WorldTraveler said:
once again you miss the point.
the point is about a strong industry.
WorldTraveler said:
no, you didn't engage in a conversation.
You engaged in a full blown assault on my character in a pathetic attempt to try to prove your point.
And your lack of the very same self-control that you claim obviously doesn't include really putting me on ignore because you couldn't possibly be replying to the issues you are if you had me on ignore.
so much for worrying about credibility when you reference things while saying I have been ignored.
Doesn't really matter whether you want to ignore me or not.
You have continually opened business discussions including on this thread about AAL's stock price and then fail to be able to discuss the very basic data that you quoted. I didn't post that DL had a larger upside on its stock price than AAL; you posted that. remember?
specific to this discussion, AAL doesn't and won't have the upside that DAL has until AA starts making a number of the major changes to the way the business is oeprated that DL did first and Parker wisely is now doing.
The problem is you don't engage in conversation.
Every topic/thread, even on non-DL boards is contaminated wtih DL this and DL that etc.
You squawk about DL DL DL DL like a parrot.
That's not conversation.
Get some self control man.
And please don't start to talk about credibility.
You're the one on these boards that has been caught being 'loose' with numbers, fabricating definitions, and you've even been caught flat out lying!
Even then you resort to being a weasel and start looking for any kinds of disclaimers / qualifying statements
Your arrogance is so astounding that you've even attempted to lecture about topics that you have no qualification(s) for.
Specific to this discussion, yeah, AA doesn't have an upside, ignore the recently released earnings, lets just ignore those because it doesn't fit the narrative of DL uber alles!
WorldTraveler said:
and I don't let those who trash my character because I speak the truth about the subjects that they want to discuss but clearly can't put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.
We aren't talking about DL. We're talking about AA and for it pursuing a plan which I said they had no choice but to pursue and which involves getting rid of alot of historic ways that AA did business - most recently cancelling a bunch of underperforming routes for the winter.
The fact that you can't stand to hear that someone actually did it and provided a template for Parker to use says far more about you than me.
I dno't need the truth filtered thru lenses to make it palatable for me to be able to hear.
This is rich coming from the person who writes more dislaimers, qualifying statements and fine print than all posters on here combined!
You don't speak the truth.
You're the only one talking about DL on every airline thread.
You're almost at the point where you're going to end up talking to yourself (and spectator).