regulate every aspect of peoples lives. They just wish to do it in manner in which you agree so you do not see it as regulations.

And as with so many things you would be wrong. Term for term right now Bush is winning the EO race. Bush signed 173 EO's in his first term to Obama's 147. Bush signed an additional 118 in his second term. According to the Federal register Obama has signed 162 EO's as of Aug 6, 2013.

Yea yea ... blah blah blah libitard ... blah blah blah .... Kalifornia .. blah blah blah .... cowardice ..... blah blah blah.

Perhaps you should check the local government debt in Texas. The fine republican state of Texas is in the hole over $190 billion.

Your problem is you are used the the smell of your own crap so you don't think it smells. The rest of us know better. And we can actually spell.
You start.... It was your argument...

And your implied contention that it was ok for Bush, but not for Obama...

You 'splain it

I honestly don't see how that bit of reasoning can work

Let me try (they think we are the same person anyway so it makes sense to answer my own question).

Bush has been the first modern president who has never vetoed any bill that was sent to him. Why is that? When you dig a little more you find out that Bush issued signing statements that negated 750 laws that he felt was not in line with his interpretation of the COTUS. The US Congress passed a law banning torture. Bush disagreed with that law and ignored it via EO 13440. In 2006 he signed a statement that disregarded a bi-partisan bill regarding the Coastal Barrier Resource Act.

In 2006, there was a bi-partisan task force that investigated the use of EO's. Their conclusion was that in many instances, Bush abused his power. The ABA later passed the report by voice vote with the same conclusion but the media never really picked that one up and ran with it. I guess that might explain Hackmans (and others) ignorance about Bush's (and Obama's) abuse of the EO.

And if you want sources, go find them your self. I found them with little effort, I see no reason why you should not be able to the the same.
Obama is leading the pack in Congressional end arounds and with some three more years left will run it into the ground for a new record........that and a few other Bushisms..

Yea. Still not sure how this ties into money growing on trees.

It refers to your clueless @$$! 😛 😛 😛 I think you are getting confused which name you're using and who's quoting who, Ifly 😛 😛 😛
It refers to your clueless @$$! 😛 😛 😛 I think you are getting confused which name you're using and who's quoting who, Ifly 😛 😛 😛

This #### is getting funnier bynthe minute

I think they just can't believe there are actually people, plural, willing to call BS on their righteous crap.

If one does it, they'll think he's crazy...

If two do it, they'll think...

If three people do it, maybe they'll think it's a movement...!

(... Or something like that)
This #### is getting funnier bynthe minute

I think they just can't believe there are actually people, plural, willing to call BS on their righteous crap.

If one does it, they'll think he's crazy...

If two do it, they'll think...

If three people do it, maybe they'll think it's a movement...!

(... Or something like that)

Personally I think your argument goes off the rails when you say "They'll think".
"The founding fathers still believed in the Judeo-Christian values, regardless if the believed in Jesus Christ or not."

Finally, beginning to see the light.

Now chew on this bit of history, maybe even go check it out, try and disprove it.

Those Judeo Christian values you speak of were actually quite common among civilizations around the world. In the western world, the source of much of the legal code, ideas of justice, etc., was the Romans, pre JC, and the Greeks. Those heathens of many, many Gods. Gods stacked on top of gods.

Thanks to the wisdom, open mindedness and liberal thinking of Alexander the Great, those sources of our western, eventually Anglo-Saxon (judeo christian to you...) values were heavily influenced by the eastern civilizations. The Arabs. Pre Prophet version.

Yup... The Arabian people are the source of a whole damn lot of what you believe.

Nope, they were not all a bunch of ignorant desert rats. They truly were a very advanced culture, learned and pioneers in math, science, agriculture, etc. Alexander the Great recognized this and brought much of it home. Their culture influenced the Greeks, which influenced the Romans, which is really where western version of the "judeo christian" values you cite come from.

The Eastern version was a little different, but largely the same. Ish...

Short version.

Incidentally, you can also thank the Arabs, post prophet this time, for preserving the knowledge and wisdom of the ages during the dark ages, when the Roman Catholic church (all the Christians there were in the western world...) was doing everything it could to eliminate any hint of science or higher learning that didn't suit it's purposes. The Muslims also kindly deposited this knowledge in libraries in Seville and other places in the Iberian peninsula, before their conquest ran out of steam there. The English and French found these libraries at the beginning of the Renaissance, and of course promptly carted all the best stuff homemwith them.

Short version, again.

So, you see, the point is, all this hooey you have been fed about the natural supremacy of the judeo christian tradition (that is a contradiction in itself anyway...) is a bunch of... Hooey.

Especially the part about this country being founded as a "Christian Nation". It was obviously, and by design, founded to be a republic of individual liberties. It says so right on it. In the Constitution.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Notice the "secure the blessings of liberty" part.

Notice also the lack of any rederence to any god, God, Christ, Yahweh, creed, faith, spirituality, belief, etc.

The ideas of individual rights and liberties expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights grew outof The Enlightenment and were a forceful repudiation of the old, traditional, conservative, western Christian values, as they pertained to government.

I have stipulated consistently that obviously the majority of the colonists did come from, grow up in, and live in a predominately, if nominally, western christian English society. Still, much of what they did in the new world was a rejection of the Evangelical, Church of England, Establishment, Christianity of the day.

Personally I think your argument goes off the rails when you say "They'll think".

It was Arlo Guthrie, not me, and it was a story, in song, not an argument...

But I get what you are saying
I think the song goes off the rails (in relation to this forum) when it says "They'll think". Better? 🙂
I know. Just joking around. Nothing malicious intended.


At least they play well together.....
It refers to your clueless @$$! 😛 😛 😛 I think you are getting confused which name you're using and who's quoting who, Ifly 😛 😛 😛

Ifly2tree is a juggling act and is trying his best to not drop his balls.:lol:

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