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AAL Stock

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Thanks, guys.

"Why does he/she mention $40 a share as not being sufficient?" I didn't say $40/shr was not sufficient. I said that she told me that "around $40/shr" would not fit in the cost basis column when reporting profit/loss on a stock sale. That the cost basis had to be a dollar amount in U.S. dollars. :lol:
jimntx said:
Thanks, guys.

"Why does he/she mention $40 a share as not being sufficient?" I didn't say $40/shr was not sufficient. I said that she told me that "around $40/shr" would not fit in the cost basis column when reporting profit/loss on a stock sale. That the cost basis had to be a dollar amount in U.S. dollars. :lol:
Not being a finance type, I wonder why $18 a share profit wouldn't be an issue.
You guys are talking past each other.
Jim's not complaining about the amount of gain, nor is his accountant.
Jim is merely relating his humorous conversation with his accountant, where the accountant told him that "around $40/sh" would not be sufficient info for his tax return.    Accountants want EXACT cost basis for the stock, which should be the $22.55/sh value that was ordinary income to Jim when it was issued to him in 2013.   Gain above that would be capital gain, eligible for favorable treatment (lower rate) if he holds it a year or more.   
FWAAA said:
You guys are talking past each other.
Jim's not complaining about the amount of gain, nor is his accountant.
Jim is merely relating his humorous conversation with his accountant, where the accountant told him that "around $40/sh" would not be sufficient info for his tax return.    Accountants want EXACT cost basis for the stock, which should be the $22.55/sh value that was ordinary income to Jim when it was issued to him in 2013.   Gain above that would be capital gain, eligible for favorable treatment (lower rate) if he holds it a year or more.   
Sorry i missed the attempt at humor.
eolesen said:
Nothing quite like making it easy to follow, eh?...
Yea....Wanted to be specific because one has to look in Stock Options and not Common Stock.
MetalMover said:
Sorry i missed the attempt at humor.
No worries - looks like one of those classic examples of humour not easily translating to the interwebs.    🙂
Better than getting raped in your 401K when you can not sell or transfer shares like the UA EFLOP.
Funny thing is we could buy more if we wanted... 😛
State Street accomplished their fiduciary duty by not selling shares until it went to zero.
Another funny thing is my PBGC check is issued by State Street... 😛
#### your Quitchen... B)
On July 23rd quarterly results were posted with record profits announced. Our loads are good and we are making money. Stock opened at $43.22. Since then it has dropped down to $35.44 as of this mornings trading. Our stock has dropped almost 19% in less than a month. WTF? I though good news was a reason for stock to perform on the plus side. All the good news on the companies performance and it drops????
boston said:
Putin is what is happening.
Yea why couldn't Putin had invaded Ukraine when the stock was first listed so it would have dropped and we would have received more shares. Damn Putin.
UAL & DAL are both down 5% or so for the month as well. With a shooting war now underway in Iraq and Israel, I'm surprised they're not down even further.
oh... I didn't want to make any comparisons.

maybe the shooting isn't all of the explanation.
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